65 movies

decembris 10, 1999


aprīlis 14, 2023

On the day of his scheduled execution, a convicted serial killer gets a psychiatric evaluation during which he claims he is a demon, and further claims that before their time is over, the psychiatrist will commit three murders of his own.

februāris 18, 1997

片首大衛寶兒一曲《I’m Deranged》先聲奪人,打開了由如惡夢般的故事,居住洛杉磯的爵士樂手與妻子持續收到神秘錄影帶,偷錄他們日常生活,直至他收到另一盒錄影帶,記載著樂手殺死妻子....電影發展下去,原本被控謀殺的樂手變成維修技工,死去妻子變成黑幫大佬身邊情人。身分轉換,各式古怪人物一一現身,當真相迫近,是夢境?還是不願面對的現實?被視為連治最混亂的電影,混合各種電影類型元素,在崩潰的殺戮、放縱的性愛疊現,和瘋狂的精神焦慮之間,《妖夜慌蹤》猶如一匹脫韁野馬,潛入男性意識、記憶、夢魘、情慾、邪念,恐懼綁架精神,到最終無路可逃

marts 19, 1999

Boozer, skirt chaser, careless father. You could create your own list of reporter Steve Everett's faults but there's no time. A San Quentin Death Row prisoner is slated to die at midnight – a man Everett has suddenly realized is innocent.

augusts 27, 2021

The complicated relationship that formed between the FBI analyst Bill Hagmaier and serial killer Ted Bundy during Bundy's final years on death row.

貝茜•布魯姆(凱特·溫斯蕾 Kate Winslet飾)是紐約某新聞雜志的知名記者,她接到了一個任務是去采訪一名死刑犯大衛·戈爾(凱文·斯貝西 Kevin Spacey 飾)。戈爾的罪名是強奸並謀殺了康絲坦斯•哈拉維,並將於周五下午6點被處以死刑,那麽布魯姆將要采訪並記錄的就是戈爾人生最後的三天,而此前戈爾拒絕了一切采訪。布魯姆起初對這個任務很不以為然,但在和戈爾的接觸過程中,她發現一切並非表面呈現的那麽簡單,於是布魯姆決定用僅剩的三天開始尋找真相…

janvāris 20, 1995

A young, inexperienced public defender is assigned to defend an inmate accused of committing murder while behind bars.

oktobris 5, 2012

1969年,傑克鄭遜(碩克艾佛朗飾)被大學開除,回到老家佛羅里達的雷特利鎮後,給他父親經營的報社做送報童。他哥哥華特(馬修麥康納飾)是邁阿密時報的名記者,與拍檔雅迪艾文(大衛奧伊羅飾)特地為調查被判殺人罪的希拉利韋特(尊古鍚飾)回到小鎮。 莎樂比思(妮歌潔曼飾)是華特和雅迪前來調查鱷魚獵人希拉利的主要原因。她確信此人被錯判,希望兩名記者能為他洗雪冤情幫他出獄。在傑克幫忙下,華特和雅迪致力寫一篇能令其事業更上一層樓的報導,也希望藉此披露佛州的腐敗和司法不公。 但案件的真相漸趨撲朔迷離,就像小鎮周圍的沼澤地一樣幽深莫測。莎樂比思對三人總是曖昧不清,尤其對已經深愛上她的傑克。華特開始行事鬼祟,而雅迪也變得不顧事實投機取巧。在華特還未能確信希拉利清白的情況下,雅迪私自刊登了文章,致使希拉利獲釋,一如莎樂所願。然而事實上,現在才是悲劇的開始。

decembris 29, 1995

A death row inmate turns for spiritual guidance to a local nun in the days leading up to his scheduled execution for the murders of a young couple.

maijs 21, 2018

In the near future, 10 death row convicts are forced to compete in a virtual reality game that pits them against dinosaurs and each other.

augusts 2, 1991

A criminal psychologist loses his arm in a car crash, and becomes one of three patients to have their missing limbs replaced by those belonging to an executed serial killer. One of them dies violently, and disturbing occurrences start happening to the surviving two.

jūlijs 5, 2019

The daughter of a man on death row falls in love with a woman on the opposing side of her family's political cause.

In this documentary, filmmaker Nick Broomfield follows the saga of Aileen Wuornos, a prostitute who has been accused of committing a brutal series of murders. Broomfield conducts interviews with Wuornos herself, and his crew films her trial as well as her interactions with religious fanatic Arlene Pralle, who gives Wuornos dubious advice and legally adopts her. The cameras also roll as the accused's attorney ignores the case at hand to negotiate a deal to sell his client's story.

decembris 27, 2019

Years of carrying out death row executions have taken a toll on prison warden Bernadine Williams. As she prepares to execute another inmate, Bernadine must confront the psychological and emotional demons her job creates, ultimately connecting her to the man she is sanctioned to kill.

British documentarian Nick Broomfield creates a follow-up piece to his 1992 documentary of the serial killer Aileen Wuornos, a highway prostitute who was convicted of killing six men in Florida between 1989 and 1990. Interviewing an increasingly mentally unstable Wuornos, Broomfield captures the distorted mind of a murderer whom the state of Florida deems of sound mind -- and therefore fit to execute. Throughout the film, Broomfield includes footage of his testimony at Wuornos' trial.

septembris 15, 1962

After his death sentence is commuted to life in prison, John Resko is transferred from Sing-Sing to Dannemora where, with the help of a humane prison guard, he becomes a rehabilitated man and a successful painter.

februāris 3, 2017

A psychologist interviews a death row inmate to determine whether or not a stay of execution should be granted.

novembris 18, 1958

Barbara Graham is a woman with dubious moral standards, often a guest in seedy bars. She has been sentenced for some petty crimes. Two men she knows murder an older woman. When they get caught they start to think that Barbara has helped the police arresting them. As a revenge they tell the police that Barbara is the murderer.

oktobris 10, 2011

A further investigation into the arrest of three teenagers convicted of killing three young boys in Arkansas who spent nearly 20 years in prison before being released after new DNA evidence indicated they may be innocent.

novembris 11, 2011

We do not know when and how we will die. Death Row inmates do. Werner Herzog embarks on a dialogue with Death Row inmates, asks questions about life and death and looks deep into these individuals, their stories, their crimes.

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