11 部电影

2001 年 11 月 30 日

  圣诞节前夕,波斯尼亚战争终于达成停火协议,亚得里亚海上的美军官兵们即将返回家乡。海军领航员伯纳中尉(Owen Wilson 饰)早已厌倦这场无意义的战争,长官莱斯利(Gene Hackman 饰)出面劝解却无济于事。圣诞当天,伯纳与搭档驾驶大黄蜂战机执行航拍任务,无意中瞥见非安全区中有武装人员行动,两人决定介入,却被对方的萨姆导弹击落,搭档被对方处死,伯纳侥幸脱险,但对方搜寻人员沿路追踪不舍。与此同时,接到伯纳求救信息的莱斯利苦于北约将军节制,在所谓顾全大局的考虑下无法介入非安全区搭救伯纳,莱斯利只好借助媒体力量甚至不惜盗用盟友设备,展开了一场对落入敌后下属的拯救行动。

2020 年 08 月 28 日




2022 年 05 月 13 日

Lauren Thomas is turning 40 and no one is more excited than her. She is married to Andrew, an amazing husband, a true provider and father. Andrew's brother, Franklin, is in a wheelchair due to a military attack. His wife, Mahogany, is currently pregnant with their first child. The two couples, along with three other couples and a few friends, are celebrating Lauren's birthday during the holidays since she is a Christmas baby. However, once the other women grow tired of Lauren bragging about her success, even though she is a stay-at-home wife, attitudes and snide comments take control. Over the course of the evening, things escalate and the entire cast gradually gets involved in the free-for-all until everything hits the proverbial fan.

1951 年 01 月 04 日


2009 年 01 月 25 日

In 2066, the planet is entirely occupied by raptors. The only hope for the human race is a group of marines.

1942 年 12 月 26 日

This short film shows U.S. Marines in training at a number of unidentified bases, with a focus on hand-to-hand combat.

2019 年 02 月 02 日

When the world of Armageddon faces invasion by Orks, Chaplain Grimaldus and a group of Black Templars Space Marines are among those sent to defend it. Charged with the defense of Hive Helsreach in one of many onsets, the task seems forlorn. - A Warhammer 40,000 fan film.

1936 年 04 月 02 日

A Marine sacrifices his adopted son and his girlfriend so that they might find a new and more prosperous life.

2007 年 04 月 23 日

JERABEK is an intimate portrait of one family that confronts the tragedy of war. Ryan Jerabek wanted to get out of Green Bay, Wisconsin, see the world and do something different. Moved by what happened on September 11th, the honor student and varsity athlete joined the Marines and left for boot camp weeks after his high school graduation. Nine months later, he was killed in Iraq. The film chronicles, over two years, the changes in the lives of his family. Beyond politics, headlines and statistics, JERABEK offers a candid, personal look at the toll one death takes.

Brooklyn Jubilee Peace Parade



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