16 filmų

2000 balandžio 28

New York Cityn poliisivoimiin kuuluva John Sullivan on isänsä kuolemasta saakka tuntenut piinaavaa tyhjyyden tunnetta. Frank kuoli työssään Johnin ollessa vasta pikku poika. Johnin vaimo päättää jättää miehensä taistelemaan demonejansa vastaan ja Johnin maailma alkaa hajota kappaleiksi. Hänen onnistuu löytää isänsä vanha radio ja sitä kautta ystävä, vanhempi mies, jonka kanssa rupatella radion välityksellä baseballista. Pian John huomaa, että miehen tulostiedot eivät ole lähiaikojen peleistä - vaan 26 vuoden takaa! Mies radiossa onkin hänen isänsä. Yhdessä isä ja poika ryhtyvät epätoivoisesti puuhiin estääkseen isän tapaturmaisen kuoleman. Tämä tapahtuukin, mutta samalla iskee sarjamurhaaja Carl Shepard - kohteenaan Johnin äiti... Tällä aikamatkalla miehet huomaavat, ettei menneisyyttä noin vaan voikaan mennä muuttamaan...

An American oil company sends a man to Scotland to buy up an entire village where they want to build a refinery. But things don't go as expected.

Helteisessä Malesiassa lapsuutensa viettänyt näyttelijä Joanna Lumley on aina unelmoinut revontulten näkemisestä. Nyt Lumley matkaa etsimään salaperäisiä valoilmiöitä Pohjois-Norjaan ja Huippuvuorille.

2021 rugpjūčio 12

In a near-future post apocalyptic world, a father must cross a dangerous landscape to reunite with his wife and daughter.

A look at the northern lights (aurora borealis) from aboriginal beliefs to scientific theories.

2019 vasario 1

A terminally ill girl, who dreams of going to Finland to see the northern lights, falls in love

2020 rugsėjo 19

A black-and-white visual meditation of wilderness and the elements. Wildlife filmmaker Richard Sidey returns to the triptych format for a cinematic experience like no other.

2017 balandžio 23

Six fearless surfers travel to the north coast of Iceland to ride waves unlike anything they've ever experienced, captured with high-tech cameras.

1985 rugsėjo 26

This is a tale that has an epic scope in scenery "the northern snow-covered lands of coastal Norway" and is dramatized by moments of tumultuous stormy weather. But the focus is on Heikki (Stein Bjorn) a young man who is inspired by the northern lights to take a horse-drawn sled and make his way to the sea, hoping to come back with abundant fish. He is overtaken by a snowstorm and is forced to find shelter in a small, isolated cabin that is home to a half-crazy widow, her baby, and a blind man. Driven to arson by her internal demons, the woman destroys the cabin. She and the blind man perish, but Heikki manages to save the baby. He is now faced with an even greater challenge as he holds the infant and looks in the direction of the coastline.

2013 rugpjūčio 23
2015 liepos 31

Constantly orbiting at 400 km (250 mi) above the earth, the ISS is perfectly situated to witness the beautiful streamers of green and red light emanating from the collision of highly charged solar wind particles with oxygen and nitrogen atoms in the earth's atmosphere. Centered about the northern (Aurora Borealis) and southern (Aurora Australis) poles the Auroras move in an almost hypnotic dance below the space station.

The aurora borealis is a natural moving multicolour light display observed in the high northern latitude. This natural phenomenon is a source of imagination and awe that drives exploration of the world around us.

Dr. Brekke shared the science behind the aurora borealis as a visual manifestation on the sun-Earth connection. And how this also can affect our technology based society. He talked about the production of the documentary.

2019 gruodžio 4

Arktis is a poetic approach to the bizarre landscape of ice, rock, and water; a journey to the arctic ocean and surroundings, with images and sounds. Seventy one-second scenes of the arctic serve as the original material, which is then transformed in its texture, time lapse, color and light qualities to create a material reminiscent of landscape painting. The sound collage uses fragments from sounds of nature and samples from a piece of music for violin and song, which are also transformed in a manner similar to that of the visual pictures. (Jürgen Reble)

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