85 movies

septembris 18, 2015

Dans une zone sans foi ni loi entre les États-Unis et le Mexique, les membres d’une escouade tactique gouvernementale enrôlent une jeune agente idéaliste du FBI qu’ils envoient en plein cœur de l’univers sanglant du trafic international de stupéfiants, afin de neutraliser le chef du cartel mexicain.

janvāris 25, 2008

Dans la jungle thaïlandaise, un groupe d'aide humanitaire qui doit livrer des fournitures médicales à Burma recrute les services de John Rambo comme guide sur la rivière. Lorsque les travailleurs humanitaires sont faits prisonniers, Rambo rassemble un groupe de mercenaires pour les secourir. La suite est une descente effrénée aux enfers.

Au Nigéria, la famille du Président vient d'être assassinée et une guerre civile est sur le point d'éclater. Un commando secret mené par le lieutenant Waters est envoyé aux confins de la jungle afin de faire évacuer Lena Kendriks, une femme médecin travaillant pour une organisation humanitaire, d'un village menacé par les rebelles. Mais le cours de la mission change lorsque celle-ci refuse de partir sans les villageois...

Après une opération ratée qui l’a laissé rongé par les remords et les regrets, Ray Owens a quitté son poste à la brigade des stupéfiants de Los Angeles. Il est désormais le shérif de la paisible petite ville de Sommerton Junction, tout près de la frontière mexicaine. Mais sa tranquillité vole en éclats lorsque Gabriel Cortez, le baron de la drogue le plus recherché du monde, réussit une évasion spectaculaire d’un convoi du FBI, semant les cadavres derrière lui… Avec l’aide d’une bande de truands et de mercenaires dirigés par le glacial Burrell, Cortez s’enfuit vers la frontière à 400 km/h dans une Corvette ZR1 spéciale, et il a un otage…

Two North Korean soldiers are killed in the border area between North and South Korea, prompting an investigation by a neutral body. The sergeant is the shooter, but the lead investigator, a Swiss-Korean woman, receives differing accounts from the two sides.

decembris 23, 2022

Iranian director Jafar Panahi, who has been barred from leaving the country, arrives at a village on the Iran-Turkey border to supervise a film based on a real-life couple seeking passports to Europe being shot in Turkey, but both his stay and the production run into trouble.

Emilia arrives at her Aunt Inés' hostel located on the Argentina-Brazil border, looking for her missing brother. In this lush jungle a dangerous beast which takes the form of different animals seems to be roaming around.

marts 30, 1958

When a car bomb explodes on the American side of the U.S./Mexico border, Mexican drug enforcement agent Miguel Vargas begins his investigation, along with American police captain Hank Quinlan. When Vargas begins to suspect that Quinlan and his shady partner, Menzies, are planting evidence to frame an innocent man, his investigations into their possible corruption quickly put himself and his new bride, Susie, in jeopardy.

septembris 8, 2020

Mustafa and his wife Salwa come from two Palestinian villages that are only 200 meters apart, but separated by the wall. Their unusual living situation is starting to affect their otherwise happy marriage, but the couple does what they can to make it work. Every night, Mustafa flashes a light from his balcony to wish his children on the other side a goodnight, and they signal him back. One day Mustafa gets a call that every parent dreads: his son has been in an accident. He rushes to the checkpoint where he must agonisingly wait in line only to find out there is a problem with his fingerprints and is denied entry. Desperate, Mustafa resorts to hiring a smuggler to bring him across. His once 200-meter journey becomes a 200-kilometer odyssey joined by other travellers determined to cross.

janvāris 23, 2007

A Texas cop, whose own daughter might have been forced into sexual slavery, joins forces with a Mexican youth to find the boy's sister, who was abducted and forced into prostitution. Meanwhile, a Polish woman who was promised a better life in America also becomes a victim.

An epic love story spanning decades is sparked by a chance encounter between two men in provincial Mexico. Based on a true story, ambition and societal pressure propel an aspiring chef to leave his soulmate and make the treacherous journey to New York, where life will never be the same.

aprīlis 4, 1965

In this Frenco-Italian gangster parody, a shop keeper on his way to an Italian holiday suffers a crash which totals his car. The culprit can only compensate his ruined trip by driving an American friends car from Napels to Bordeaux, but as it happens to be filled with such contraband as stolen money, jewelry and drugs, the involuntary and unwitting companions in crime soon attract all but recreational attention from the "milieu".

janvāris 29, 1982

A corrupted border agent decides to clean up his act when an impoverished woman's baby is put up for sale on the black market.

After learning that his grandfather is alive and living in Seoul, a North Korean musician must leave his fiancee behind and accompany his family to South Korea.

februāris 2, 2020

Avec sa fille, Yusuf veut acheter un cadeau d'anniversaire de mariage pour sa femme... Une démarche qui exige de la patience et des talents de négociateur en Cisjordanie.

oktobris 5, 2018

Turo is stuck in a small village and the best thing in his life is being the lead vocalist for the amateur metal band Impaled Rektum. He and his bandmates have practiced for 12 years without playing a single gig. The guys get a surprise visitor from Norway -- the promoter for a huge heavy metal music festival -- and decide it's now or never. They steal a van, a corpse, and even a new drummer to make their dreams a reality.

jūnijs 12, 2015

Successful businesswoman Maria has achieved everything except what she wants the most - a baby of her own. She decides to deal with the matter by herself and embarks on a desperate and dangerous journey in order to make her dream come true.

On the eve of Independence, the chairman of the Border Commission, Sir Cyril Radcliffe decides to divide India and Pakistan into equitable halves. What the administration doesn’t account for is the line running through the middle of Begum Jaan’s brothel situated plonk on the border; with one half falling in India and the other in Pakistan.

In the mid-20th century, in a forested valley between Italy and Yugoslavia, a stingy widower befriends a young woman and helps her depart across the ocean to find there a better life. A chance encounter gives rise to a dreamy parable on loss, loneliness and the power of imagination.

marts 23, 1990

Cold War adversaries Col. Jack Knowles and his Russian counterpart, Col. Valachev, are stationed on opposite sides of the German-Czech border. Both men are responsible for a group of troops in their remote settings, and both have been shaped by their combat experiences and a shared aversion to their superiors' ways of doing things. After a defector is killed, things escalate into a full-fledged battle with serious geopolitical ramifications.

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