2 Serien

The Venus Beauty Institute is opening up once more for our very great pleasure and well-being. New management, new staff and new clients. Also Venus now welcomes Apollo into her temple. Let’s make an appointment! In the snug, scented universe of the treatment rooms, confidences are exchanged, whispered or yelled while, outside, clouds and seasons pass by, carrying off with them crumbs of life. A comedy in pink and blue! Laughter, tears, intimate secrets and emotions mingle with the odour of hot wax, foutain-of-youth creams and other paraphernalia.

8. November 2020

In the isolated desert of Winslow, Arizona at NASA’s Moon Base Simulator, three eager astronauts—Skip, Rook and their leader Cap—attempt to qualify for their first lunar mission. They encounter many obstacles including loneliness, self-doubt and their own incompetence. In spite of it all, they remain determined to prove they have the right stuff to reach the moon.

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