13 部电影

2015 年 07 月 24 日


全球最受歡迎的益智問答節目「Who Wants To Be A Millionaire」於印度孟買正式開錄,參賽者只要答對十二道問題,就能獲得2000萬盧比的巨額獎金,問題五花八門,原本製作單位預計至少要八個月才能產生冠軍。 而一個來自孟買貧民窟的年輕人賈默馬利克參加印度版的《百萬大富翁》節目,回答問題拿獎金,就在他差一題就可以拿到2000萬盧比的時候,警方因懷疑他作弊而將他逮捕。 賈默為了證明自己的清白,開始向警方說明他們兄弟兩人的貧民窟生活、逃離苦難之後又如何在公路上展開冒險、途中遇到幫派分子有多緊張、而賈默又是如何遇見深愛的女孩又如何失去她,他所訴說的每個故事當中都剛好有解決節目中問題的答案,這就是為什麼他能一路過關斬將的原因。 天亮了,賈默回到節目中回答最後一個問題,警方和六千萬個觀眾都在看,到底賈默能否答對這最後一題呢?有沒有答對又是否這麼重要呢?

2007 年 12 月 25 日

百萬富翁艾德華柯爾(傑克尼柯遜 飾)和黑手技工卡特錢伯斯是這個世上最極端的兩個例子,住在兩個不同的世界,唯一相同的只有住在同一間病房面面相覷的這一刻... 從事了46年黑手工作的卡特錢伯斯(摩根佛里曼飾),曾經擁有很多夢想,在剛進大學時哲學老師叫他們列出的人生清單上,卡特記下了各種想體驗與完成的事情,包括了環遊世界等各式各樣的新奇大小趣事,隨著時光飛逝,卡特歷經婚姻、生兒育女、各種責任義務,他仍在體驗人生與夢想,在每天修車時的空閒時光,在白天,在夜晚的夢境裡追尋著錯失的契機與時光。 另一方面,億萬富翁艾德華柯爾(傑克尼克遜飾),則是從來沒有過人生清單,他的一輩子都忙錄的追著金錢,建立起自己的企業王,直到頭髮光了禿頭,親人遠去還是一個樣。 但是這一刻,這兩個天南地北的人共享一個病房,面對醫院的白牆與看似用不完的時光與將盡的人生,卡特回憶起自己從沒完成的人生清單,與新朋友艾德華決定了一件最任性的逃亡,不顧醫師的指示擅自出院出遊去! 這兩個素味平生的人一同旅行,從印度泰姬瑪哈陵到東非坦尚尼亞大草原塞倫蓋提,從最高級的餐廳到最低層的刺青店,從超炫的古董跑車到刺激的螺旋槳飛機...他們會為自己的人生找到什麼新東西?!

2006 年 09 月 02 日

After moving from Calcutta to New York, members of the Ganguli family maintain a delicate balancing act between honoring the traditions of their native India and blending into American culture. Although parents Ashoke and Ashima are proud of the sacrifices they make to give their children opportunities, their son Gogol strives to forge his own identity without forgetting his heritage.

2018 年 05 月 01 日

A smaller scale Eiffel Tower and the Champs-Elysées can be found just outside Shanghai; a copy of St. Peter’s in Rome can be found in Yamoussoukro, in the Ivory Coast: a journey over three continents to see the architecture of imitation, the uncanny world of the fake.

The future Edward VIII enjoys a stately procession and visits the Taj Mahal before meeting senior Indian royalty.

1942 年 09 月 04 日

Hindu temples at Benares and Belur and the mythologies associated with them.

This travelogue takes in some of the most important landmarks of Islamic power in India.

1963 年 01 月 31 日

Based on the historical legend, this commercially successful film delves into the context of why Mughal emperor Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal in fond remembrance of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal.

1922 年 12 月 01 日

The Taj Mahal and shots of Jalandhar nestle between footage from Canada and Africa.

Luscious colour photography of the Taj Mahal and a Mediterranean cruise to Port Said.

1928 年 02 月 01 日

Romantic, atmospheric travelogue capturing some of northern India’s most iconic places – not least the Taj Mahal.

1928 年 09 月 26 日

A historical romance set in the Mughal Empire. Selima is a princess-foundling raised by a potter and loved by her brother, Shiraz. She is abducted and sold as a slave to Prince Khurram, later Emperor Shah Jehan, who falls for her, to the chagrin of the wily Dalia. When Selima is caught is Shiraz, the young man is condemned to be trampled to death by an elephant. A pendant reveals Selima's royal status and she saves her brother, marries the prince and becomes Empress Mumtaz Mahal while Dalia is banned for her machinations against Selima. When Selima dies (1629), the emperor builds her a monument to the design of the now old and blind Shiraz, the Taj Mahal.



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