3 movies

februāris 11, 2012

Based primarily on the first game in the series, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, the film focuses on rookie defense attorney Phoenix Wright, as he strives to protect his clients in various murder trials, including the death of his mentor, Mia Fey, and the accusation of rival prosecutor, Miles Edgeworth. Phoenix's greatest ally is Mia's younger sister Maya, a spirit medium whose body is possessed by Mia to communicate with him.

Phoenix Wright, Miles Edgeworth, and many more prepare to face off in the Judicial Olympics. Overseeing the event is executive chairman and former champion Godot. The trial will end when one lawyer receives the event's prestigious gold medal.

Starting out as a comedic courtroom adventure, the DS game Gyakuten Saiban attracted vast amounts of fans with its fun system, intriguing plot, enchanting characters and wonderful BGM tracks. To praise the game's excellent music, a classical orchestral performance was arranged in April for all fans to come together and enjoy. For those who unfortunately missed the event, you can take part in it, although belatedly, through the DVD recording of the concert. Through the DVD view menu, watch the game's images that were projected onto the large screen during the performance.

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