5 فیلم

اکتبر 13, 2020

Inside the halls of an elite arts academy, a timid music student begins to outshine her more accomplished and outgoing twin sister when she discovers a mysterious notebook belonging to a recently deceased classmate.

سپتامبر 12, 2014

Estranged twins Maggie and Milo coincidentally cheat death on the same day, prompting them to reunite and confront the reasons their lives went so wrong. As the twins' reunion reinvigorates them, they realize the key to fixing their lives may just lie in repairing their relationship.

مارس 18, 1988

Dominick and Eugene are twins, but Dominick is a little bit slow due do an accident in his youth. They live together, with Dominick working as garbage man to put Eugene through medical school. Their relationship becomes strained when Eugene must decide between his devotion to his brother, or his need to go away to complete his training. Things are also not helped by Dominick's co-worker, or Eugene's budding romance.

دسامبر 13, 2019

A subversive look at relationships in Los Angeles centering around a famous actress and her twin brother, both strayed off their life's path, and yearning for each other, and something simpler.

ژانویه 1, 1984

Animated adaptation of the Edgar Allen Poe 1839 short story The Fall of the House of Usher, a work of Gothic fiction that includes themes of madness, family, isolation, and metaphysical identities.

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c تغییر وضعیت بسته/باز
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