16 shows

jūnijs 27, 2024

Eva ist gezwungen, ihr unterirdisches Refugium zu verlassen und findet sich plötzlich in einer Welt wieder, die sie nie für möglich gehalten hätte. Während sie sich durch gefährliche Gegenden kämpft, begegnet sie unbekannten Zivilisationen und sucht nach der Antwort auf die alles entscheidende Frage: Ist sie der letzte Mensch?

Die Geschichte dieses Animes beginnt in der fernen Zukunft, in den Weiten der Galaxie. Die galaktische Allianz der Menschen ist ständig im Krieg gegen eine groteske Rasse von Wesen, die „Hidiaasu“ genannt werden. Im Laufe der intensiven Schlacht wird der junge Leutnant Ledo und seine humanoide, mobile Waffe „Chamber“ von einer Raum-Zeit-Verzerrung verschluckt. Als Ledo aus seinem künstlich erzeugten „Winterschlaf“ aufwacht, stellt er fest, dass er die Erde erreicht hat. Der Planet an der verlorenen Grenze. Auf diesem Planeten, welcher komplett von Meeren überflutet ist, leben die Menschen in/auf Flotten riesiger Schiffe und bergen Relikte aus den Tiefen der Meere, um zu überleben.

Ledo kommt auf einem Schiff mit dem Namen „Gargantia“ an. Ohne Kenntnisse über die Geschichte des Planeten oder ihre Kultur ist er gezwungen, bei Amy, einem 15-jährigen Mädchen, und Botin an Bord der Gargantia-Flotte zu leben.

decembris 10, 2022

A science-fiction drama adapted from the novel of the same name by the famous science fiction writer Liu Cixin. “Three-Body Problem” tells the story of nanomaterials scientist Wang Miao and criminal police Shi Qiang who jointly unveiled the mystery of the “Three-Body Problem” world of an extraterrestrial civilization..

jūnijs 29, 2003

Twenty year-old Julius Caesar flees Rome for his life during the reign of Sulla but through skill and ambition rises four decades later to become Rome's supreme dictator.

In the fourth and fifth centuries, B.C., the Greeks built an empire that stretched across the Mediterranean from Asia to Spain. They laid the foundation of modern science, politics, warfare and philosophy, and produced some of the most breathtaking art and architecture the world has ever seen. It was perhaps the most spectacular flourishing of imagination and achievement in recorded history.

novembris 4, 2001

This three-part special tells the story of the Egyptian empire from its beginning in 1560 B.C. to its collapse in 1080 B.C. Interviews with scholars and dramatic re-creations bring the story to life.

augusts 4, 2013

A monument that may explain why the people of a thriving ancient city vanished from Earth. A tablet that reveals a towering truth about one of the Bible's strangest stories. Evidence that the 10 plagues of Egypt were real natural phenomena. Join us as we follow a team of investigators around the globe, using modern science and technology to uncover ancient mysteries surrounding these and other puzzles from our past. By examining these relics and legends, we hope to gain insights into who we are, where we come from, and where we are going.

janvāris 26, 2013

Mankind Decoded is the intriguing story of how 12 timeless forces have shaped human history in extraordinary ways. Find out how the implacable forces of nature have compelled us to adapt or die; how new technologies have transformed our existence; how our need for food brought forth civilization; and the desire for luxuries changed our world.

Actor Cha Seung-won, passionate for ancient civilizations, sets off on an extraordinary expedition to Mexico alongside actor Kim Sung-kyun and Juyeon from 'THE BOYZ'. Together, they delve into the captivating remnants of the enigmatic Mayan Empire. Throughout their journey, they unravel the mysteries surrounding the Maya civilization by visiting historical sites and immersing themselves in the authentic local lifestyle. In addition to exploring the civilization firsthand, they also showcase their culinary skills by creating fusion dishes that combine Korean and Mexican flavors using traditional ingredients.

septembris 9, 2016

The British actress goes on a 2,000 mile journey across the four main islands of Japan, travelling from North to South meeting local people and absorbing the culture.

At the world-famous Explorers Club, a gathering place for trailblazers, club member Josh Gates recounts the greatest adventures of all time.

augusts 2, 1998

An eight-part chronicle of armed conflict from the beginning of recorded history to modern times, exploring the political and cultural motivations for---and consequences of---warfare.

Ist unser Geselligkeitstrieb der Kern der Zivilisation? In Gruppen wurden wir sesshaft, betrieben Landwirtschaft, beteten Götter an, verkauften Waren, bauten Städte und führten auch Kriege. „Am Anfang war das Wir“ erzählt eine Geschichte, die sich weltweit ereignete, die Geschichte unserer Zivilisationen.

The Greco-Persian War was pivotal in the creation of the modern world - yet all that is generally remembered are the 300 Spartans at Thermopylae. This documentary examines the whole history, from the Ionian Revolt (497BC) to the Peace of Callias (449BC), and also covers the legacies of the war - including Democracy.

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