57 film

Lilja lives in poverty and dreams of a better life. Her mother moves to the United States and abandons her to her aunt, who neglects her. Lilja hangs out with her friends, Natasha and Volodya, who is suicidal. Desperate for money, she starts working as a prostitute, and later meets Andrei. He offers her a good job in Sweden, but when Lilja arrives her life quickly enters a downward spiral.

艾倫羅斯頓(詹姆斯法蘭科飾)是一位登山家,於2003年在美國猶他州荒野地區Robbers Roost攀高探險,意外墜落峽谷遭到巨大圓石壓住手臂,在接下來關鍵的127小時裡他必須想辦法自救,他決定用刀割斷自己的手臂,再向上攀爬65呎(將近20公尺)的岩牆,並且獨自步行了8英哩(12,874公尺),直到被眾人發現送醫急救。 片中並穿插了他審視和家人、朋友、女友的相處,以及意外發生前跟初識的兩名女單車手玩樂的片段,導演經由這部電影,闡釋面對人生關鍵時刻的勇氣與意志力。

15, 1996

After a fictitious marriage with a Russian emigrant, Cellisten Louka, a Czech man, must suddenly take responsibility for her son. However, it’s not long before the communication barrier is broken between the two new family members.


本片取材自約阿希姆·費斯特2002年的著作《希特勒的末日》和希特勒的私人秘書特勞德爾·榮格同年的回憶錄《直到最後時刻》,曾獲得奧斯卡最佳外語片獎的提名。 榮格自從1942年被希特勒僱傭為秘書後,轉眼到了1945年3月,蘇聯大軍兵臨城下,納粹德國政府內人心惶惶。不但重要的親信希姆萊和戈林相繼叛離希特勒而去,而且軍隊人手不足,連平民和小孩都被迫送上戰場,看不到希望的將軍也整日借酒消愁...


故事敘述一名成功的紐約廣告主管霍華(威爾史密斯 飾),在遭受一場喪親之痛後,讓原本樂觀積極的他,從此將自己孤立起來,他身旁的同事兼好朋友們,不忍心見他這樣繼續消沉下去,決定想辦法幫助他,朋友們想出一個極端的辦法,要讓他在失去一切之前打動他、改變他,並且幫助他勇敢地面對人生。

本片入圍奧斯卡最佳外語片,黑澤明第一部彩色作品。 有智能障礙的小六,以為自己是電車司機,模仿電車聲音「Dodes'ka-den」是他的口頭禪,每天在平民窟的垃圾場邊開著虛無的電車。小六的家母吟誦著經文,一旁的小六也合十拜佛,祈禱佛佑其母。這就是母子兩人每天的生活,重復過著同樣的生活… 《電車狂》描述貧民窟裡的點點滴滴生活,沒有出路、沒有未來,過一天算一天,只有智能不足的孩子最快樂。黑澤明用主角小六家那堵色彩艷麗畫滿電車的牆,表現心中對美好世界的希望,那些天真的蠟筆繪畫是生命在灰暗中對光明的期待,也承載著黑澤明滿腹的熱忱和理想。《電車狂》改編自山本周五郎的小說〈沒有季節的小墟〉,是黑澤明第一部彩色片,此片由日本電影四大導演黑澤明,木下惠介,市川昆和小林正樹聯合策劃,而劇本出自小國英雄、橋本忍和黑澤明,音樂則由日本音樂界的大師武滿徹打造。

i 13, 2018

Documentary style account of a nuclear holocaust and its effect on the working class city of Sheffield, England; and the eventual long run effects of nuclear war on civilization.

a 14, 1995

A drama about a Maori family living in Auckland, New Zealand. Lee Tamahori tells the story of Beth Heke’s strong will to keep her family together during times of unemployment and abuse from her violent and alcoholic husband.


a 7, 2007

When an Egyptian terrorism suspect "disappears" on a flight from Africa to Washington DC, his American wife and a CIA analyst find themselves caught up in a struggle to secure his release from a secret detention facility somewhere outside the US.

博蒂(珊卓布拉克飾)應邀上一個脫口秀節目,卻被好友康妮在全國觀眾前爆料,自己與博蒂的丈夫發生外遇,深受打擊的她帶著女兒白尼絲,回到家鄉投靠母親籮夢娜。 籮夢娜一心撮合女兒與仍暗戀她的高中同學賈斯汀(小亨利康尼克飾),他的鼓勵與體貼,讓她漸漸走出婚姻的打擊,以及生活裡不如意的傷痛,也化解與母親多年來的心結。 只是,對於感情害怕卻步的她,是否能重拾自信迎向光明的未來呢?

In Edo Period Japan, a noblewoman's banishment for her love affair with a lowly page signals the beginning of her inexorable fall.

The lives of five prostitutes employed at a Japanese brothel while the nation is debating the passage of an anti-prostitution law.


根據2002年震驚世界的真實事件改編,一名記者在採訪途中遭到巴基斯坦恐怖份子綁架,留下他的妻子Mariane Pearl緊急周旋各方以求救援,恐怖份子聲稱肉票是「記者間諜」,並獅子大開口要脅美國…

本片由安潔莉娜裘莉主演,布萊德彼特旗下的「Plan B」公司製作,由曾拍過《甜蜜戲中戲》、《24小時狂歡派對》的英國導演Michael Winterbottom執導。

Outcast by his co-workers and living alone, Koistinen is a security guard who works the night shift in a luxury shopping mall in Helsinki. But when icy blonde Mirja approaches him, the lonely Koistinen falls helplessly for her, unaware she is manipulating him for her criminal boyfriend.

A death row inmate turns for spiritual guidance to a local nun in the days leading up to his scheduled execution for the murders of a young couple.

Keiser, the lead singer of a former rock group won't put up with approaching old age and decides to call his old band members together. Keiser's ambition is to return to the big stage with his buddies. Despite the initial resistance of other fellows, Keiser will be successful, at least partly so. It is a fast-paced comedy full of humor and consolation, telling the story about people who despite all obstacles strive for their goal.

a 23, 2000

In early 20th century New York City, an impoverished socialite desperately seeks a suitable husband as she gradually finds herself betrayed by her friends and exiled from high society.

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