16 部电影

1960 年 06 月 22 日

Marion 在亚利桑那州凤凰城上班,每天中午都急匆匆地与男友幽会,然而男友却因为推说没钱给前妻赡养费而迟迟不肯离婚。这天Marion要替老板存进4万美元进银行,一时冲动之下她决定捐款潜逃。沿途她换车后又遇下雨,身心备受煎熬的她见到路边有一家贝兹汽车旅馆,便决定留下过夜。贝兹汽车旅馆的老板Norman 是个个性良善的青年,只是面对房间中的母亲十分敬畏。Marion只想赶紧度过今晚,然而在她淋浴时被恐怖杀害。Marion的妹妹Lila 一路追踪失踪的姐姐过来,也住进了贝兹汽车旅馆,私家侦探Milton则帮助Lila将目标锁定在Norman身上。一切都似乎与Norman的母亲有关,那控制着儿子的母亲,到底是何方神圣?

1959 年 03 月 19 日



2014 年 03 月 14 日

Adam 是一所大学的历史系副教授,和女朋友生活在一起,每天上班下班,过着平静的生活。直到一天,他在一部电影里发现了一个长得和他一模一样的演员。他利用互联网找到了该演员的资料,并联系上了他。 和Adam长得一模一样的演员叫Anthony,有一个怀孕的妻子,他一开始只把Adam当成一个疯狂的影迷,直到上网搜索了Adam的资料,终于下决心和Adam见面。 两人约定在一个旅馆见面,Adam见到一个长得和自己一模一样的Anthony,心生恐惧,告知对方此后不要再见便匆匆离开。然而几天后,Anthony却出现在Adam家中,并提出了一个奇怪的要求.....

韩国反恐局最优秀特工李正宇(郑雨盛 饰)偶遇情报局展厅向导尹惠仁(秀爱 饰),被其深深吸引,无奈屡屡示好均被冰山美人果断拒绝,不解之余渐渐感觉到惠仁身上似乎有别样身世迫其努力与他人保持距离。   时值韩国自主研发最新核反应堆关键时刻,而这一消息对名为“雅典娜”的组织而言则如惊天霹雳,此秘密存在的组织一直掌控着全球能源市场,为保住其统治地位,不惜发动恐怖袭击甚至挑起战争。此次韩国成了他们的眼中钉,为达目的,组织动用了其核心成员,安插在美国情报局东亚分部的部长孙赫(车胜元 饰)利用职务之便,不惜一切阻止韩国的研发进程,必要再掀一番血雨腥风。   孙赫佯称协助韩方工作被美国情报局派回韩国,即刻开始大规模网罗整个东亚关于核反应堆研发的最新情报,甚至大开杀戒,铲除一切了解雅典娜组织,或是被韩国反恐局发现的组织成员。不断发生的离奇案件引起了反恐局的怀疑,通过追查线索,发现被杀嫌犯的同伙现在意大利维琴察有进一步图谋。李正宇及其前辈金基秀(金民钟 饰)被派往维琴察调查真相。本来毫无头绪的李正宇经历一波波偷袭,最后终于发现对方的目标竟是绑架隐姓埋名在维琴察读书的韩国总统独生女……

1968 年 03 月 27 日

这部战争片于捷克斯洛伐克实地拍摄,故事发生在森林里的一座古堡,主人公为自己创造了性格、过去和感情,但最终一切现实又反了过来,把他推回了森林中的炼狱。L’Homme qui ment缺乏传统意义上的连贯情节,但是其复杂的对称、逆转与颠倒模式能提供相较正常叙事毫不逊色的快感与满足。



Hans and Jan Bitner live separated from each other by an iron curtain. Hans works in an office in Strasbourg, he leads a quiet, almost monotonous life. Bitner is a Polish patriot, involved in the affairs of "Solidarity" and the fight for a free Poland. He lives in Sopot with his family. Seemingly, their lives are completely different, but there is one detail that connected their lives forever. Both will have to answer very important questions about their identity.

1999 年 09 月 10 日

After receiving a large sum of money on his bank account by mistake, a small-town thirtysomething dissatisfied with his life sees the opportunity of turning back the clock to when things were good, reliving the carefree life of an university student in a big city. Here, he falls in love with a girl and gets her pregnant. There's just one problem: he already has a wife and a daughter back home!

1990 年 12 月 07 日

A costume drama / satire about financial skull-duggery, and confidence tricksters in both the upper and lower classes in Victorian London. A working class man impersonates a lord who is supposedly very rich and a financial wizard. As such he is invited to all the best peoples' parties.

As she goes through hills and rivers looking for Melusina, a mutant and legendary mermaid from the city of Luxembourg, where she grew up, the director talks to four women about their uncertain identities: what it is like to be an immigrant without being one, and to be a Luxembourgish without being one. A journey through memory in rainy weather. A search for ever-fragmented identities. An uncertain attempt at reconciliation. The memory of emigration from a contemporary perspective of a generation with a radically different relation to territories and displacements.

2024 年 02 月 10 日

Succeeding in entering the past, a young man meets his favorite actress whom he adulates with passion. His identifying urges emerge, and the desire of replacement prevails : he makes his idol live forever.

1981 年 04 月 01 日

The notorious and mysterious criminal Furax steals France's famous monuments, replacing them with replicas.

2022 年 07 月 01 日

As a teenager growing up in East London, the constant decisions about how to behave and how these choices affect us is a major responsibility and has been communicated in the narrative. This piece explores this sense of right and wrong and specifically the theme of duality and the Jungian phycological idea that everyone has a shadow side - which are the things within them that they hide from others and sometimes from themselves. My short film will explore these differences in an effort to highlight the power of the conscience.

2017 年 10 月 01 日

Edgar Wilson is a lonely clerk with a monotonous life. One night an advertising spot offers him to change his life but he rejects it. What he does not know is that he has been selected to be replaced by an unknown being.

1974 年 01 月 01 日

Pari takes the responsibility of taking care of her family after her father's death. He is trying to save his younger sister Mariam who is working in a cafe under a one-sided contract with a man named Asghar, and so he goes from Shiraz to Isfahan and meets a rich young man named Parviz. Pari reads in the newspaper that Parviz is looking for a private driver. She comes to Parviz's job by wearing men's clothes and using the name Masha Allah. Pari finds out that Parviz's uncle has decided to marry his daughter Laden to his nephew, and Parviz is against this union. Parviz becomes interested in Pari until Asghar's uncle takes Pari hostage with the connivance of Parviz to agree to marry Laden. Pari escapes from the predicament and appears in Parviz's wedding ceremony where he sees Masha Allah's velvet hat fall and Parviz realizes that "he" is actually Pari.



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