1945 gegužės 25

Edinburgh, 1831. Among those who undertake the illegal trade of grave robbery is Gray, ostensibly a cab driver. Formerly a medical student convicted of grave robbery, Gray holds a grudge against Dr. MacFarlane who had escaped detection and punishment.

1938 vasario 11

This is a story about family relationships, set in the time before and during the American Civil War. Ethan Wilkins is a poor and honest man who ministers to the human soul, while his son Jason yearns to be a doctor, helping people in the earthly realm. It is a rich story about striving for excellence, the tension of father-son rebellion, and the love of a mother that can never die.

2017 sausio 20

Režisierė ir pagrindinė herojė Jennifer Brea baigė politikos mokslus Prinstono universitete, dirbo žurnaliste Kinijoje ir Afrikoje, mėgo keliauti, lipti į kalnus, plaukti kanoja ir planavo rašyti disertaciją Harvardo universitete, kol, būdama 28-erių metų, susidūrė su lėtinio nuovargio sindromu (ME, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) – sekinančia liga, stipriai paveikiančią įprastines veiklas.

2016 sausio 1

Inside the dramatic search for a cure to ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). 17 million people around the world suffer from what ME/CFS has been known as a mystery illness, delegated to the psychological realm, until now. A scientist in the only neuro immune institute in the world may have come up with the answer. An important human drama, plays out on the quest for the truth.

1992 sausio 1

Voices of Positive Women is a ground-breaking documentary examination of the impact of HIV and AIDS on the lives of women working from material published in the book "Positive Women", a collection of personal accounts of women from all over the world living with AIDS and HIV. Bravely sharing their experiences publicly in what until now has been a void of information and support, and in some cases medical and bureaucratic denial that women are even at risk, the nine women presented in Voices of Positive Women speak compellingly on their own terms of their personal struggles for survival and voice.

Hunted by unknown enemies, four doctors are forced to solve life or death medical puzzles under the leadership of the enigmatic Dr. Tseng, whose past may be the greatest mystery of all. A medical drama thriller with a psychological twist, No Second Chances has a flavor of espionage, drama and intrigue.

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