335 pel·lícules

Enmig de la Segona Guerra Mundial, un noi adolescent, en Mahito, està afligit per la mort tràgica de sa mare. Després d'això ha de deixar Tòquio i traslladar-se a una casa en el camp, on l'espera la seva mare adoptiva, la Natsuko, que s'assembla d'allò més a la seva mare. El noi mira d'adaptar-se a aquesta nova vida, però l'aparició d'un bernat pescaire el turmenta i li capgira el món.

Basada en fets reals, narra la història de Michael Oher, un jove afroamericà sense llar que troba ajuda i recer en una família blanca, disposada a prestar-li el suport necessari perquè pugui desenvolupar tot el seu potencial, tant per triomfar com a jugador de futbol americà com a la vida. Per part seva Oher també influirà en la vida dels membres de la família Touhy, que travessaran també per experiències de descobriment personal. El canvi d'ambient significa també nous desafiaments que el jove haurà de vèncer, esforçant-se per donar el màxim de si mateix com a esportista i com a persona.

La Shizuku és una adolescent aficionada a la lectura, que ha planejat passar les seves vacances d’estiu llegint a la biblioteca i traduint cançons estrangeres. Però, els seus plans fan un gir inesperat quan descobreix que les fitxes dels llibres que agafa de la biblioteca tenen un mateix nom: Seiji Amasawa. Un dia, al tren, la noia coneix un gat misteriós que la porta a la botiga on Seiji treballa com aprenent de lutier i el seu somni és portar el seu art a Itàlia i anima la Shizuku perquè escrigui llibres

Deloris Van Cartier is again asked to don the nun's habit to help a run-down Catholic school, presided over by Mother Superior. And if trying to reach out to a class full of uninterested students wasn't bad enough, the sisters discover that the school is due to be closed by the unscrupulous chief of a local authority.

21 e de 2005

Widower Cedric Brown hires Nanny McPhee to care for his seven rambunctious children, who have chased away all previous nannies. Taunted by Simon and his siblings, Nanny McPhee uses mystical powers to instill discipline. And when the children's great-aunt and benefactor, Lady Adelaide Stitch, threatens to separate the kids, the family pulls together under the guidance of Nanny McPhee.

24 g de 2015

In a highly secured vault deep within the walls of Vatican City, the Catholic Church holds thousands of old films and video footage documenting exorcisms/supposed exorcisms and other unexplained religious phenomena they feel the world is not ready to see. This is the first tape - Case 83-G - stolen from these archives and exposed to the public by an anonymous source.

18 l de 2008

Durant un projecte setmanal, el professor Rainer Wenger ensenya als estudiants de la seva classe el tema de la forma de govern. Els estudiants es mostren escèptics davant de la idea que pogués tornar una dictadura com la del tercer reich a l'Alemanya dels nostres dies i que ja no hi ha perill que el nacionalsocialisme torni a fer-se amb el poder. El professor decideix començar un experiment amb els seus alumnes per demostrar com és de fàcil manipular les masses.

11 l de 1988

Jaime Escalante is a mathematics teacher in a school in a hispanic neighbourhood. Convinced that his students have potential, he adopts unconventional teaching methods to try and turn gang members and no-hopers into some of the country's top algebra and calculus students.

Mark Thackeray, un enginyer negre sense feina, accepta una feina com a professor d'un grup d'estudiants força conflictius en una escola de la perifèria de Londres. Els seus alumnes són insolents i grollers però, en el fons, no tenen mals sentiments. Al principi intenta guanyar-se la confiança utilitzant els mètodes tradicionals, però fracassa tan estrepitosament que no tindrà més remei que recórrer a altres fórmules.

A New York City beautician is mistakenly hired as the school teacher for the children of the president of a small Eastern European country.

23 de 1962

The true story of the frightening, lonely world of silence and darkness of 7-year-old Helen Keller who, since infancy, has never seen the sky, heard her mother's voice or expressed her innermost feelings. Then Annie Sullivan, a 20-year-old teacher from Boston, arrives. Having just recently regained her own sight, the no-nonsense Annie reaches out to Helen through the power of touch, the only tool they have in common, and leads her bold pupil on a miraculous journey from fear and isolation to happiness and light.

Teacher and novelist François Bégaudeau plays a version of himself as he negotiates a year with his racially mixed students from a tough Parisian neighborhood.

The documentary's title translates as "to be and to have", the two auxiliary verbs in the French language. It is about a primary school in the commune of Saint-Étienne-sur-Usson, Puy-de-Dôme, France, the population of which is just over 200. The school has one small class of mixed ages (from four to twelve years), with a dedicated teacher, Georges Lopez, who shows patience and respect for the children as we follow their story through a single school year.

2 e de 2006

The story of an unruly class of bright, funny history students at a Yorkshire grammar school in pursuit of an undergraduate place at Oxford or Cambridge. Bounced between their maverick English master, a young and shrewd teacher hired to up their test scores, a grossly out-numbered history teacher, and a headmaster obsessed with results, the boys attempt to pass.

Mark Thackeray torna a Chicago, després de passar 30 anys a Londres fent classes en una de les escoles britàniques de més prestigi. A Chicago s'enfronta a un nou repte en la seva llarga carrera com a professor d'història, ja que li toca una classe de nois difícils i desmotivats, més acostumats a la delinqüència que als llibres.

Hilary (Julia Roberts) és una atractiva jove que ja gairebé ha renunciat a l'amor, i la resta de la seva vida tampoc no va gaire bé. Un dia decideix contestar un anunci en un diari, en què se sol·licita una noia atenta i servicial. Va a una luxosa mansió, on coneix Victor (Campbell Scott), un jove de bona família que pateix una leucèmia que tothom creu incurable, inclòs el seu dominant pare (David Selby).

16 n de 2011

The true story of an 84 year-old Kenyan villager and ex Mau Mau freedom fighter who fights for his right to go to school for the first time to get the education he could never afford.

24 n de 2010

Gripping, heartbreaking, and ultimately hopeful, Waiting for Superman is an impassioned indictment of the American school system from An Inconvenient Truth director Davis Guggenheim.

1 " de 2018

On the eve of the admissions cycle for New York City kindergartens, Alex and Greg Wheeler have high hopes for four-year-old Jake. The director of Jake's preschool encourages them to accentuate Jake's gender expansive behavior to help him stand out. As Alex and Greg navigate their roles as parents, a rift grows between them, one that forces them to confront their own concerns about what's best for Jake, and each other.

12 e de 1994

Bones Conway and Jack Kaufman didn't really know what they were in for when they enlisted in the U.S. Army; they just wanted to get a job and make some money. But these new recruits are so hapless, they run the risk of getting kicked out before their military careers even begin. Soon, though, they're sent to the Middle East to fight for their country -- which they manage to do in their own wacky ways.

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