I 1960'ernes Tyskland demonstrerer politisk aktive unge mod kapitalismen, og bliver mødt af talstærkt og hårdhændet politi. En fanatisk gruppe får nok af den pacifistiske linje og beslutter at gribe til våben mod det etablerede samfund. De danner Rote Arme Fraktion og erklære krig mod kapitalismen og dens støtter. Og i krig bliver folk dræbt.

I begyndelsen af 60'erne kaster de universitetsstuderende Bernward Vesper og Gudrun Ensslin sig ud i en lidenskabelig kærlighed i den kvælende atmosfære af et provinsielt Vesttyskland. Dedikeret til magten af det skrevne ord finder Bernward og Gudrun et bogforlag, hvis første udgivelse paradoksalt nok er en kontroversiel publikation af Bernwards fars tidligere arbejde, alment kendt og udstødt som værket af en berygtet nazistisk forfatter. Bernward forsvarer sin fars evner, selv om han står i skyggen og lider under sin fars suspekte fortid. Gudrun stiller også indgående spørgsmål til sin egen fars rolle under Hitlers Tredje Rige. Påvirkelige over for den stigende rastløshed over samtiden maner det unge par sig op og langer ud efter den voksende konformisme og benægtelse, der hersker omkring dem.

Michel Recanati was a militant leader in the May, 1968 riots in Paris, organizing many groups to meet, discuss, and act on leftist principles both before and after the disturbances. He was imprisoned for a short while in 1973. Disillusioned after the failure of the demonstrations and the death of the only woman he had loved, his life seems to have changed from a period of hope and activism to one of bottomless despair. His friend, Romain Goupil wrote and directed this biographical documentary. Death at 30 received the 1982 Cannes Film Festival's Golden Camera Award for "Best First Feature-Length Film."

14. März 2016

The never-before-told story of the Brotherhood of Eternal Love – a spiritual group of surfers and hippies in Southern California that became the largest suppliers of psychedelic drugs in the world during the 1960s and early 1970s. Bonded by their dreams to fight social injustice and spread peace, this unlikely band of free-spirited idealists quickly transformed into a drug-smuggling empire and at the same time inadvertently invented the modern illegal drug trade. At the head of the Brotherhood, and the heart of this story, is the anti-capitalistic husband and wife team, who made it their mission to change the world through LSD.

Leftist extremist groups operating in Europe have chosen violence as a political tactic: they attack the right-wing parties offices, attack the police, provoke riots in demonstrations. Although leftist violence is increasing, it receives almost no public attention. An investigation into the alleged good violence exercised in the name of a supposedly just cause.

A feature documentary investigation into the colourful and sometimes controversial life of Vancouver lawyer, city councillor and socialist icon Harry Rankin.


5. September 1969

Young student runs away from a 1984-esque dictatorship, lives for a while with a crazy girl in a surrealistic “igloo” in snowy wilderness and then returns to lead a revolution against the oppressive system. Sci-fi tale consistent with the political climate of May 68.

12. März 2019

The personal stories lived by the Uncle, the Father and the Son, respectively, form a tragic experience that is drawn along a line in time. This line is comparable to a crease in the pages of the family album, but also to a crack in the walls of the paternal house. It resembles the open wound created when drilling into a mountain, but also a scar in the collective imaginary of a society, where the idea of salvation finds its tragic destiny in the political struggle. What is at the end of that line? Will old war songs be enough to circumvent that destiny?

26. Januar 1982

Three-day weeks, strikes and the lights going out - the winter of 1973-4 finally spurs Hugh into political action. But is his new-found zeal going to be enough for the unexpected demands the new life makes of him?

Every American who has listened to the radio knows Guthrie's "This Land Is Your Land." The music of the folk singer/songwriter has been recorded by everyone from the Mormon Tabernacle Choir to U2. Originally blowing out of the Dust Bowl in Depression-era America, he blended vernacular, rural music and populism to give voice to millions of downtrodden citizens. Guthrie's music was politically leftist, uniquely patriotic and always inspirational.

6. Dezember 2022

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