19 本の映画



Over the course of one day, a shy 13-year-old forms a bond with his troubled uncle.

Young and restless Nick Adams, the only son of a domineering mother and a weak but noble doctor father, leaves his rural Michigan home to embark on an eventful cross-country journey. He is touched and affected by his encounters with a punch-drunk ex-boxer, a sympathetic telegrapher, and an alcoholic advanceman for a burlesque show. After failing to get a job as reporter in New York, he enlists in the Italian army during World War I as an ambulance driver. His camaraderie with fellow soldiers and a romance with a nurse he meets after being wounded propel him to manhood.


It is an uplifting comedy about Rey, a young man who wants to find love despite having lost his 'Mana'.

Drowned in the chaos of a family reunion filled with testosterone and pig roast, Reynald will try to prove to his nephew, his family but mostly himself that he's still king.


A naked man is peacefully sleeping on his bed. The sun touches his skin. When he's awake, a melancholic boy appears to us.

A documentary in which 5 men describe their experiences with gender dysphoria as they wrestled with feelings of inadequacy as men, and their ultimate pursuit to find peace in their natural bodies.


Story of a young U.S. Army officer, stationed in England during World War II, who is suddenly conscious of a desire to "prove" himself sexually.


For 18-year-old Finnish–Kosovan Fatu, a simple visit to the grocery store feels as nerve-racking as a lunar expedition: for the first time in his life, he’s wearing makeup in public. Luckily his best friend Rai, a young woman on the spectrum of autism, is there to ferociously support him through the voyage.

A lonely 40-year-old man sits on the balcony of a Finnish apartment building. Joonas Berghäll has learned that he will die in 14 years’ time, unless he changes his way of living or attitude towards life. Joonas wants to make a film about the state of wellbeing of Finnish men, drawing from his own experiences and mirroring the society at large. The film is built around six stories. It starts with the context of school and proceeds through the contexts of military service, custody battle, burnout and substance abuse to end on the subject of premature death caused by health problems.


On furlough from his military service, Niko pays his estranged father a visit. Can old wounds heal?


Do a boy's hair with a barrette, or do not a boy's hair with a barrette, that is the question ! Is this female accessory acceptable for a man ? Three generations will face this subject...


Three guys share their thoughts and surviving methods in a strange but warm-hearted forest trip.


Walla Walla Wiffle is an annual one day round-robin wiffleball tournament wherein 48 men from all over the country gather in Eastern Washington to play wiffleball. Most of the participants are in their 30s or 40s, married with children, highly educated and well-employed. The film documents the joy they take in being able to revert to the simplicity of their youth, if only for a day, while also showing the conflicts that arise from the inescapable responsibilities that come with jobs, relationships and families.


Men still have a privileged position. Yet the concept of a “crisis of masculinity” is increasingly permeating the media, with a loosening of roles and a growing uncertainty about what it means to be a man today. The director Jan Hušek also asks this question. He was still wetting himself by the age of thirteen, which earned him the unflattering nickname that is the film's title. In his open video diary, he captures the physical and spiritual transformation of his journey from boy to man. He returns to the woods and the roots of his childhood trauma. In doing so, he turns the camera on himself as well as on various teachers or his father. Perhaps the mark of adulthood, after all, is not overwrought masculinity, but the acceptance of his inner “pisspants”.

A fine distinctness of manhood come from the aftermath of a rape victim's life.

In this Canon+ Original Documentary, Michael Foster lays out a map to manhood through the depths of Clown World. Men don’t know how to be a man anymore. Some are comfortable being effeminate, but many are looking for guides like Jordan Peterson and Jocko Willink. They get angry because ‘I won’t be able to have what my father, what my grandfather had.’ That rage is not going to fix anything. Yeah, you had a bad deal, and these things aren’t all your fault, but you’re still responsible for your response to the time that God has put you in. It’s your job to stop being a victim even if you’ve been victimized.

A film by Spetsnaz, narrated through a first person perspective, documenting his journey and the journeys of countless other men. "A Documentary Told in Four Chapters. Featuring many favorite content creators & some of the videos that impacted me the most in my journey. This Feature does not take a historical approach but is rather an expression of my experience discovering men going their own way content & the impact it had on my development. It is told from a personal individual perspective. I wanted to make this video to have closure on that chapter in my life & to leave a record of what was & what continues to evolve. The insights & shared experiences of men are more important now than ever. They certainly helped me."


On the basis of anonymous telephone calls made to a helpline for teenagers, On Hold makes us hear a dissonant speech. Recounted here by older people, these testimonies are the occasion to question the construction of masculinity and its generational heritage. Between humour and dread, the film unveils what remains unsaid in a sick society.



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