17 部电影

2006 年 07 月 25 日

本片獲得西班牙聖薩巴斯提安影展評審團獎、最佳攝影獎。 南極大陸,漫天霜雪、冷冽奇美。在永無止盡的蒼茫荒原裡,一名英國青年搭乘小飛機穿梭在一望無際的銀白世界裡,俯視底下的無垠冰雪。他想起一年前曾經深愛的女孩,一個遊學倫敦的美國大學生。他們曾在「黑色叛逆機車俱樂部Black Rebel Motorcycle Club」演唱會上相遇,利用手指在彼此身上游移的時刻,探索今後相愛的可能。一年之間的9場演唱會,不僅見證了兩人電光石火的愛情,高漲的情慾也嚐得濃烈、溫柔卻同時哀傷。一年過後,他仍強烈記得那個吻、從未忘卻他在女孩胸前留下的印記,以及曾經宣誓的點點滴滴。他們的愛情雖已消逝,但殘留的某一部份仍然強烈呼喚著他,帶他來到了南極… 本片以倒敘形式呈現,描寫一位對南極大陸深深著迷的男人,在造訪這座冰封大陸的同時,追憶與女友曾經有過的一段美好戀情。大膽運用強烈對比鏡頭,如嚴寒雪地裡對南極大地完全理性的事實陳述,觀眾看到的是他與女友床第纏綿、耳鬢廝磨的蜜語甜言;喧鬧沸騰的搖滾音樂演唱會,則接在無邊無際的冰雪景象後登場。全片沒有事先安排的腳本,對話內容全靠導演與演員現場的討論互動,以及與眾人同心協力的自由創作。 在演員的挑選方面,導演堅持所有性愛場景必須由男女主角真槍實彈上場,認為演出本片的演員必須有超乎常人的勇氣,能在眾人面前當場翻雲覆雨。最初劇組人員決定透過公開徵選的方式,沒想到前來試鏡的超過95%是男演員!正當大家為了女主角難產傷透腦筋,導演在機緣巧合下遇見當時21歲,兼職時尚模特兒的美國女演員瑪歌‧施堤莉(Margo Stilley)。男主角則選上曾經和導演合作過《24小時狂歡派對》(24 Hour Party People)的男演員「基蘭‧歐布林」(Kieran O'Brien)。

2004 年 10 月 10 日

Ben is an art college student in London, whose imagination runs wild as he works the late-night shift at the local supermarket. What do he and his colleagues do to pass the long, endless hours of the night?

An intimate look at pioneering artist George Platt Lynes, who took radically explicit photographs of the male nude. The documentary reveals Lynes’ gifted eye for the male form, his long-term friendships with Gertrude Stein and Alfred Kinsey, and his lasting influence as one of the first openly gay American artists.

2014 年 12 月 30 日

As they penetrate deeper into the darkness of the forrest, a group of hunters guided by a wolf is getting closer and closer to the source of the original sin.

2019 年 07 月 19 日

話說兩百年前,印度的「種姓制度」和酷刑處於巔峰時期, 敢於出言反抗當權者的三哥都會遭到殘忍酷刑。在這段時期,在泰米爾納德邦出現了許多壓迫人民的法律和刑罰,特拉分凡科(印度地名)當時就實行這樣殘忍而又奇葩的法律「乳房稅」,除了高種姓的女人外,女人如果遮蓋乳房就要被收稅,所以為了不用納稅,印度的低種姓女人大多不遮蓋乳房。不愧是三哥,能想出這種收稅手段。不過現在歐洲不是有個「脫褲日」,要是將這些人送到這個時候的印度,他們估計很高興吧。

2002 年 12 月 13 日

Othello Vilgard, Xavier Baert and Lionel Soukaz filmed a performance by Tom from Beijing: one strips himself naked while the others veil and reveal the film.

2001 年 01 月 01 日

The career of the once successful classical portraitist, Kingdom Swann, has hit bad times. When a leading gallery rejects his work, he seems at the point of giving up. It is only the support of his housekeeper, Violet Askey, that keeps him going and it is she who encourages him to switch to photography. Soon Swann has developed a healthy (and respectable) business with portraits of naked women in classical and exotic settings. However, the nature of Swann's new work is open to misinterpretation and he finds himself at the centre of a scandal involving the misuse of his pictures by a SOHO pornographer, and the focus of a campaign by suffragettes against the expoitation of women. At the same time, he loses the support of the loyal Violet, who leaps to the wrong conclusion about Swann's relationship with one of his models. When Violet then becomes involved in the suffragette and amti-pornography movements, it seems all may be lost for Swann - both professionally...and personally.

1999 年 01 月 01 日

For the first time, 8 Playgirl model-athletes share the same screen and playing field in the hottest, wildest, nude athletic competition. Their ripped, naked bodies strain against each other as they compete in five challenging events designed to show off every muscle of their stunning physiques. Watch them fight for supremacy in Bucket Ball Scramble, bounce ever higher in Trampoline Dodge Ball, use everything but their hands in Soccer Skirmish, strain for the lead in the All-Terrain Running Race, and get down and dirty in Naked Mud Wrestling. And after marveling at the power and strength of their exquisite bodies, you'll meet them one-on-one as each hunk eagerly shows off every flexing muscle of his stunning nude body. If Wide Nude World of Sports were on television, you'd never change the channel!

2021 年 06 月 23 日
2023 年 04 月 27 日

Upon his arrival in Paris, filmmaker Tomas Cali immerses himself in learning French, as well as the language of sketching. In an art studio, he meets transgender life model Linda Demorrir, who helps him to connect with himself and his new city in a profoundly different way.


2011 年 11 月 17 日

Lucie can't seem to help but see her husband's friend entirely nude.

As a 'tribute' to the late Mary Millington, a bunch of would-be strippers compete in London to become the 'World's Best'. Blue comedian Bernie Winters punctuates the action with a load of dirty jokes.

2023 年 05 月 12 日

A painter, a naked woman, and a camera. In this triple constellation we explore the power of the gaze and the roles it imposes on us. An artist's studio turns into the setting for questions about how we look at and perceive women. The naked skin of the model becomes the canvas for an audiovisual exploration of the ways in which seeing and being seen anchors us in our body. And how this body shapes our experience of the world and our role in it.

2023 年 09 月 20 日

A European man goes naked to an American beach. A clothed American beachgoer takes offense and a brawl ensues.

1997 年 01 月 01 日

A pair of down on their luck friends in debt to the mob, find that a demented mafia hitman is the least of their worries when they attempted to rob a mysterious newcomer to their town in this sexy tale of terror.

2021 年 10 月 31 日

An erotic horror film about a boy who sleeps naked on a hot summer night and suddenly discovers that he's not alone.

1935 年 01 月 27 日

Broadcast music evokes erotic and racial fantasies in this commercial.



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