6 Filme

23. Dezember 2022

12-letni Mully stracił matkę i odkrywa, że jego zadłużony ojciec kradnie pieniądze na cele charytatywne, które zebrali w jej imieniu. Chwytając gotówkę, Mully kradnie taksówkę i jest zszokowany, gdy na tylnym siedzeniu znajduje kobietę Joy z dzieckiem.

28. Mai 1948

A compulsive gambler bets her freedom against a $16,000 debt to a crime boss…and loses. But before he can collect, she skips town, with a private detective hot on her trail.

15. November 2023

In the merciless Chambal ravines, a regular girl must outwit hardcore dacoits to survive one night before any help comes her way.

9. Juli 1989

A woman who has been institutionalized for 60 years for the "crime" of not conforming to the 1920s image of what a proper young woman should be (in other words, she did what she wanted and didn't care what anyone else thought about it) is finally released to the custody of her family, consisting of her grand-nephew and his family. At first she keeps a self-imposed distance from the relatives, but she soon finds herself coming around to her nephew's wife, a free spirit who is under the thumb of her cold and controlling husband

17. Dezember 2021

Virginia wanders a deserted, haunted landscape and wakes up the ghost of an ancient and bloodthirsty blind female knight. As the wraith relentlessly pursues her prey, the truth about Virginia's dark past is revealed.

La Pampa, Argentina. María, a teacher in a small town who is about to become a mother, decides to leave her violent husband to raise her child in a better place. A small incident triggers the beginning of her journey through the hostile desert.

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