70 部电影

2008 年 02 月 08 日

本杰明·芬恩·费尼根是一名疯狂的淘金猎人,淘金的热情使他无法如常人一般找份像样的工作养家糊口,他的妻子苔丝也向他提出离婚,并在千万富翁奈杰尔的巨轮上找了份不错的工作。一次意外的沉船事故中,芬恩无意中发现一枚碟子碎片,并推断这来源于一批失落了 300 多年的皇家财产,而这批财产同时也是他与妻子苦寻了 8 年的共同理想,芬恩决定这次决不放弃,然而周围却没有一个人相信他的推测。芬恩唯有想出了一个无厘头却不失精妙的方法登上了奈杰尔的船,并能言善辩地说服了杰奈尔与其女儿,甚至是苔丝也加入寻宝计划。然而与此同时,淘金团伙 Bigg Bunny 和芬恩的前导师已经盯上了他们,一场螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后的淘金好戏,即将上演。

萨拉曼卡,西班牙,1936年。在西班牙内战(1936-1939)开始的军事叛乱初期,作家米格尔·德乌纳乌(Miguel de unauno)支持起义,希望结束目前的政治混乱。但当冲突变得血腥时,联阿援助团必须质疑他的最初立场。


2001 年 09 月 28 日

胡安娜(碧拉尔·洛佩兹·德·阿亚拉 Pilar López de Ayala饰),西班牙卡斯迪里亚王朝的公主,费尔南多二世与伊莎贝尔一世的掌上明珠。菲利浦(丹尼埃尔·利奥蒂 Daniele Liotti饰),罗马帝国皇帝马克西米连一世之子。她美艳痴情,多愁善感;他风流倜傥,英俊多情。1496年,胡安娜远嫁弗兰德斯,与菲利浦王子成婚。两人很快就沉浸在深深的欲望与激情里,不可自拔。然而这场无情的政治婚姻,才只是这场悲剧的开始。1504年,在年迈的母亲与兄长相继去世后,胡安娜成为西班牙女王。然而女王的压力以及丈夫的不忠使得胡安娜的精神每况愈下,陷入绝望的嫉妒与孤独的恐慌中。这个用尽一生爱着的男人,居然乘机操纵布尔格斯法庭裁定女王精神崩溃,并随即宣布自己成为新的西班牙国王。

The incredible life of Jorge Semprún (1923-2011): son of a republican intellectual; exiled in the early days of the Spanish Civil War; survivor of the Buchenwald concentration camp during World War II; clandestine communist in Spain during Franco's dictatorship; controversial socialist politician; acclaimed writer, screenwriter and filmmaker.

2024 年 10 月 11 日

Aranzazu Berradre Marín was the pseudonym under which a national policewoman infiltrated terrorist group ETA. When she was only 20, the young woman managed to enter the gang by presenting herself as a militant of the Movement of Conscientious Objection of Logroño, being the only woman who lived in an apartment with ETA leaders. During her infiltration, she made possible the dismantling of the Donosti commando at a crucial moment when the gang was falsely declaring a truce.

Actor Jeremy Irons embarks on an epic journey through the halls of the Prado Museum in Madrid, Spain, two hundred years after its inauguration, along corridors where thousands of masterpieces of all time tell the lives of rulers and common people, and tales about times of war and madness and times of peace and happiness; because, as Goya said, imagination, the mother of the arts, produces impossible monsters, but also unspeakable wonders.

2016 年 02 月 19 日

In a Spain consumed by ambition and power, the future of an empire depends of the mind state of a single woman.

2019 年 03 月 12 日

The personal stories lived by the Uncle, the Father and the Son, respectively, form a tragic experience that is drawn along a line in time. This line is comparable to a crease in the pages of the family album, but also to a crack in the walls of the paternal house. It resembles the open wound created when drilling into a mountain, but also a scar in the collective imaginary of a society, where the idea of salvation finds its tragic destiny in the political struggle. What is at the end of that line? Will old war songs be enough to circumvent that destiny?

By telling the human stories behind the entire value chain that gives life to the Spanish wine with the greatest international projection, ‘Rioja, Land of the Thousand Wines’ portrays a currently blooming wine region underpinned by the talent and the work of the new generations of winemakers that operate side by side with the region’s historic wineries. The film puts the focus on the match between territory and product, wisdom and tradition, and lays a bridge between the origins and the future of Rioja. An immersion into a fascinating world that, through captivating cinematography and careful editing, attempts to find the keys to understanding what Rioja wine is and what makes it so special.

A serious crisis has shaken Spain since the referendum on self-determination and the proclamation of the independence of Catalonia by the government of Carles Puigdemont, bold actions firmly fought by the Spanish government by applying the constitutional article that allows it to place a region under guardianship. While Spain is on the verge of implosion, Europe is holding its breath.



抛锚!升起帆!   是时候开始有史以来最激动人心的冒险了,这是人类历史上第一次环球航行了!在同一个地方结束的旅行,它开始了,但在那之后,一切都将不再一样。这是一个勇敢的航海者的故事,他们执掌了历史,永远改变了历史的方向。正如许多人所知,麦哲伦开始了一段旅程,但我们故事的真正主人公胡安·塞巴斯蒂安·埃尔卡诺却结束了这段旅程。   是什么促使这些水手进行如此危险的航行?他们渴望到达马鲁古群岛,一个印度尼西亚群岛和充满香料和芳香植物的遥远天堂。但是,如果唯一已知的路线是葡萄牙王国的唯一特权,他们将如何到达那里?好吧,答案很简单;从另一个方向航行!然而,等待这些勇敢的人所面临的挑战要大得多:风暴、饥饿、敌对部落以及各种令人难以置信的考验和磨难都会阻碍我们勇敢的旅行者的进步。   1519年,五艘船从塞维利亚启航。三年后,他们中只有一个成功地返回,带来了他们的冒险全圈,最终证明了地球是圆的。

2015 年 01 月 21 日

In the mid-1980s, the GAL, a Spanish paramilitary group, pursues and assassinates members of the terrorist gang ETA who have taken refuge in the sanctuary they have created in the south of France. Grégoire Fortin, advisor to the French Minister of Justice, and Domingo 'Txomin' Iturbe, leader of ETA, are forced to negotiate in order to find a solution to the violence that plagues the region.

1976 年 11 月 02 日

Kingdom of Castile, 15th century. A group of nobles, who question the dynastic legitimacy of Princess Juana, daughter of King Enrique IV, conspire with the purpose of overthrowing him.

1981 年 09 月 17 日


Obsessively referring to the traumas and wounds that the Spanish civil war (1936-39) and Franco's dictatorship (1939-75) caused in their day no longer serves to explain the impassable abyss of incomprehension and hatred that the abject policies and radical positions adopted by both the right and the left in recent decades have opened up before the citizens of a country that is barely known beyond hackneyed cultural clichés.

Kingdom of Granada, al-Andalus, 14th century. After recognizing that his land, always under siege, is hopelessly doomed to be conquered, Sultan Yusuf I undertakes the construction of a magnificent fortress with the purpose of turning it into the landmark of his civilization and his history, a glorious monument that will survive the oblivion of the coming centuries: the Alhambra.

1912 年,西班牙巴塞罗那。一个富裕家庭女孩的失踪引发了一系列事件,动摇了虚伪社会的脆弱根基。



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