23 部电影

美國國慶日前夕,一群由湯瑪斯·蓋伯爾(提摩西·奧利芬飾演)領導的不法份子正進行一個破壞網絡系統的大陰謀,他們與網絡上的黑客合作,在黑客完成任務後即將黑客殺害。而這些網絡攻擊事件也引起美國政府的注意,聯邦調查局(FBI)主管包曼(克里夫·柯提斯飾演)下令找出美國境內有能力進行這類攻擊的黑客,並要求美國各地的警察局提供協助。紐約市警察尊麥堅(布斯·韋利士飾演)便基於這樣的理由,要帶一個叫麥特·法萊爾(賈斯汀·隆飾演)的黑客到局裏問話,卻遇上幾個蓋伯爾的殺手,他們試圖殺害與他們合作的法萊爾,不過最後麥克連將這些殺手擊退。在護送途中,法萊爾提到「fire sale」這個名詞,說這些不法份子打算依照交通、金融、民生的順序破壞網絡系統,而現今這些都是靠電腦控制的,他們可以在任何地方出沒,根本難以追查。


2003 年 10 月 09 日

When young Buddy falls into Santa's gift sack on Christmas Eve, he's transported back to the North Pole and raised as a toy-making elf by Santa's helpers. But as he grows into adulthood, he can't shake the nagging feeling that he doesn't belong. Buddy vows to visit Manhattan and find his real dad, a workaholic.

2018 年 02 月 23 日

Max同Annie兩公婆每星期都約齊兩pair朋友舉行game night狂歡。Max大佬Brooks希望將遊戲升級,精心佈局神秘謀殺派對,請埋老臨扮黑幫同警察助陣。所以,Brooks被人綁走,一定係遊戲一部份啦…除非唔係。當6位玩家開始想解謎贏出比賽時,就逐漸發現呢場「遊戲」並非想像中咁簡單。一心諗住越玩越激,點知搞到混亂又失控,陷入完全意料之外嘅局面!一場無規則、無分數、無路捉嘅綁架遊戲,玩家們今次究竟係要救人定救自己?

2007 年 06 月 15 日

Mother Nature loves to cause mischief, and she steps in to help two love-starved souls find happiness. She helps an aging professional woman and single mother, Rosie, who's unlucky in love find her match with Adam, a much younger man. As their relationship blossoms beyond physical attraction, matters complicate when her adolescent daughter starts to fall for a handsome local boy.

2008 年 06 月 20 日

當秘密探員們的身份遭到洩露,倒楣的史麥斯與能幹的特務 99 合作,以阻止邪惡的恐佈組織的行動。

2017 年 06 月 23 日


2013 年 07 月 26 日


2013 年 11 月 01 日

比利(米高德格拉斯 飾)來電宣布做老襯,準備叫三位兒時老死:柏迪(羅拔迪尼路 飾)、阿池(摩根費曼 飾)、森仔(奇雲格連 飾)到賭城開寡佬派對,聚舊之餘,一起豪玩四晚﹗雖然四位老死都年過六十,又要戒油戒鹽9點就寢,又要同多年沒見的頂心杉冰釋前嫌…不過人一世物一世,玩得盡興至實際;四位大老爺有心有力,難得出征,當然要排除萬難,同班後生一齊喜愛夜蒲,玩轉拉斯維加斯,成就不老醉爆傳奇﹗

2015 年 01 月 22 日

Quinn, a neurotic man, is diagnosed with a harmless eye condition and soon after his life spirals out of control. He second-guesses his plans to propose to his longtime girlfriend, Devon, after his beautiful coworker, Kelsey, confesses that she has a crush on him. After a conversation with his best friend, Jameson, he clumsily tries to explain his doubts to Devon, but his possible proposal turns into a break-up. When Devon flees to Paris, he follows her in a last-ditch effort to win back "the one."

2020 年 03 月 07 日

Michael, a struggling actor, dies right after a bad breakup. He finds himself awakening in a very bright room with a very strange lady and learns that he is in singles Purgatory, where he must find his soul mate in order to cross over to the other side. With limited time to find true love among other recently deceased single New Yorkers, Michael must navigate the new customs of a ghostly dating life... as if dating in life wasn't hard enough already.

1986 年 07 月 25 日

Radio personalities Larry Abbot and Vickie Pearle are stars of a mystery show. Since they announced their engagement, Larry has been plagued by speech problems and, seeking out an unconventional cure, he returns to his boyhood home, a mansion in the countryside, bringing Vickie along. Larry reunites with numerous family members, but discovers that there are sinister things afoot within the walls of the creepy estate.

History professor Baisch, his depressive and tablet-addicted brother-in-law Anzengruber and a manic cabaret artist have a car accident on a remote country road after a party. Wedged between two trees they get stuck, doors and windows can no longer be opened, the windows made of bulletproof glass cannot be smashed. Injured and with no chance of escape, they wait for days for rescue. Their only provisions are a bowl of herring salad and a few bottles of Prosecco. Fits of rage and fear alternate with overwrought hilarity and desperate fits of crying. But it gets worse...

2022 年 09 月 18 日

A critique of liquid love through sarcasm and crude humor. With the desire that the viewer empathize with the protagonists and reflect on the ephemerality of sexual-affective relationships in modern society. At the end of the short film, the transformation of people into mere consumer goods will be clear, which, once they have been used, are discarded

Haley Hoult, a student of Est Harrison High, creates a sarcastic video essay about his school.

2011 年 11 月 18 日

A scathing black comedy of embarrassment that charts the emotional breakdown and rebirth of a woman ripe for self-discovery.

2024 年 02 月 10 日

The ennui of a filmmaker, trapped between aspiration and reality, frames Lana Jing’s quirky, sarcastic, and cinematic-joke filled quarter-life crisis. At her lecture hall job, where aging white men wax on, self-involved, Lana accidentally frames her friend and co-worker when she destroys the only copy of an aging tech-bro’s high-profile lecture. Lana is forced to navigate stop motion animation, a secret admirer, and terrible bridge traffic to sort out a way forward to her destiny… kinda.

In his excellent Someone Likes Yoghurt, Herrring shares with us his world of gonorrhoea-transmiting magpies, his attempts to become successor to Pope John Paul II, and his local supermarket's utterly humiliating new checkout service: the grocery interrogation.

2017 年 02 月 07 日

Just speak the word "jaws" to anyone and their pulse quickens, the hair on the back of their neck stands up as a dim memory rises to the surface of their consciousness - a memory of the first time they saw Murray Hamilton. Most likely it was in an episode of B.J. and the Bear, or perhaps The F.B.I with Efrem Zimbalist, Jr., but if not that, then his turn as the sartorially resplendent, gravelly voiced mayor of Amity in Jaws, the movie that made a generation of people afraid to go into the water (they were justifiably terrified of getting a skin disease from coming in contact with Quint's run-off.) Yes, long before blockbusters like Spider-Man 2, Shrek the Third, or Garden State there was Jaws, the story of small town mayor Larry Vaughn (played by the magnificent Murray Hamilton) and his quest to find the perfect jacket to wear while resisting the whining of Richard Dreyfuss. There is also a shark.

2024 年 05 月 18 日

Three disillusioned outcasts meet in a laundromat. A punk who's lost his pills, a freshly-kicked-out youth, and a girl obsessed with vampires. What could go wrong?



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