4 filmų

2011 liepos 1

Zack and Casey's relationship is in a slump, but things are about to change at Dick Dickey's Drama Camp. Zack meets gorgeous Benji, and when they get cast as lovers in a sexed-up version of The Taming of the Shrew, their self-restraint is put to the test. Will Zack and Casey's relationship last with Benji in the picture?

2018 birželio 12

After a white couple inexplicably gives birth to a black child, the purest bonds of trust, friendship, and love are put to the ultimate test.

1999 sausio 1

17 year old Pauly is a closeted high school kid who wants it all. His dad wants him to make the track team, his mom wants him to do well in band, and Pauly just wants to get closer to the new student teacher doing the school play.

2023 rugpjūčio 22

Roda Viva is a school project that used Chico Buarque's memorable song "Roda-Viva" to tell the story of a girl who feels oppressed by her authoritarian parents, but who is determined to rebel against the imposed expectations.

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