18 filmų

Juodaodžiui rašytojui, profesoriui ir literatūros dėstytojui Thelonious „Monkui“ Ellison’ui užverda kraujas, kai jo naujausias grožinės literatūros kūrinys nesužavi leidėjų, o kolegės iš literatūros „cecho“ Sintaros Golden menkavertė knyga „Mes gyvename gete“ patenka į bestselerių sąrašus. Netrukus Monkas provokatyviai išleidžia stereotipinių „juodaodžių knygų“ satyrą, tačiau elitas ją supainioja su rimta literatūra.

2009 rugpjūčio 7

Viena garsiausių ir populiariausių Amerikos virėjų, pirmoji pristačiusi amerikiečiams prancūzų virtuvę 1961 - aisiais išleistoje knygoje apie metus, praleistus besimokant Paryžiaus kulinarijos mokykloje. Julie Powell - šiuolaikinė amerikietė, taip pat parašiusi memuarus - tik šiek tiek kitokius - apie prancūzų virtuvę ir taip pat sulaukusi šlovės. O režisierė Nora Ephron, jums pažįstama kaip filmų „Nemiga Sietle" ir „Jums žinutė", nusprendė papasakoti nuostabią dviejų skirtingų, bet kartu ir labai panašių moterų istoriją.

1964 lapkričio 4

An unknown Kentucky writer comes to New York and pursues fame and women.

1957 vasario 19

Vijay, a destitute poet, searches for true love while attempting to get his work published. With the assistance of two women in his life, his dream comes true - but at a cost that causes Vijay to rethink his worldview.

2018 balandžio 18

A portrait of Highlights Magazine following the creation of the cultural phenomenon's 70th Anniversary issue, from the first editorial meeting to its arrival in homes, and introducing the quirky people who passionately produce the monthly publication for "the world's most important people,"...children. Along the way, a rich and tragic history is revealed, the state of childhood, technology, and education is explored, and the future of print media is questioned.

2020 lapkričio 24

When his drunken ex-girlfriend won't leave him alone, a man asks a married woman staying at the same hotel to pretend to be his wife. What could go wrong? It's not like two strangers spending a weekend in a small town could possibly fall in love - Getting To Know You is a delightful love story for grownups starring Natasha Little, Rupert Penry-Jones and Rachel Blanchard.

A amateur writer who seems to have nothing to live for, finds himself as the only hope of three people.

1930 rugpjūčio 23

Larry, a publisher, wants Kate to write a book about the 'Office Wife'. An executive stenographer's duties creates a relationship approaching that of his wife. Little does Larry know that sometimes literature mirrors life.

2014 rugpjūčio 9

It's 1997 and into a dizzy world of glamour and false promises comes Cass, a recent graduate. Innocent publishing appears perfect – but behind cool Britannia lurks a much darker place.

2020 gruodžio 22

James is still in love with his ex-wife Barbara and has one last chance to win her back. While his friends and parents try to help, they're dealing with their own complicated love lives. But, in a crazy world, love is the only thing that makes sense.

1989 gruodžio 11

Grace Guthrie tries to stave off the hostile take over of her publishing empire. While fighting off a ruthless British business-mogul, she must also deal with a mole.

TMB (The Merry Band of time travelers) made their first appearance in the 2019 book The Mystery of The Patch. In the book, they assisted Captain John White, solve the mystery of the mysterious patch, on his map, which was discovered in 2012 by The First Colony Foundation and The British Museum. This short, animated, stop motion film tells the 5-year history of this charming group of characters. It contains scenes of their first public appearance, at the 2021 Kansas City Renaissance festival, through a combination of live action and animation.

Documentary on the French graphic and visual artist and designer, editor, artistic director, and teacher who is known for his widely-used fonts.

1974 kovo 7

Marisa Salinas gets her first job at one of the top publishing companies of her country. Don Ricardo Arencibia, her boss, is a man who does not appreciate innovation and new proposals from the staff, but enjoys bloody crime stories, and beautiful women. Don Ricardo invites Marisa out for dinner; they start behind friends and, soon, they start a sexual relationship. All goes well - safe for a little mystery that envelops Ricardo's ex-wife. Marisa decides to investigate... and she will uncover much more than she expected: Ricardo had been trying to make Marisa look like his former wife, and there is a plot involving large scale corruption.

Paywall: The Business of Scholarship is a documentary which focuses on the need for open access to research and science, questions the rationale behind the $25.2 billion a year that flows into for-profit academic publishers, examines the 35-40% profit margin associated with the top academic publisher Elsevier and looks at how that profit margin is often greater than some of the most profitable tech companies like Apple, Facebook and Google.

Follow two authors' journey to discover what it takes to become the next self-published superstar.

2018 lapkričio 29

Cartoneras is a documentary that grapples with Latin America’s urban realities, and the cardboard publishing movement that has emerged from these in the 21st century. Reflecting on the different contexts that propelled this form of community publishing, like Argentina’s 2001 economic crisis, the independent art scene, and the movements which formed around waste-pickers, the film’s narrative is developed through conversations with important actors from the cartonera world.

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