2 filmų

A Gangler remnant, Ganima, captures Tyramigo and the other Kishiryu inside his safe! To save them, the Ryusoulgers engage Ganima in battle, however he starts to use the Kishiryu's own powers against them! Banba and Towa chase after Ganima and come into contact with Keiichiro from the Global Police! Meanwhile, Koh comes into contact with Kairi from the phantom thieves! In order to save the Kishiryu, these three Super Sentai teams will unite! This winter, knights, phantom thieves, and police officers will mix and match to create an amazing battle!

Linked to episodes 32 and 33 of the Ryusoulger TV series, the movie will reveal the meaning of Nada’s video message which he left for the Ryusoulgers at the end of episode 33.

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