53 部电影

2011 年 04 月 01 日

一對年輕夫婦 - 喬許林拔及太太蕊娜(柏德烈韋遜 / 蘿絲拜恩 飾)帶著三個孩子搬進一棟維多利亞風格的古式房屋,展開他們的新生活。某天,他們的兒子戴爾頓(泰‧辛普金斯飾)在這棟房子的閣樓裡發生意外昏迷不醒,幾個月過去,始終沒有一位醫生可以對男孩遲遲昏迷不醒的現象提出合理的解釋。在這期間, 這棟房子開始頻頻發生不對勁且難以解釋的事。他們?了逃離一連串詭異事件而再度搬遷,才發現不是房子出了問題,而是… 不得不請靈媒過來解決。

二戰後的一個萬聖節,在鬼魅水鄉威尼斯的破舊古堡中有一場由靈媒 (楊紫瓊 飾) 主持的降神會。已經退休的名偵探喬魏柏賀 (Hercule Poirot) 被老友誠邀到降神會,原本對所謂靈媒絕不致信的柏賀本來打算去找出騙子,但在其中一名參與者被謀殺時,神探柏賀亦被捲入充滿秘密的駭人靈異空間。死亡的氣氛籠罩著在古堡內的每個人,他決意找出背後的真相,查探是否真的有亡靈殺人,但期間似乎有更強大的力量降臨。到底一切懸疑驚慄的詭異事件是惡靈復仇,抑或只是人性的心魔作祟?

2012 年 08 月 17 日

女巫、喪屍、鬼魂共冶一爐,加上神秘咀咒同通靈小學雞,即將為我們上演一場人鬼大混戰。不過奇怪的是,女巫唔見人、喪屍唔鍾意嚇人,村民更反客為主,學人做驅魔人,收拾一眾妖魔鬼怪。原來,一切離奇古怪的事,全因小學雞Norman誤打誤撞,令成班鬼怪翻生。正要尋找解咒方法,收拾殘局之際,卻不小心成為喪屍大佬o既囊中物。以為九死一生,卻發現了驚天大秘密 —— 整場人鬼惡鬥的幕後黑手,竟然是擁有強大靈力的神秘少女?到底是貞子作怪,定是另有其人?

林沙燁 (Lin Shaye) 今集繼續擔當靈媒依麗絲,她在一次偶然的靈異案件調查中,意外翻開內心久未觸碰的恐怖過去。靈媒依麗絲(林沙燁 飾) 收到緊急求助,在她記下地址的一瞬間,驚覺要前往的地方竟是小時候的家……回到熟識的房間,相似的靈異事件將依麗絲內心深處的痛苦記憶牽引出來。陰宅內的極惡怨靈厲鬼亦一一伺機索命…

1980 年 03 月 28 日

After a tragic event happens, composer John Russell moves to Seattle to try to overcome it and build a new and peaceful life in a lonely big house that has been uninhabited for many years. But, soon after, the obscure history of such an old mansion and his own past begin to haunt him.

2021 年 10 月 06 日


1982 年 06 月 04 日

Upon realizing that something truly evil haunts his home, Steve Freeling calls in a team of parapsychologists to help before it's too late.

1950 年 12 月 26 日

天地不仁,以萬物為芻狗。暴雨無親,以人性作沖蝕。因戰亂破敗的羅生門下,避雨各人互訴奇案;武士金澤被發現伏屍竹林中,究竟是誰殺了他? 大盜多襄丸、被強暴的武士妻子,抑或是他自己?不同角度顯示不同敘事版本,每個人爭認自己是兇手,可是為了掩飾更大的醜惡?

2007 年 12 月 28 日

自小被父母拋棄的羅拉(伯蓮露達 飾),於海邊的孤兒院裡渡過童年,老師和同學均對她寵愛有加,令她自長大以來,對此地心存著一份濃厚情意結。三十年後,羅拉與丈夫(費拿度卡路 飾)及七歲兒子西門(羅渣賓修 飾)再次回到這裡,欲重建這所荒廢已久的孤兒院,羅拉怎也沒想到,西門在這裡認識了六名新朋友而自此失蹤──孤兒院隱藏著一股不可思議的靈異力量,竟然與羅拉的過去緊緊相連!心碎的羅拉為了找回兒子蹤影,不惜一切闖越神秘凶間……

2017 年 03 月 10 日


2023 年 04 月 14 日

Madrid, Spain, 1998. The many resources and skills of Gloria, Paz and Sagrario, three middle-aged women investigating paranormal events, are put to the test when their leader, Father Pilón, has an unpleasant encounter.

1986 年 12 月 31 日

Playing around with a Ouija board, a trio of friends succeeds in contacting the spirit of a young boy. Trouble begins when the evil spirit, Malfeitor, takes over one of their bodies.

2021 年 02 月 12 日


1945 年 10 月 03 日

An English mystery novelist invites a medium to his home, so she may conduct a séance for a small gathering. The writer hopes to gather enough material for the book he's working on, as well as to expose the medium as a charlatan. However, proceedings take an unexpected turn, resulting in a chain of supernatural events being set into motion that wreak havoc on the man's present marriage.

1973 年 06 月 15 日

A team consisting of a physicist, his wife, a young female psychic and the only survivor of the previous visit are sent to the notorious Hell House to prove/disprove survival after death. Previous visitors have either been killed or gone mad, and it is up to the team to survive a full week in isolation, and solve the mystery of the Hell House.

2016 年 03 月 05 日

Paralyzed by his fear of dying, Miles Grissom takes out an advert offering 30000 dollars in reward money to the first person who can show him evidence of an angel, a demon, or prove that ghosts exist - anything to prove to him that we go on after our deaths. He narrows the responses down to three viable candidates - a scientist, a medium, and a worldly entrepreneur. Along with his protective mother, he embarks on an adventure through Los Angeles that will spiral into an unthinkable nightmare.

1989 年 07 月 14 日

A woman tormented by ghostly apparitions and a professor of psychic phenomena investigate other-worldly disturbances and unlock the secret of a malevolent force reaching out for vengeance from beyond the grave.

2019 年 09 月 22 日

14-year old Echo and her mother Ivy, a tarot card reader, live a quiet life in a rural area. When reclusive Kurt moves down the road to restore an abandoned farmhouse, an accident leads to Echo’s murder, and suddenly three lives collide in mysterious and wicked ways. Kurt assumes he can hide his secret under the ground. But Echo burrows into his head until he can feel her in his bones. As she haunts his every move, trying to reach her mother from beyond, Ivy must dig deep to see the signs and prove that love won’t stay buried.

2003 年 05 月 13 日

Set at the turn of the century, this is the tale of Ellen Rimbauer who just received this mysterious mansion as a wedding gift from her new husband...

1964 年 11 月 05 日

Working-class British housewife Myra Savage reinvents herself as a medium, holding seances in the sitting room of her home with the hidden assistance of her under-employed, asthmatic husband, Billy. In an attempt to enhance her credibility as a psychic, Myra hatches an elaborate, ill-conceived plot to kidnap a wealthy couple's young daughter so that she can then help the police "find" the missing girl.



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