13 本の映画

Крис Гарднер — отец одиночка. Воспитывая пятилетнего сына, Крис изо всех сил старается сделать так, чтобы ребенок рос счастливым. Работая продавцом, он не может оплатить квартиру, и их выселяют.Оказавшись на улице, но не желая сдаваться, отец устраивается специалистом в брокерскую компанию. Только и там его доходы далеки от нормальных. Но Крис поклялся себе во чтобы то ни стало вырастить сына, и никакие трудности его не остановят.

Три отличных друг от друга истории о молодом поколении китайцев из разных уголков страны.

Отгремела великая война, поделившая континент на северную и южную части. Сотрудница почты Вайолет получает приглашение в пансион благородных девиц, чтобы научить манерам богатую наследницу Изабеллу, выросшую вдали от дома. В процессе обучения Вайолет помогает преодолеть разрыв между Изабеллой и её младшей сестрой Тейлор, с которой та была разлучена много лет, и написать письмо, в котором Изабелла сможет, наконец, выразить свои искренние чувства.

Vincent has an extraordinary ability: his strength and reflexes increase tenfold when in contact with water. To make full use of this gift, he settles in a region with many lakes and rivers, which is isolated enough to allow him to live a peaceful life. Then, one day, during an aquatic escapade, he encounters Lucie.

Paris, summer 1960. Anthropologist and filmmaker Jean Rouch and sociologist and film critic Edgar Morin wander through the crowded streets asking passersby how they cope with life's misfortunes.

Emergency medicine intern Margaux can no longer stand it. During another very hectic and patient-filled shift, she forgets a homeless woman on a stretcher who then dies. Shocked Margaux has no choice but to continue working. But suddenly, her body starts sweating blood uncontrollably.

Cocoa visits her family, in the mountains, after quite some time again after her sister Mocha wrote her, through a letter, to come back soon. Her friends will have to spend a week in the town without her, while Cocoa has time with her family that she hasn't seen for a long time. But Chino, Cocoa's self proclaimed little sister, wants to go watch, with Cocoa and all her friends, the fireworks in the fireworks festival, which is coming up in less than a week. Cocoa decides to return early as she misses them all, but will she arrive in time for the climax of the festival?

From the 17th floor of an office building, Pierre is staring out a colleague that is here for hours.

Miki and Kazuki are both struggling at their jobs. Miki's bakery isn't getting business, and there is something missing from her desserts. Kazuki is working on a report related to curry for his company, but a coworker tells him he has the wrong approach to the project. Will they be able to succeed in their professions?

The human being feels generally as fascinated as fearful before death and the inevitable fact of dying. Workers at the cemetery of Palma de Mallorca, in Spain, face this harsh reality every day, so they have found a way to deal with it.


The discussion between two brothers, Elías and Gabriel, will trigger a dilemma that will force one of them to make a decision.

When an accounting company moves, it’s CEO gets an opportunity to display her awesome management skills.


A young man, a company worker whose job is to proofread, has to deal with the constant influx of internal issues at the workplace.



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