27 filmų

Medės (aktorė Jennifer Lawrence) gyvenime – duobė. Niekad pernelyg rimtai į pareigas ir atsakomybę nežiūrėjusi mergina už skolas praranda automobilį. Žmogui, besiverčiančiam pavežėjimo paslaugomis, tai – gana rimta problema. Bet ši problema – toli gražu ne vienintelė. Pinigams tirpstant lyg sniegui pavasarį, iškyla pavojus, kad Medė praras ir savo namą, kuriame užaugo. Desperatiškai ieškodama išeities, ji nusprendžia atsiliepti į keistą skelbimą internete: tėvai ieško merginos savo sūnui. Medė ilgai negalvoja. Pasitikslinusi, ko tiksliai iš jos tikimasi, mergina atsiraitoja rankoves ir, taip sakant, pasiruošia imti jautį už ragų.

2019 liepos 12

Komedija „Stjuberis“ pasakoja apie du itin skirtingus personažus, priverstus dirbti drauge. Stju (aktorius Kumail Nanjiani) – geraširdis ir baikštus imigrantas iš Artimųjų Rytų, vairuojantis „Uber“ automobilį. Vikas (akt. Dave Bautista) – galingas ir bebaimis policijos detektyvas. Prieš gerą pusmetį nuožmus narkotikų baronas Tejo nužudė policininkę – Viko partnerę. Nuo tada Vikas prisiekė atkeršyti. Ir savo sugrįžimui Tejo pasirinko tiesiog „tobulą“ laiką: Vikas ką tik po akies operacijos ir dar negali vairuoti automobilio. Todėl tenka kviestis „Uber“. O šis siekia pakelti savo reitingą, tad yra pasiryžęs išpildyti kiekvieną savo kliento pageidavimą... Neįtikėtinas duetas, po visą miestą vaikydamasis nesugaunamąjį narkobaroną, patenka į daugybę komiškų situacijų ir pamažu neapykanta virsta... pavojingiausiu vairavimu Stju gyvenime!

2017 birželio 23

Pakistane gimęs komikas Kumailas Nanjianis ir absolventė Emilė Gardner įsimyli vienas kitą, bet susiduria su kultūrų skirtumu. Kai Emilė suserga paslaptinga liga, Kumailas yra priverstas stoti į akistatą su savo įnirtingais tėvais, savo šeimos lūkesčiais ir tikrais jausmais.

2018 spalio 5

A night in Los Angeles becomes a psychological war for survival when an Uber driver, James, and his passenger, Jessica, pick up Bruno, who is charismatic but manipulative.

2017 rugsėjo 15

Technology brings us closer. Or perhaps it brings strangers, a little too close. But how much can you really trust someone? With a new ride share service, you never know who will be getting in a car with. Or if you'll ever get out.

2016 sausio 16

A woman who was raped by a NetCar driver takes a job with the company to exact her revenge on her attacker after she becomes frustrated with the slow pace of the criminal Justice system.

2018 birželio 9

On a calm night in an average city a hardworking URYDE driver, Brandon, picks up just another fare, Judd. Using interactions that blur the lines between the technological world and the physical one, Judd explains a messy breakup. Brandon offers an empathetic ear and a sympathetic heart to his new friend to help him pick up the pieces. Aggregated profiles, algorithms, links, likes and comments bring people closer. But how close is too close?

2019 birželio 9

A bangla natok starring Tawsif Mahbub, Sabila Nur, Himey Hafiz, Ratan Hasan, Sadia Rubayet written and directed by Mehedi Hassan Hridoy.

2017 vasario 11

Starring George Jac, Kayla Schaffroth and directed by Tony Olmos. When an over-eager recruit is matched up with an absent-minded detective, the well-meaning pair end up doing more harm than good.

2021 gruodžio 1

At the onset of the pandemic, a Chinese Uber driver in New York struggles to make ends meet as he picks up various passengers on a long and dreary night.

An Uber driver gets a ride from a Japanese-Bangladeshi woman named Yuki. There are goons following her all the time, so she lives with the driver till she can leave for Japan.

2016 kovo 11

An Uber driver gets word that his fiancé might be cheating on him on New Years Eve and proceeds to give nine different groups of people rides and they influence his decision on how he handles the situation.

2024 vasario 15

“My ride with Uber and Lyft” follows some taxi drivers in Boston from 2012, through the transition to Uber, and ends at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2022.

2023 sausio 22

Ani has ordered an Uber to get home at midnight. After realizing the driver is taking her somewhere else, she must run for her life.

2021 spalio 7
2017 vasario 8

After a night out, Diana and Jorge decide to call a cab in order to get home. But in their way, the driver will receive a phone call that might take them into a life threatening situation.


2019 spalio 19

A slow, psychedelic revenge thriller about the nocturnal world of rideshare apps.

2019 gruodžio 31

Megan has been on a lot of bad dates. But tonight is the worst.

2023 gegužės 4

Under the shade of a lemon tree, Osvaldo is at the grill while talking with Horacio, his new neighbor. Everything is going well until Osvaldo discovers Horacio's trade: Uber. Horacio also discovers Osvaldo's: Taxi driver, rivals.

2019 vasario 21

New York cab and black car drivers are facing economic and emotional hardship in a city dominated by ride-share apps. As these long standing industries are decimated by economic and political forces, drivers are forced to cope or fight back.

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