57 film

故事發生在第二集以及世界混滅的審判日大爆炸之間。 18歲的未來救世主約翰康納過著沒有身分、沒有家、以及沒有工作的遊魂生活,為的就是躲避來自未來世界的機器人殺手。但是一天,約翰又見到了久違的T-850機器人 (阿諾史瓦辛格飾) 出現在他面前,並且帶來了不好的消息。在未來的世界中,機器人又派出了一個全新機種,更凶悍、更先進的T-X殺手機器人回到現在,準備三度進行謀殺救世主的計劃。新機種的T-X機器人是女性,而她所有攻擊以及防護功能都是未來世界最新科技研發出來的。T-850與約翰是否能夠再次擊退機器人、阻止人類的一場浩劫?

i 3, 2023

Perpetually single Frankie decides to give up on men in favor of going all-in as a “dog mom" to her adopted dog, Tucker. But sparks fly when Frankie meets Jack, the veterinarian who rescues her dog from near death. They seem destined to be together, but there's one problem: Jack is already engaged.

The team of people who saved Winter's life reassemble in the wake of her surrogate mother's passing in order to find her a companion so she can remain at the Clearwater Marine Hospital.




一個事業成功且熱愛家庭的醫師約翰杜立德似乎擁有想要的一切,直到他小時候就擁有但長期被壓抑的才華——與動物交流的能力——突然被喚醒! 現在,每一個近在咫尺的生物都希望得到這個好醫生的忠告,由此引發了一系列驚人的事件,徹底顛覆了他的世界!


c 19, 2017

Veterinarian Dr. Carly Monroe makes it a habit to stop by the local dog shelter as often as possible because she loves dogs and secretly loves the shelter’s owner, Dan. Unfortunately, he has agreed to marry his glamorous TV personality girlfriend and move to the Big Apple. With Dan’s big move looming, his sister decides to take matters into her own hands.

O 31, 2005

As the devoutly single Don Johnston is dumped by his latest girlfriend, he receives an anonymous pink letter informing him that he has a son who may be looking for him.

HBO自製人物傳記電影,描述自高功能自閉症名人天寶葛蘭汀的故事。天寶葛蘭汀1947年出生於美國波士頓,在兩歲時被診斷出自閉症,直到四歲才開始說話。天寶葛蘭汀1970年獲取心理學學士,1975年修得了亞利桑那州立大學的動物學碩士,1989年得到伊利諾大學動物學博士。 天寶葛蘭汀目前是美國畜產學學者、暢銷作家和禽畜動物行為顧問,並任教於科羅拉多州立大學。她是第一位能描述自己狀況的自閉症患者,一生致力於宣導自閉症,透過演講和著作讓人們更清楚了解自閉症的情況。

k 7, 1987

J.C. Wiatt is a talented and ambitious New York City career woman who is married to her job and working towards partner at her firm. She has a live-in relationship with Steven, a successful investment broker who, along with J.C., agreed children aren't part of the plan. J.C.'s life takes an unexpected turn when a distant relative dies and the will appoints her the caretaker of their baby girl, Elizabeth. The baby's sudden arrival causes Steven to leave, breaking off their relationship. Juggling power lunches and powdered formula, she is soon forced off the fast track by a conniving colleague and a bigoted boss. But she won't stay down for long. She'll prove to the world that a woman can have it all and on her own terms too!


, 7, 2000

It took a lot of cajoling to get Bob, a recently widowed architect, to go on a blind date at a quirky Irish-Italian eatery. Once there, he's smitten instantly not with his date but with the sharp-witted waitress. Everything seems to be going great until an unbelievable truth is revealed, one that could easily break both of their hearts for good.

Rebellious, uncontrollable teenager, Rachel is hauled off by her dysfunctional mother to spend the summer with her estranged grandmother, Georgia. Her journey will lead all three women to revelations of buried family secrets and an understanding that - regardless what happens - the ties that bind can never be broken.

魯蛇大屁孩老公vs.美女工作狂老婆 究竟毛小孩監護權鹿死誰手? 當初意外相識相戀的一對情侶奧麗芙和克雷,婚後六年卻走到沒一件事對盤的地步。克雷的職業冰上曲棍球球員生涯落到低點,而美女醫師奧麗芙的事業卻蒸蒸日上,他們彼此之間最大的問題是對家庭的想像無法契合,因為克雷就像是個沒肩膀的大男孩,逃避一切沉重的責任。 無法取得共識的兩人只好決定和平分手,但事情才沒有這麼簡單,他們還要爭奪毛小孩的監護權─一隻名為衛斯理的可愛拉布拉多。對簿公堂的兩人,在法官的判決下,必須要在60天內證明自己才是合適的監護人,兩人不擇手段、不計後果的爭奪戰就此展開。然而,當殺出一個油嘴滑舌的寵物治療師來當程咬金,克雷才發現,他即將失去所愛的人事物,他將需要依靠人類最忠實的朋友,來贏回她的心…。

亨利(保羅魯德 飾)是個帥氣的新好男人,心愛的未婚妻凱特(伊娃朗格麗亞 飾),在婚禮當天意外身亡的悲劇,讓他始終無法展開新戀情。 亨利的妹妹深怕哥哥會孤老終生,便帶他去見靈媒艾胥莉(蕾克貝兒 飾),希望假借與凱特的靈魂溝通來說服亨利追求自己的幸福。 然而,在假裝通靈的過程中,兩人日久生情,亨利也漸漸走出情傷,這時,艾胥莉竟真的撞見了凱特的靈魂!一場人與鬼之間的情場爭奪戰,究竟誰能勝出?


Egor is a vet at a training facility for hunting dogs in a remote region of the country. Surrounded by foxes, deer, badgers, and dogs, he lives in a small building next to the house of the facility's master. He treats the dogs, cleans the kennels, oversees the workers, and meets with clients and their dogs. It's easier for him to get along with dogs than with people. Egor is willing to take on any job to get closer to the facility's master and his near and dear. He wants the impossible - to become a member of that family.

O 5, 2011

The parents of a girl who was killed by a savage dog are granted the opportunity to spend three days with their deceased daughter.

" 11, 1937

Doctor Hugo Hackenbush, Tony, and Stuffy try and save Judy's farm by winning a big race with her horse. There are a few problems. Hackenbush runs a high priced clinic for the wealthy who don't know he has his degree in Veterinary Medicine.

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