26 filmų

Jauna mokinė medžiotoja su tėvu išvyksta į Airiją padėti išnaikinti paskutinį vilkų būrį. Tačiau viskas pasikeičia, kai ji susidraugauja su laisvo būdo mergina iš paslaptingos genties. Kurioje, naktimis gyventojai virsta vilkais.

2014 gruodžio 19

The story of the last Seal Child’s journey home. After their mother’s disappearance, Ben and Saoirse are sent to live with Granny in the city. When they resolve to return to their home by the sea, their journey becomes a race against time as they are drawn into a world Ben knows only from his mother’s folktales. But this is no bedtime story; these fairy folk have been in our world far too long. It soon becomes clear to Ben that Saoirse is the key to their survival.

Našlaitis Brendanas gyvena viename Airijos vienuolynų su savo dėde. Dėdė aplink kaimelį konstruoja milžinišką sieną, kad galėtų apsaugoti žmones nuo barbarų vikingų puldinėjimų. kuriems svarbūs tik lobiai, o ne kultūra. Dėdei visas pasaulis atrodo priešiškas ir berniuką apsaugoti jis stengiasi laikydamas už aukštų sienų. Tačiau ar įmanoma uždaryti vaiko smalsumą po storomis sienomis? Ar verta rizikuoti pažinti pasaulio paslaptis ar amžinai tūnoti ten, kur saugu?

2015 lapkričio 6

Deep within the darkness of secluded forest land in rural Ireland dwells an ancient evil. Feared by the nearby superstitious villagers as cursed creatures who prey upon the lost, their secrets have been kept from civilization and remain on their hallowed ground. But when a conservationist from London moves in with his wife and infant child in order to survey the land for future construction, his actions unwittingly disturb the horde of demonic forces. Alone in a remote wilderness, he must now ensure his family's survival from their relentless attacks.

1994 gegužės 14

Ten-year-old Fiona is sent to live with her grandparents in a small fishing village in Donegal, Ireland. She soon learns the local legend that an ancestor of hers married a Selkie – a seal who can turn into a human. Years earlier, her baby brother was washed out to sea and never seen again, so when Fiona spies a naked little boy on the abandoned Isle of Roan Inish, she is compelled to investigate.

2022 kovo 25

In a North Dublin housing estate Char's mother goes missing. When she returns Char is determined to uncover the truth of her disappearance and unearth the dark secrets of her family.

Ireland 1587. Hugh O'Donnell inherits the title of The O'Donnell, the prince of Donegal, and tries to unite Ireland to make war on England. But then Hugh is kidnapped and imprisoned by the Viceroy of Ireland and held ransom for the Clans' good behavior. Hugh must escape prison and the Viceroy's villainous henchman, Captain Leeds, before he can fight.

2018 rugsėjo 9

A painter's life is forever changed when a mythical and deadly spirit from Celtic lore – a Leannán Sí – becomes his muse and lover.

2023 gruodžio 12

An Irish folk tale which tells the story of one man who is haunted by a ominous ghost, and he begins to lose his mind as he tries to convince his brother of the ghost's existence.

2017 vasario 6

Set in a small, isolated 19th century Irish home for unwed mothers, a young pregnant woman must fight for her survival as the home falls siege to a group of mysterious invaders.

2010 liepos 12

A modern Irish comedy western set in sleepy rural Sligo.

2024 liepos 11

Ireland, 1852. Éamon and his daughter Máire take on a tranquil caretaker role at a secluded Georgian mansion during the harsh winter months. However, their peaceful assignment soon awakens a dreadful terror.

2024 gegužės 2

A young couple, looking for a nice getaway from the city, go for a scenic walk in the Cruagh Mountains, Dublin. However, they soon discover dark Celtic forces at work, turning a romantic date into a desperate quest for survival.

2023 liepos 15

When his daughter is born with an affliction warned of in fable, a widowed father struggles to defy the violent superstitions of their rural community.

2023 spalio 20

Éabha is a short drama about Ciarán, who is on a hiking date with Michael and suddenly experiences a regression to a previous life. He feels images of a young woman that start to intensify. While Michael is trying to understand, Ciarán goes deeper into his past life and experiences a woman's domestic violence and a miscarriage. In the turmoil of this regression, he finds the burial place of the woman's child and realizes: Not only has the woman lost her child, he has lost his Éabha, too.

2004 balandžio 4

A cut-out animation musical adaptation of the Irish mythological epic Táin Bó Cúailnge.

Padraig, a guilt laden and grief stricken man seeks the help of an eccentric carpenter, John, to help him build a coffin for his already dead and buried wife. As Padraig works with John he begins to discover an ancient hidden world of magic and mythology that has its sinister roots planted deep in the island of Ireland.

2008 sausio 1

a woman's spiritual journey in Ireland on All Hallow-Een

1976 rugsėjo 11

Edna O’Brien is interviewed by Russell Harty about her writing and her relationship with Ireland, as explored in her latest non-fiction book Mother Ireland.

2022 lapkričio 19

An obsessed alcoholic and his sceptic grandson search the Mourne Mountains for the fabled Banshee.

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