5 sarjaa

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) was a mediocre who rose to power because of the blindness and ignorance of the Germans, who believed he was nothing more than an eccentric dreamer. But when the crisis of 1929 devastated the economy, the population, fearful of chaos and communism, voted for him. And no one defended democracy. As the dictatorship extended its relentless shadow, the leader claimed peace, but was preparing the Apocalypse.

A detailed account of the two millennia of intolerance and persecution suffered by the Jews, from antiquity to the present day.

7 huhtikuu 2021

Hybrid docuseries offering an expansive exploration of the exploitative and genocidal aspects of European colonialism, from America to Africa, and its impact on society today.

The Secret Rulers of the World was first shown on Channel 4 in April 2001. The five-part documentary series accompanied creator Jon Ronson's book 'Them: Adventures with Extremists', which covered similar topics and described many of the same episodes. Both the series and book detail Ronson's encounters following theorists and activists residing outside political, religious, and sociological norms.

Charly and Benny are great friends. Hamid, who came from Syria as a refugee child, is also one of them. But the carefree days of childhood end when Benny's grandfather dies and his grandson inherits a necklace with a Star of David. For Benny it's just a bond, but for some kids from school just looking for a fight, it's the perfect meal. The three get caught up in a web of racism, bullying and anti-Semitism.

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