8 فیلم

ژوئیه 25, 2024
سپتامبر 29, 2017

Adrian and Esteban have been missing for a year. The police are at a standstill, despite having found their personal belongings in Cozumel, an island 12 miles away from the Riviera Maya. Alex friend of both, manages to get their cell phones, with which he will start his own parallel research. And he will discover that the truth is much more terrifying than you could imagine.

مه 1, 2020

In a world overtaken by a recent virus pandemic, all governments have conspired together to brainwash the remaining survivors using 5G cell service to create a new world order. Watch our world crumble from various perspectives...just when you thought it couldn't get any worse!

نوامبر 11, 2009

To surprise her daughter on her birthday, a mother saves up and buys a second-hand cellphone. But before she can get home, accident befalls her and she ends up dead. The phone was stolen by a janitor who was trying to make ends meet. His excitement over the phone is cut short when strange things started happening. He along with his friend team up to uncover the truth behind the unusual phone and the mysterious voice that keeps on calling.

ژانویه 1, 2003

Set in the near future, this is a tale about Han, a boy born with a handphone inside his head. Han is now eighteen years old and he is in love with Mei, a girl born with two small speakers inside her head and a small TV inside her right palm. Han and Mei must struggle with the fact that they will always be three feet apart.

ژوئیه 13, 2005

A cellphone collector a.k.a. snatcher steals a drug dealer's phone and the delivery that eventually leads into a confrontation with the syndicate's angry boss who wants his money.

ژانویه 1, 2006

Every cell phone user in America is at risk of turning into a zombie in this high-tech horror story. The nightmare begins when a government plot to thwart the country's enemies using top secret transmission technology goes awry. Now, zombie-inducing signals have wafted their way into every cell phone in the nation, and ordinary citizens who answer the calls are transformed into the living dead. Paul Wendell, Jonas Moses and Nicole Ashmore star.

This important film investigates whether the electromagnetic radiation emitted by cell phones, cell and broadcast towers, Wi-fi and powerlines could be hazardous to your health. Compelling new scientific research is linking electromagnetic radiation to a host of serious health problems ranging from depression and miscarriage to Alzheimer's disease and cancer. Many scientists and health professionals are now warning that our long-term exposure at levels well below the existing safety standards could result in a global public health crisis. The film critically examines one of the most important scientific debates of the 21st century.

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c تغییر وضعیت بسته/باز
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r پاسخ به بحث
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