7 elokuvaa

25 huhtikuu 1997

An earthquake shatters a peaceful Los Angeles morning and opens a fissure deep into the earth, causing lava to start bubbling up. As a volcano begins forming in the La Brea Tar Pits, the director of the city's emergency management service, working with a geologist, must then use every resource in the city to try and stop the volcano from consuming LA.

6 elokuu 2015

Environmental activist Scott is accidentally involved in a bomb attack on a fuel storage facility. The gigantic explosion unleashes a roller of fire that rolls towards Los Angeles. Desperate, Scott and his colleagues want to save the city. But for the media they are considered to be the culprits - who will soon be hunted by killers ...

28 huhtikuu 2023

Three firefighters must save New Orleans from a gigantic shark.

Erin is planning the town’s Christmas celebration and must win over firefighter Kevin in order to obtain the beautiful spruce tree from his property for the celebration.

1 tammikuu 1969

A small American town provides the setting for a look at the antics of a group of volunteers who comprise the area's only fire department.

8 marraskuu 1978

Barbara, a young girl, lives in an old country house with her father and her teacher. One night, she dreams that a fireman enters her room through the window. Having grown, Barbara leaves her father to travel across the world, before coming back to her childhood fantasies: one day, she calls the firemen, and locks herself with one of them in her bedroom.

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