148 filmų


2023 gruodžio 22

德州出身的傳奇摔角選手弗里茲馮艾瑞克以絕招「天魔爪」聞名全球,他的兒子們也繼承父親的衣缽,各自在1980年代競爭激烈的摔角界闖出一片天,讓「艾瑞克家族」的名號不脛而走,然而,這些優秀的年輕人卻在短短數年間陸續因為疾病、自殺等原因英年早逝,只有二哥凱文(柴克艾弗隆 飾)活了下來,這個家族彷彿受到某種神秘的詛咒……。


2012 lapkričio 21


2012 rugpjūčio 29

20世紀三十年代的美國富蘭克林,Bondurant家的三兄弟Forrest(湯姆·哈迪 Tom Hardy飾),Howard(傑森·克拉科 Jason Clarke飾)和 Jack(希亞·拉博夫 Shia LaBeouf飾)做私酒生意做得風生水起,在當地小有名氣。然而當地真正的黑幫老大卻是Floyd Banner(加里·奧德曼 Gary Oldman 飾)。Forrest的酒吧里新招了一名女服務生Maggie Beauford(傑西卡·查斯坦 Jessica Chastain 飾),而Jack則愛上了一個神父的女兒Bertha Minnix(米婭·華希科沃斯卡 Mia Wasikowska 飾)。Jack經常和他的好朋友Cricket Pate(戴恩·德哈恩 Dane DeHaan 飾)一起鼓搗一些新奇的東西,然而在他兩個哥哥眼里他卻始終是個不能真正參與到他們生意中的小孩。新上任的警官Charley Rakes(蓋·皮爾斯 Guy Pearce 飾)看Bondurant三兄弟非常不順眼,屢次挑起事端,三兄弟將如何面對挑戰?

2001 spalio 5

大學新鮮人路易斯想趁著放暑假之前,約夢中情人高中女生芬娜出來,一同有趟橫越美國的長途旅行。但是這個泡妞計畫半路殺出一個大電燈炮。湯瑪斯的哥哥弗勒剛好假釋出獄,不學無術的弗勒老是捅出一堆摟子,在家族中一直不受歡迎,路易斯一時心疼哥哥無人照應,於是決定先到監獄接弗勒,然後再去接芬娜。 路易斯接弗勒出獄後,兄弟倆還得開一兩天的車程才能遇到芬娜,長途開車是很無聊的事,路易斯跟哥哥弗勒又沒有什麼話好聊,於是弗勒擅自做主在車子上安裝「民用電台通訊器」,不但跟公路上的司機們聊天,同時慫恿路易斯一起開起公路上另一位駕駛的玩笑。 路易斯在哥哥的勸誘下裝成女生的聲音,以『小甜甜』的化名跟一名陌生卡車司司機打情罵俏,並且騙對方到一家汽車旅館玩一夜情,但是這個綽號叫做『鏽鐵釘』的卡車司機發覺自己受騙後,他不但不要遊戲結束,還要路易斯、弗勒、以及毫不知情的局外人芬娜為此付出代價。

1994 gruodžio 2

Residents of a friendly Pennsylvania town foil three brothers' plan to rob a bank on Christmas Eve.

2003 birželio 15

Follows the stories of the four men of the Kirby family. As Alex's marriage breaks apart, Toby tries desperately to start a family, and Marty tries to kick-start his faded music career as well as find a meaningful relationship with someone his own age, all three must come to terms with their father's mental state. Cliff, suffering from Alzheimer's disease, is reliving his disturbing memories of the war and his first love, as a part of his experiences of the present . Through all four stories, we uncover a families troubled past, and their struggle towards a reconciled future.


2023 gegužės 30

價值5000 萬美元的非法鑽石遭竊後,前自由格鬥選手與兄弟必須聯手,從危險的犯罪集團中,救出遭綁票的家人。



Three brothers are separated after their parents are murdered by a gangster. Years later, they find their paths intertwined around a family song.


1938 balandžio 15

The O'Leary brothers -- honest Jack and roguish Dion -- become powerful figures, and eventually rivals, in Chicago on the eve of its Great Fire.

After brothers Jonathan and Crusty pass away they meet again in Nangijala, the land of eternal spring. Casting a long shadow over their world is the evil tyrant Tengil, ruler of the country Karmanjaka, where he’s building his new fortress up in the The Ancient Mountains.

1994 rugsėjo 27

This movie chronicles the life and times of R. Crumb. Robert Crumb is the cartoonist/artist who drew Keep On Truckin', Fritz the Cat, and played a major pioneering role in the genesis of underground comix. Through interviews with his mother, two brothers, wife, and ex-girlfriends, as well as selections from his vast quantity of graphic art, we are treated to a darkly comic ride through one man's subconscious mind.

1989 spalio 13

The lives of two struggling musicians, who happen to be brothers, inevitably change when they team up with a beautiful, up-and-coming singer.

2019 spalio 11

Secluded in a desolate forest, a broken family is observed by Sator, a supernatural entity who is attempting to claim them.

2018 rugpjūčio 17

Manny, Joel and Jonah tear their way through childhood and push against the volatile love of their parents. As Manny and Joel grow into versions of their father and Ma dreams of escape, Jonah, the youngest, embraces an imagined world all his own.

1930 liepos 10

World War I ace Dick Courtney derides the leadership of his superior officer, but he soon is promoted to squadron commander and learns harsh lessons about sending subordinates to their deaths.

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