نوامبر 24, 2008

The Sea-Wolf is based on a 1904 psychological adventure novel by American novelist Jack London, about a literary critic, who is survivor of an ocean collision. He then comes under the dominance of Wolf Larsen, the powerful and amoral sea captain who rescues him.

A young man narrates two conflicting accounts of his life, changing the details and incidents in both, as he slowly approaches madness.

اکتبر 11, 1970

While living rough on the streets of London's East End, a young man named Dink encounters the mysterious Dee and they begin a relationship. When tenderness gives way to cruelty, they become consumed by darkness.

مارس 23, 2023

One day a special patient comes to the psychologist. The clock is ticking, but is time moving forwards or backwards? What does the one who listens to everyone's story tell?

نوامبر 24, 2023
نوامبر 28, 2023

A lonely artist tries to complete a model, while facing the structural problems of her own house. In a tense morning, Jaci is tormented by the breath of a crack. As the ratio between reality and representation begins to crumble, she is taken on a journey of inner reconstruction.

دسامبر 21, 2022

A reclusive former star of British cinema reflects on the loss of her child and her past life in the spotlight.

مه 8, 2023

Yamin and his struggles with loneliness and isolation. His little brother, Dhamin, helps him to find some solace through their shared love of drawing. However, Yamin still feels the need to leave and find his own way in the end. It's a touching story about the power of connection and creativity.

فوریه 2, 2023

Social media corrupts the mind of a young University student--but can he escape the psychological torment of alienation?

سپتامبر 30, 2021

After the accidental death of her 4 year old son, a mother battles with her inner fears and demons as she come to terms with the fact that her older son is responsible for this tragedy.

ژانویه 18, 2022

2022 bilingual satire that follows an afternoon of TV.

فیلم و نمایش تلویزیونی را نمی‌توانید پیدا کنید؟ به سیستم وارد شوید تا آن را ایجاد کنید.


s تمرکز بر منوی جستجو
p منوی پروفایل باز شود
esc بستن پنجره باز
? پنجره میانبرهای صفحه‌کلید باز شود

در صفحات مدیا

b بازگشت به عقب (یا در صورت لزوم به منشا)
e برو به صفحه ویرایش

در صفحات فصل تلویزیونی

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(پیکان سمت چپ) برو به نشست قبلی

در صفحات قسمت تلویزیونی

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(پیکان سمت چپ) برو به قسمت قبلی

در تمام صفحات تصویر

a پنجره افزودن تصویر باز شود

در تمام صفحات ویرایش

t انتخابگر ترجمه باز شود
ctrl+ s ثبت از

در صفحات بحث

n ایجاد بحث جدید
w تغییر وضعیت وضعیت تماشا
p تغییر وضعیت عمومی/خصوصی
c تغییر وضعیت بسته/باز
a گشایش صفحه فعالیت
r پاسخ به بحث
l برو به آخرین پاسخ
ctrl+ enter پیام خود را ثبت کنید
(فلش سمت راست) صفحه بعد
(پیکان سمت چپ) صفحه قبلی


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