11 elokuvaa

After a whirlwind marriage with social media influencer Akhil Chadha that ends in divorce, chef Saloni Bagga meets hotelier Gurbir Pannu. One night with Gurbir – and then also with Akhil – leads to Saloni getting pregnant. But who's the father? By a one-in-a-billion twist of fate, Saloni is carrying twins – and not just any twins, each child has a different father!

23 joulukuu 2022

12-year-old Mully has lost his mother and discovers his debt-ridden father stealing the charity money they've raised in her name. Grabbing the cash, Mully steals a taxi and is shocked to find a woman, Joy, in the back seat with a baby. A straight-talking solicitor who didn't expect to get pregnant, Joy is struggling with motherhood and planning to give her baby to a friend who will raise the child as her own. She joins Mully on a wild journey across Ireland, stealing cars, hitch-hiking, catching ferries and breaking police barricades.

6 kesäkuu 2014

An immature, newly unemployed comic must navigate the murky waters of adulthood after her fling with a graduate student results in an unplanned pregnancy.

26 lokakuu 2018

Lily and Richard move to a luxurious and cult-like community, where Lily becomes unsettled by the transformation she observes in her older husband and in her own physiology, leading her to wonder if there's something more sinister at play.

9 tammikuu 2004

A trio of young men are forced to grow up quick when their girlfriends all become pregnant around the same time.

19 helmikuu 2007

Karen Cooper wants to domineer her family and believes she's its pillar. In fact she does everything wrong. Thus she messes up all their lives and futures, rather then help her loved-ones.

13 syyskuu 2024

The story follows a young gymnast who discovers she is pregnant on the week of the national team tryouts. On her way to a seller of illegal abortion drugs, she meets a mysterious girl who eerily talks and thinks like her.

30 kesäkuu 2020

Gabe sees his therapist every Wednesday. Therapy takes a turn when another patient is "left behind" at the therapist's office and they go on a misadventure to get him home, all while running into odd ball characters in Gabe's life who are helping him get over his last break up.

Chen Yu Han is the daughter of Chen group founder. She has a one night stand and gets pregnant with Ye Chen Xi, her father's friend's son and the president of Ye Corporation while both were drunk an are forced to get married. Will this short gun contract marriage survive the schemes of Yi Xuan Xuan, who is in love with Ye Chen Xi and Jin Yang, Yu Han's ex-bf who desperately wants her back?

A young woman becomes pregnant and is abandoned by her lover, as her mother had been.

28 syyskuu 2022

After the sudden death of her pregnant partner, a closeted attorney must embrace her sexuality and humanity, as she seeks custody of their newborn.

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