3 سریال

This three-part documentary series follows a trio of fighter pilot recruits as they attempt to become the best of the best - to be selected to fly the RAF’s brand new F35 Lightning jet.

ژوئن 3, 1985

Jenny's War is a 1985 war television serial set during World War II, made by HTV in association with Columbia Pictures. It is directed by and written by Steve Gethers. The screenplay is based on the novel with the same name of Jack Stoneley. In the UK it was shown as four 50 minute episodes on the ITV network, while in the United States it was syndicated under the Operation Prime Time banner by MCA TV.

The serial stars Dyan Cannon, Nigel Hawthorne, Robert Hardy Christopher Cazenove and Hugh Grant, and is about a mother, Jenny Baines, who searches for her son Peter, who was shot down over Germany, and who she believes is still alive.

نوامبر 21, 2013

Access-all-areas documentary series focusing on the servicemen and women who work at the biggest and busiest military airbase in the UK. This opening episode focuses on the kind of critical cargo that Brize Norton transports on a daily basis, including a helicopter to Camp Bastion in Afghanistan and a highly infectious patient.

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