38 Filme

Nora e Hae Sung, dois amigos de infância profundamente ligados, são separados quando a família de Nora emigra da Coreia do Sul. Duas décadas mais tarde, reencontram-se em Nova Iorque durante uma semana funesta enquanto lidam com noções de destino e amor e repensam as escolhas que fazem uma vida.

18. März 2022

Uma mulher que leva uma vida tranquila numa quinta com a filha tem de enfrentar o seu passado quando os restos mortais da mãe, de quem se afastara, chegam da Coreia.

Mi-so, a 12 years old girl who transferred from Seoul to Jeju island, meets Ha-eun. They promise never to seperate. At the age of 18, Ha-eun's boyfriend, Jin-woo breaks two girls's friendship. Few years later, they come apart as their lives go seperate ways. Now they are 27, and they finally meet again. They've missed each other. After 15 years, will they truly understand each other?

12. Februar 2021

Uma terna e arrebatadora história sobre o que nos faz criar raízes, "Minari" acompanha uma família coreana-americana que se muda para uma pequena quinta no Arkansas em busca do seu próprio sonho americano. A casa da família sofre uma enorme mudança com a chegada da avó, matreira e desbocada, mas extremamente carinhosa. Por entre a instabilidade e os desafios desta nova vida nas rudes montanhas Ozark, "Minari" mostra-nos como a família é resiliente e como se constrói um lar.

28. Juni 2017

Uma criatura gigante, mas dócil, e a menina que a criou veem-se apanhadas no fogo cruzado entre o ativismo animal, a ganância corporativa e a ética científica.

With prayer beads in one hand and an ax in the other, a monk hunts down a millennia-old spirit that's possessing humans and unleashing hell on Earth.

Nos anos de 1940, no deserto da Manchúria, três coreanos fora-da-lei envolvem-se numa aventura cheia de ação. O Estranho rouba um mapa de um oficial japonês, O Mau é pago para recuperá-lo, O Bom é um caçador de recompensas que vai atrás dos outros dois. Num clima de faroeste, os destinos destes três homens cruzam-se e todos terão de lidar com o exército nipónico e uma quadrilha de bandidos chineses, além de vários bandidos russos que se metem pelo caminho.

4. August 2017

Casey vive com a mãe numa pequena cidade desconhecida do Midwest cativada pela promessa do modernismo. Jin, um visitante do outro lado do mundo, vem assistir ao seu pai moribundo. Inquietos com o futuro, eles encontram alívio um no outro e na arquitectura que os rodeia.

17. Mai 2019

Two young New Yorkers begin to fall in love over the course of a single day, as a series of potentially life-altering meetings loom over their heads - hers concerning her family’s deportation to Jamaica, and his concerning an education at Dartmouth.

17. September 2021

Um americano de ascendência coreana, adotado e criado no Louisiana, luta para ficar com a família quando descobre que pode ser deportado do país que considera seu.

19. August 2016

Os spas coreanos de Los Angeles são lugares onde o passado e o futuro das gerações de famílias de imigrantes se reúnem. Spa Night explora o sonho e a realidade de um coreano-americano e sua luta com a sobreposição de desejo pessoal, desilusão e senso de tradição.

Six high school students, who have finished their college entrance examinations, accidentally discover a haunted house with eerie rumors to it. Inside there, the students start to hear the whispers of death and vanish one by one, as unstoppable, extreme terror engulfs them.

Embark on a mesmerizing musical journey through the multi-faceted history of Korean American immigrants in Hawaiʻi with SONGS OF LOVE, a captivating reverie of song and history.

11. November 2022

Set in the 90s, a Korean single mother raises her young son in the suburbs of Canada determined to provide a better life for him than the one she left behind.

Nezzy arrives at the airport dreaming of moving to ‘Clean Island’, the cleanest place in the world. She will undergo a strange immigration process at the immigration hall, where she begins to tell the story of ‘4’ and a special pig to the examiner who tells her that she can only pass if she confesses her sins.

12. August 2022

On June 3, 1973, a man was murdered in a busy intersection of San Francisco’s Chinatown as part of an ongoing gang war. Chol Soo Lee, a 20-year-old Korean immigrant who had previous run-ins with the law, was arrested and convicted based on flimsy evidence and the eyewitness accounts of white tourists who couldn’t distinguish between Asian features. Sentenced to life in prison, Chol Soo Lee would spend years fighting to survive behind bars before journalist K.W. Lee took an interest in his case. The intrepid reporter’s investigation would galvanize a first-of-its-kind pan-Asian American grassroots movement to fight for Chol Soo Lee’s freedom, ultimately inspiring a new generation of social justice activists.

6. September 2019

Kasie, stuck in LA’s Koreatown, works as a karaoke hostess getting paid for her companionship by drunken men. When her dad’s hospice nurse quits she reconnects with her estranged brother, Carey, forcing them to enter a period of intense self-reflection as their single father who raised them nears death.

21. Mai 2023

Fresh from Seoul, a teen girl struggles to find connection in her new home until she sees the church band’s floppy-haired drummer and strikes up a daring idea to get his attention.

The movie takes place between Seasons 1 and 2. The Green Forest Village hosts a festival in celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the large tree growing in the middle of the village. While Curucuru and his friends are helping in the festival, they learned that tree's vitality is due to a legendary item call the Pingya, which gives it Eternal Love and Life. But in the midst of the festival, a bunch of Pirate Hyenas came to the village and stole the legendary item, causing the tree to wilt. Now it's up to Curucuru and his pals to get it back from the pirates, before things can go worse. But amid-st the actual troubles they face, the kids also encounter a strange Tiger child, who is connected to the incident.

Carl is expected someday to take over his parents’ agribusiness in a rural backwater in Denmark. But, as an adopted child, he also longs to learn more about his South Korean heritage. A film about otherness and finding your own place in life.

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