17 部电影

2001 年 07 月 27 日


1968 年 02 月 07 日

一艘出發自二十世紀的宇宙飛船經過6個月的近光速飛行,相當於經歷了七百年時間,船長泰勒(Charlton Heston 飾)設定自動飛行狀態後,飛船最終墜落在公元3978年的一顆陌生星球上。泰勒和兩名倖存隊員發現該星球與地球環境相當,而且竟然存在沒有語言能力靠採集為生的人類,不待泰勒進行進一步的考察,一群具有智能的人猿突然出現將一眾人類捕獲。原來這顆星球的主人是人猿,人類只不過是供他們捕獵研究的野獸,人猿博士基拉(Kim Hunter 飾)和男友康奈利分別進行著人類行為學和人猿歷史的研究,喉部受傷的泰勒暫時失去語言能力,但他的溝通行為很快引起了基拉的注意,在頑固的人猿學術界引發了爭議。一直設法爭取自由的泰勒不久終於發現了人猿星球的真相……

《馬達加斯加》相隔3年推出續集,上次流落荒島的愛力獅、長頸男、河馬莉及馬蹄駕機回紐約,不料墜落非洲。班史提勒配音的愛力獅,意外在非洲找到失散多年的父母,卻發現自己完全沒有繼承父業當獅子王的能力, 故事一開始還算順利,一群動物們在飛機上開心慶祝即將回到五光十色的紐約,但隨即墜落於大草原來到動物天堂「非洲」。不單如此,愛力獅在這裡遇上了同類,卻因為久居動物園失去溝通的本能。 他們發現非洲似乎是一個值得留戀的「好所在」,但這一群十足觀光客的外國動物,要如何融入環境?非洲真的會比中央公園動物園好嗎?

1992 年 03 月 05 日

A simple man is turned into a genius through the application of computer science.

2008 年 05 月 09 日

Speed Racer is a young and brilliant racing driver. When corruption in the racing leagues costs his brother his life, Speed must team up with the police and the mysterious Racer X to bring an end to the corruption and criminal activities.

1999 年 10 月 29 日

男主角奎(Craig Schwartzd是一個潦倒的木偶街頭賣藝師 ,整天為了藝術而活,不過終究不得溫飽,最後為了求生存、混口飯吃,奎格決定利用自己靈巧的手到 一 家 地 處 紐 約 的 商 業大樓裡應徵檔案處理員。奎格的辦公地點位於曼哈頓棟大樓的7樓半,在這只有半層樓高的辦公大廈工作的員工 ,每 天 都 要 彎 著腰走路,相當的奇特。 坐在奎格隔壁的是一位美豔但冷酷的女同事,奎格不由自主的愛上了這位性感 又美麗的女同事-美絲(Maxine),但她卻對他絲毫沒興趣,因此奎格也遭到美絲多次的拒絕 。 一天奎格 在找資料時,竟然在文件櫃後發現了一道門,他好奇的打開門只見一 條黑漆漆的通道,並親身進入通道去探索一番,卻意外的發現這是條進入知名演員約翰馬可維奇心靈的入口。 進入這個入口你可感受到十五分鐘馬可維奇的一切。於是奎格靈機一動,和美絲(Maxine)想出一個生財之道,讓每個愛好挑戰的紐約人以 二百美元的費用去感受十五分鐘的馬可維奇 。 奎格的老婆 -璐特(Lotte)首先嘗試進入馬可維奇的世界,隨著馬可維奇的身體參加party時也同時的愛上了美絲(Maxine),兩個女人藉著馬可維奇的軀體發生了奇怪的性關係,璐特(Lotte)和美絲(Maxine)之間產生了也因此有了微妙的感情。 璐特(Lotte)的老公;奎格(Carig)發現自己的妻子與美絲(Maxine)之間不尋常的關係而覺得事態嚴重。在惱怒自己的妻子竟如此輕易地與自己夢寐以求的女人在一起後,他決定進到Malkovich的腦袋,並用他操作木偶的功力去取得永久的存在馬可維奇的體內。在順利的完全控制馬可維奇的意識及軀體後,他利用了馬可維奇原有的名聲和地位轉換演戲的跑道,進而變成為一位人盡皆知的木偶藝術大師,同時也和Maxime找到人生共同的歡樂。然而,好景不常,就在馬可維奇44歲生日的同時一切美好的是就此改變………

2008 年 07 月 18 日

Three chimps are sent into space to explore the possibility of alien life when an unmanned space shuttle crash lands on an uncharted planet.

1987 年 04 月 17 日

A young inductee into the military is given the task of looking after some chimpanzees used in the mysterious 'Project X'. Getting to know the chimps fairly well, he begins to suspect there is more to the secret project than he is being told.

2012 年 04 月 20 日

A nature documentary centered on a family of chimps living in the Ivory Coast and Ugandan rain forests. Through Oscar, a little chimpanzee, we discover learning about life in the heart of the African tropical forest and follow his first steps in this world with humor, emotion and anguish. Following a tragedy, he finds himself separated from his mother and left alone to face the hostility of the jungle. Until he is picked up by an older chimpanzee, who will take him under her protection.

2004 年 09 月 17 日

Boy genius Michael Dean (Adkins) teams up with a super-talented chimpanzee and his caretaker (Modine) to take down an animal testing lab. In exchange the scientist gives the boy some pointers on the girl of his dreams.

1936 年 09 月 11 日

Dr. Laurence, a once-respectable scientist, begins to research the origin of the mind and the soul. The science community rejects him, and he risks losing everything for which he has worked. He begins to use his discoveries to save his research and further his own causes, thereby becoming... a Mad Scientist, almost unstoppable...

One Small Step: The Story of the Space Chimps is the dramatic and moving real-life tale of the United States Air Force chimponauts and their NASA compatriots.

1983 年 03 月 04 日

A magician in a carnival--who actually can read minds and levitate people and objects--works with a superintelligent chimp named Alex, who can also talk. The magician and the chimp soon become the stars of the carnival, drawing in big crowds. However, the wild-animal trainer, who has been displaced by the team as the carnival's top act, decides to kidnap Alex and sell him to a medical laboratory for experimentation, thereby getting rid of his competition.

2002 年 03 月 15 日

In the 1960s a young woman works at NASA as an animal trainer responsible for the chimpanzee who will go into space.

1952 年 09 月 01 日

When Bonzo turns out to be the answer to the football teams troubles, the only solution is to enroll him college.

2021 年 04 月 29 日

The profound story of Lucy Temerlin, a female chimpanzee raised as human from birth in a domestic environment, and Janis Carter, the woman who took on the seemingly impossible task of giving her a new life in the wild.

Picture a life in a box measuring just six square metres, without daylight or contact to fellow members of the species. For years forty chimpanzees from Sierra Leone were used illegally in experiments aimed at developing Aids and hepatitis vaccines. After fifteen years, the Austrian pharmaceutical company Immuno abandon these tests as inconclusive, and a resocialisation project for these infected primates begins.



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