23 部电影

2013 年 07 月 14 日

動盪的幕府末期,各方爭鳴的渾沌年代,千人斬拔刀齋(佐藤健 飾)以其萬夫莫敵的飛天御劍流活躍於暗殺界。但隨著新時代的來臨,拔刀齋立下不殺之誓,從此隱姓埋名浪跡天涯…… 明治11年,一名自稱拔刀齋的男子隨意斬殺路人,造成人心惶惶。繼承了神谷活心流道場的女孩神谷薫(武井咲 飾),魯莽的挑戰對方,危急之下被自稱緋村劍心的神祕男子所救。小薫留下劍心在道場修練,卻意外發現眼前的落魄浪人,竟是貨真價實的「千人斬拔刀齋」,而假冒拔刀齋之名作惡的,則是受雇於黑心實業家武田觀柳(香川照之 飾)的瘋狂殺手刃衛(吉川晃司 飾)。 狂傲的武田妄想征服世界,不僅挾持女醫師高荷惠(蒼井優 飾)製作新型鴉片牟利,並且對居民下毒,迫害神谷道場。這些邪惡勾當雖然被警官齋藤一(江口洋介 飾)盯上,但武田依然為所欲為,擁有了歸處與夥伴的劍心看著眼前的幸福遭受莫大威脅,毅然決然前往重兵把守的武田巢穴,一場激戰即將引爆……

劍心(佐藤健 飾)來到京都,欲阻止想征服日本的志志雄(藤原龍也 飾),並與志志雄的部隊發生正面衝突。然而志志雄正準備駕駛裝甲艦-煉獄號襲擊東京。劍心為了拯救被志志雄抓走並丟入海中的小薰(武井咲 飾),他奮不顧身跳入海裡卻獨自被沖上岸,被師父比古清十郎(福山雅治 飾)救起。劍心深知以自己目前的實力無法打贏志志雄,於是請求師父傳授「飛天御劍流」的奧義。另一方面,得知劍心還活著的志志雄向政府施壓,要脅政府以幕末時代犯下的殺人罪孽,公開斬首劍心。面臨最大危機的劍心,要如何打敗最瘋狂的敵人志志雄拯救日本?並與下落不明的小薰再度相聚呢?


2003 年 09 月 12 日


1974 年 03 月 22 日

Yuki's family is nearly wiped out before she is born due to the machinations of a band of criminals. These criminals kidnap and brutalize her mother but leave her alive. Later her mother ends up in prison with only revenge to keep her alive. She creates an instrument for this revenge by purposefully getting pregnant. Yuki never knows the love of a family but only killing and revenge.

2013 年 09 月 13 日

An old swordsman, his former comrade and a young braggart are hired by prostitutes to track down bandits who mutilated one of the women.

1969 年 12 月 17 日

Japan, February 1868. As the Tokugawa shogunate declines and the power of Emperor Meiji grows, Gonzo, a soldier of the Restoration Army, returns to Sawando, his hometown, to announce the end of tyranny.

Lady Snowblood is caught by the police and sentenced to death for her crimes. As she is sent to the gallows she is rescued by the secret police who offer her a deal to assassinate some revolutionaries.

1981 年 03 月 20 日

Depicts the bloody siege of the fortress of Port Arthur, one of the most strongly fortified positions in the world, during the Russo-Japanese War of (1904 - 1905). In the story dominated the character Lt Takeshi Kogyo (Teruhiko Aoi), teachers, and a reserve officer who became commander of the platoon and later company. At the same time monitors the conduct of the army commander general Nogi (Tatsuya Nakadai), which was commissioned of the emperor Matsuhito (Toshirô Mifune) to the conquest of the fort.

At the beginning of the Meiji era, Sayoko, the daughter of a large banker in Tokyo, comes to Sotobo's villa for the first time in eight years, guided by her student, Yasu. In fact, Yasu is the son of Keizo Naya, the keeper of this villa. His father and older sister, Kyoko, live quietly in this place, where people rarely visit, like recluses. Sayoko, who grew up sickly and full of selfishness, treats Yasu, who has feelings for her, like a slave, blindfolds him, makes him help her change clothes, and makes him imitate Sansuke in the bathroom.

1999 年 09 月 15 日


2015 年 09 月 26 日

由天才漫画家杉浦日向子在漫画「月刊漫画Garo」上连载的漫画「合葬」,推出的真人电影版。 讲述的是在庆応四年,德川幕府的统治结束了。极突然和悌二郎的妹妹解除了婚约。悌二郎听后十分愤怒,他在正要追上极的时候,遇到了青梅竹马的柾之助,柾之助因为极听说了他被从家中赶了出来,就把他邀请进了彰义队。以这三人为中心,到底将会发生什么呢……

《石榴坡的復仇》是根據淺田次郎的同名短篇小說改編的電影,由若松節朗執導,中井貴一 、阿部寬主演。故事發生在幕末安政7年,講述了櫻田門之變中大老井伊直弼被殺,其藩士志村金吾收到密令進行復仇,踏出不歸之旅。

1981 年 01 月 08 日

The film depicts carnivalesque atmosphere summed up by the cry "Ei ja nai ka" ("Why not?") in Japan in 1867 and 1868 in the days leading to the Meiji Restoration. It examines the effects of the political and social upheaval of the time, and culminates in a revelrous march on the Tokyo Imperial Palace, which turns into a massacre. Characteristically, Imamura focuses not on the leaders of the country, but on characters in the lower classes and on the fringes of society.

This is the true story of the last officially recorded case of adauchi, when a young man avenged the death of his father by brutally killing the murderers in broad daylight. Samurai revenge killings, or adauchi, was considered a rightful and noble act of honor and virtue.But all that changed abruptly on February 7, 1873, when adauchi became prohibited as part of the Meiji Restoration’s goal to Westernize Japan.

1953 年 09 月 15 日

A young woman, who must support her father as a middle-aged man's mistress, finds herself falling in love with a student closer to her age.

1965 年 11 月 13 日

34th year of Meiji (1901). Japanese gangster Shuntaro Hibiki is forced to work for the police to find out who robbed a truck full of gold.

1958 年 02 月 25 日

In 1870's Tokyo, Den steals to support the daughter of her first marriage and her consumptive second husband. She falls in love with a young policeman, but is coerced into becoming the mistress of and procurer for a vice boss.

2022 年 07 月 08 日

At the strong insistence of his father, Ushimatsu Segawa conceals his origins from a “buraku” area of low-class “untouchables,” leaving his hometown to serve as an elementary school teacher where he excels and is loved by his students. But he constantly struggles with the secret of his low-birth status and is disturbed by all of the discrimination levelled upon his class. It prevents him from pursuing a romance with Shiho, whom he meets at the temple where he resides, but who descends from a samurai family.

It was a tumultuous time. In the early Meiji period, there was the first photographer in Japan who lived a heroic life. What fascinated him with photography was a photograph of a naked woman.



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