50 本の映画





コーエン兄弟が伝説のシンガー、デイヴ・ヴァン・ロンクの回想録をもとに映画化。第66回カンヌ国際映画祭で審査員特別グランプリを受賞。フォークソングで有名な1960年代のニューヨークはグリニッジビレッジを舞台に、音楽活動に奔走しながらも苦闘するシンガー・ソングライターが過ごす1週間を見つめる。 1960年代のニューヨーク、冬。若い世代のアートやカルチャーが花開いていたエリア、グリニッジビレッジのライブハウスでフォークソングを歌い続けるシンガー・ソングライターのルーウィン・デイヴィス(オスカー・アイザック)。熱心に音楽に取り組む彼だったが、なかなかレコードは売れない。それゆえに音楽で食べていくのを諦めようとする彼だが、何かと友人たちに手を差し伸べられ……。






A documentary on the life of Amy Winehouse, the immensely talented yet doomed songstress. We see her from her teen years, where she already showed her singing abilities, to her finding success and then her downward spiral into alcoholism and drugs.

マサチューセッツ州の某大学の脳外科医ヒルの研究室で助手を務めるハーバート・ウェストはある日、死体を蘇生させる血清の発明に成功する。 ハーバートは血清の信用性を確かめるため、同僚のダンと共に死体置場で実験を試みるが、ゾンビとなって暴れだす死体の噂を聞きつけてやって来た学長のホルジーを殺してしまう。ハーバートとダンが血清でホルジーを生き返らせたところ、彼は狂暴なゾンビと化す。 さらに、ハーバートの血清の技術を奪おうとして彼に殺され、実験台にされていたヒルもゾンビと化して暴れ出したため、事態は混乱していく。


Desperate to escape his mind-numbing routine, uptown Manhattan office worker Paul Hackett ventures downtown for a hookup with a mystery woman.

After being double-crossed and left for dead, a mysterious man named Walker single-mindedly tries to retrieve the rather inconsequential sum of money that was stolen from him.


When David, Juliet, and Alex are searching for a fourth roommate for their flat, they settle on the aloof Hugo. However, they soon find Hugo dead, with a large sum of cash being among his belongings. The three friends decide to keep the money, dismembering and burying Hugo's body. However, their newfound fortune begins to corrode their friendships, with each roommate resorting to manipulation tactics to scam the others out of the money.


The brief life of Jean Michel Basquiat, a world renowned New York street artist struggling with fame, drugs and his identity.


Sebastian, a young man, has decided to follow instructions intended for someone else, without knowing where they will take him. Something else he does not know is that Gerard Dorez, a cop on a knife-edge, is tailing him. When he reaches his destination, Sebastian falls into a degenerate, clandestine world of mental chaos behind closed doors in which men gamble on the lives of others men.


Alex Linden is a psychiatrist living in Vienna who meets Milena Flaherty though a mutual friend. Though Alex is quite a bit older than Milena, he's attracted to her young, carefree spirit. Despite the fact that Milena is already married, their friendship quickly turns into a deeply passionate love affair that threatens to overtake them both. When Milena ends up in the hospital from an overdose, Alex is taken into custody by Inspector Netusil.

A prep-school student accidentally films the drug-related deaths of two classmates, then is asked to put together a memorial video.


In the seventies Strange Fruit were it. They lived the rock lifestyle to the max, groupies, drugs, internal tension and an ex front man dead from an overdose. Even their demise was glamorous; when lightning struck the stage during an outdoor festival. 20 years on and these former rock gods they have now sunk deep into obscurity when the idea of a reunion tour is lodged in the head of Tony, former keyboard player of the Fruits. Tony sets out to find his former bandmates with the help of former manager Karen to see if they can recapture the magic and give themselves a second chance.


Former college friends meet up for a reunion that leads them to face the apparent disillusionment that defines their lives. After a week of excessive drug and alcohol abuse, events lead them to contemplate fulfilling a self destructive pact they made when they were young.

Antoine, a handsome boy in his 20s, falls for a straight best friend who does not reciprocate, and being a junkie exits the film quite early. Enter a girl, who seems to make him happy again, after he has tried living as a rent boy with men, having some familial, financial difficulties. But the girl is a junkie too.


Alan is a Seattle college student volunteering at a crisis center. One night when at the clinic alone, a woman calls up the number and tells Alan that she needs to talk to someone. She informs Alan she took a load of pills, and he secretly tries to get help. During this time, he learns more about the woman, her family life, and why she wants to die. Can Alan get the cavalry to save her in time before it's too late?



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