14 elokuvaa

5 heinäkuu 2013

An acclaimed writer, his ex-wife, and their teenaged children come to terms with the complexities of love in all its forms over the course of one tumultuous year.

12 toukokuu 2016

A mother and her son plan a surprise visit to Los Angeles to see her husband/his father. Halfway there they get into a terrible accident in the middle of nowhere and now must fight to survive.

5 helmikuu 2010

When three skiers find themselves stranded on a chair lift at a New England ski resort that has closed for the next week, they are forced to make life or death choices that prove to be more perilous than staying put and freezing to death.

10 heinäkuu 2020

When carefree Nyles and reluctant maid of honor Sarah have a chance encounter at a Palm Springs wedding, things get complicated when they find themselves unable to escape the venue, themselves, or each other.

Jane is the subject of a twisted science experiment where she is placed in a parallel world and is forced to find a way to either alter her reality or be stuck in a time-loop, destined to repeat the same test over and over again, with no memory of her doing it before. But with each 'reset' she starts to retain fragments of memory. With clues pointing to the mysterious Wytness Quantum Research Centre, she tries to find a way out. (The film was shot entirely on an iPhone during the UK’s first lockdown.)

30 joulukuu 2023

Bettina and Martin meet again, one year later on New Year's Eve. This time, they are trapped in the backroom of Moosbach's sports hall since Martin risks being beat up once he comes out.

On the night before his birthday, Lucas wishes to not turn twenty. To his surprise, his wish comes true, leaving him stuck in time.

16 maaliskuu 2016

AB Surveillance Solutions, a security company seems to be keeping logs and watching a family as they live a seemingly average life. However it seems that there is something darker going on under the facade.

25 kesäkuu 2021

Jagoda is leaving her apartment.

30 joulukuu 2022

Bettina and Martin get stuck in a bank during New Year's Eve and attempt to get help.

Phil Connors, a cynical Pittsburgh TV weatherman is sent to cover the annual Groundhog Day event in the small town of Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. Caught in a time loop, he’s forced to relive the same day again and again… and again. As Phil becomes increasingly despondent, is there a lesson being learned and will he ever figure out the secret to break the cycle?

1 toukokuu 2004

Everyone's worst travel nightmare - being stuck next to an obnoxious dork on a flight where there are no spare seats.

19 huhtikuu 2019

A guy is stuck under a rock and might need some help.

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