11 movies

septembris 29, 2017

Addie Moore and Louis Waters, a widow and widower, have lived next to each other for years. The pair have almost no relationship, but that all changes when Addie tries to make a connection with her neighbour.

novembris 12, 2023

Three juxtaposing stories taking place in Portugal, Austria and Cuba create an intimate and poetic portrait of the daily lives and struggles of the elderly in an unstable world, seen through the eyes of their grandchildren.

aprīlis 15, 2016

The best part of getting old is no longer caring what anybody thinks. Eighty years-old and in assisted living, Ralph Pajovic is involved in a relationship that makes his family anxious. On a crisp, winter day, his unlucky-in-love granddaughter comes for what seems like an ordinary visit. A curmudgeon by nature, Ralph can’t possibly predict the surprise she has in store for him.

In Gaza, 60-year-old fisherman Issa has been secretly in love with Siham, a widow who works at the market. One day, the discovery of an ancient phallic statue of Apollo in his fishing net changes his life. With newfound confidence, he decides to approach Siham but problems arise when authorities become involved with this mysterious and potent treasure.

oktobris 1, 1974

Filmmaker Martin Scorsese interviews his mother and father about their life in New York and family history back in Sicily.

A human-rights activist takes in an illegal immigrant and her daughter, then shocks his family when they learn that he has married the sexy 28-year-old.

A pair of octogenarians meet, fall in love, and have a passionate love affair, much to the horror of their disapproving children.

Irma and Henry live the dream of eternal love, which might end badly. A whimsical tale about old age.

janvāris 9, 2024

The Short Film accompaniment to the Skydaddy and Tyler Cryde's single with the same name, telling the story of two humanoids discovering the complexities of love.

septembris 14, 2015

Eleni asks for a fig on her deathbed. Her husband Kostas goes to the nearest fig tree to get one. Time is running out and Kostas is old. With a fig in his hand, he struggles through a rugged natural landscape to get home in time and fulfil his wife's last wish.

oktobris 29, 2021

Forty years later, Lluís Escribano and José Romero Ahumada, a former member and actor respectively, of Els 5 QKs, an anarcha-fag filmmaking collective, meet on a nudist beach and make love.

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