26 Filme

11. Mai 2007

Rebellious, uncontrollable teenager, Rachel is hauled off by her dysfunctional mother to spend the summer with her estranged grandmother, Georgia. Her journey will lead all three women to revelations of buried family secrets and an understanding that - regardless what happens - the ties that bind can never be broken.

Depicts the factual accounts of Vincenzo Di Francesca and Parley P. Pratt and how they came to appreciate the contents of the Book of Mormon.

3. Juli 1993

A portrayal of the early Latter-day Saints' joys, sacrifices, hopes, and trials; their epic journey to the Salt Lake Valley; and their legacy of faith in Jesus Christ.

1. Januar 2005

With a divine answer to a humble prayer at age 14, Joseph Smith began to fulfill his inspired mission. He translated the ancient Book of Mormon and restored the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ. Many flocked to the American frontier to worship with the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, led by the Prophet Joseph's dynamic and courageous example. Unstopped by his martyrdom at age 38, Joseph's legacy continues today in the dedicated lives of Saints throughout the world who still sing; "Praise to the Man who Communed with Jehovah!"

30. Januar 2002

When Jonathan Jordan gets divorced he's thrust back into the world of being a single Mormon - a world who's ultimate goal is eternal marriage. Struggling to fit in, Jonathan decides to stop going to church only to be pursued by the members of the local singles ward who want to reactivate him. Nothing works until Jonathan falls for Cammie Giles, the ward activities director. Suddenly, going to church becomes much more appealing, But is he going for the right reasons?

A drive-by shooting in Venice, California, changes the lives of five people forever. States of Grace tells the story of a homeless street preacher, Louis, a gang banger, Carl, an aspiring actress, Holly, and two young missionaries, Lozano and Farrell, in what critics have hailed as one of the finest films of the year and one of the best Christian-themed films ever made.

11. April 2008

Before her death, Emma reflects on her life; beginning with her childhood, up through her final years in Nauvoo.

A biographical overview of President Thomas S. Monson's life and service in the Church. It includes interviews with President Monson, family members, and close friends.

The true story of the students of Brigham Young University's queer underground, as they lit the school's iconic "Y" in rainbow colors. But, A Long Way From Heaven does a lot more than tell the story of the Rainbow Y. It outlines the history of queer treatment at BYU - the good (where it exists), the bad, and the very, very ugly. The film combines new, original footage with a huge variety of historical images, videos, newspaper articles, and other mixed media from every conceivable source to tell the story of BYU's queer students, and the bravery and risks they constantly take to make their voices heard.

23. Februar 1995

A woman accidentally discovers the Plaque of Kolob which leads her to discover an insidous alien plot for world domination documented by a disreputable early Mormon prophet. 'Plan 10 from Outer Space' is an eccentric comedy involving a bizarre relationship between Mormons, bees and extra terrestrials, hot on an obviously miniscule budget with a largely unknown cast, save for b-movie queen Karen Black.

1. März 1993

Recounts the 40-year history of building the Salt Lake Temple, shown as if recounted by Wilford Woodruff to a young reporter. It portrays the pioneers' dedication to temple worship.

This documentary by filmmaker Brian Patrick explores the history and legacy of one of the most brutal massacres in the history of the American west. It examine the relationship between the descendants of the besieged party to the modern day Mormon church, and whether healing is a possibility.

3. August 2004

Michael (Michael Birkeland, The Singles Ward) and Ethan (Kirby Heyborne, The RM) are not only brothers, they're also best friends. Every Saturday Michael and Ethan play a game of basketball. Shooting hoops has always been their way of bonding. Through numerous games, both Michael and Ethan discover what it means to be a friend, the importance of the Gospel, and the blessing of serving a mission.

1. Januar 1982

A photomontage telling the story of Jamie’s life from his birth to the moment his mother dies unexpectedly.

Gabriel Young, a teenager raised under a Mormon household, attempts to come to terms with his burgeoning Queerness and Vampyrism.

1. Januar 2004

Two young Mormons, John and Darla, meet one evening in a video outlet that rents "edited, cleaned-up" versions of movies. They hit it off, share a lot of time together, and some weeks later John proposes marriage. Darla explains that her parents have asked her to only marry a man who has served a religious mission for the LDS Church, and he immediately pledges to become a missionary to allow their dream of a future together to be possible. After 3 months in the mission field, John moves to a new apartment with three other elders. Elder White has just received a "Dear John" letter from his girlfriend after a year away from home. The other elders got their letters at 6 months and 8 months respectively. John tells them that he will never get such a letter, but back home Darla is showing off her wedding dress to her girlfriends the day before her marriage to somebody else, and is explaining about her "romance" with John. However, in her rationalization, John is a socially inept klutz.

30. Oktober 2004

Will, Kirby, and Danny are the hottest new sensation in Mormon pop music! Will is an aerobics instructor, Danny is a student of eastern philosophy, and Kirby is a scrapbooking specialist. Together, they make up the band "Everclean" and they have taken the Mormon boy band scene by storm. Sons of Provo chronicles the struggles and successes of a group of boys fighting to become the most spiritual Mormon boy band in history.

What do UFOs, witchcraft, Mormons, voodoo, Freemasons, satanism, H.P. Lovecraft, and several other curiosities have in common? You guessed it, aliens! Allow 9th degree Crackpot Bill Schnoebelen to take you on his dark journey from the giant creature-ridden wastes of the Wisconsin fields to sacrificial pain alters on the moons of Saturn and beyond. Recorded during the Ancient of Days conference in Roswell, NM in 2005.

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