81 filmų

2017 balandžio 7

Mitsuha yra mažo kalnų miestelio mero duktė. Ji - paprasta vidurinės mokyklos mokinė, gyvenanti su seserimi ir močiute ir be jokių skrupulų leidžianti suprasti, kad jai neįdomūs šintoistiniai ritualai ar pagalba tėvo rinkimų kampanijai. Vietoj to ji svajoja palikti nuobodų miestelį ir pabandyti laimę Tokijuje. Taki - Tokijo vidurinės mokyklos moksleivis, dirbantis ne visą darbo dieną italų restorane ir siekiantis tapti architektu arba menininku. Kiekvieną naktį jis sapnuoja keistus sapnus, kuriuose tampa... vidurinės mokyklos mergaite mažame kalnų miestelyje.

Nikolas Keidžas vaidina Polą Metjusą, apatišką šeimos vyrą ir profesorių, kuris yra domisi evoliucine biologija ir nerimauja dėl savo anonimiškumo. Vieną dieną jis sužino, kad jį pradėjo sapnuoti kiti žmonės. Kaip ir gyvenime, taip ir šiuose sapnuose jo buvimas banalus ir neįkyrus – jis tiesiog yra šalia, abejingai žiūri į nepažįstamų žmonių fantazijas ir košmarus. Nepaisant to, jis per naktį tampa įžymybe ir sulaukia daug dėmesio. Tačiau kai Polas susiduria su sapnuotoju, kurio sapnai apie jį iš esmės skiriasi nuo įprastų, viskas pasikeičia ir iš nešališko asmens sapnuose jis tampa smurtaujančiu vyru.

2013 vasario 14

Ethan Wate just wants to get to know Lena Duchannes better, but unbeknownst to him, Lena has strange powers. As Lena's 16th birthday approaches she might decide her fate, to be good or evil. A choice which will impact her relationship forever.

1967 m. Sąžiningas žydų koledžo dėstytojas fizikos profesorius Laris Gopnikas nori būti traktuojamas rimtai, tačiau kiekviename žingsnyje susiduria su nepagarba. Namuose neklaužados vaikai be jokios sąžinės graužaties vagia dolerius iš piniginės, o hipiams prijaučiantį šeimos draugą Sy Ablemaną įsimylėjusį žmona erzina įkyriai mosuodama skyrybų pareiškimu priešais nosį.

Scenaristo iš Los Andželo gyvenimas kupinas keistų įvykių. Stengdamasis suvokti save jis vis tolsta nuo realybės į pasaulį, kurį pats susikūrė.

2007 sausio 25

Gary, a musician, is trapped in an unhappy relationship with his live-in lover, Dora. He becomes enthralled with a beautiful seductress who enters his dreams, and tries to control his dream-state so he can spend more and more time with her. When Gary sees his mystery woman's face on a bus billboard, he discovers she is real, and fate brings him an opportunity to meet her.

Filmas žiūrovus nukelia į saulėtą Ispaniją. Į čia vykstantį San Sebastiano kino festivalį atvyksta amerikiečių sutuoktinių pora, stačia galva panyranti į laisvą ir romantišką renginio atmosferą. Jau netrukus šeimos idilė ima braškėti – žmona užmezga romaną su festivalyje sutiktu režisieriumi Filipu, o sutuoktinio jausmai ima liepsnoti žavingai ispanei.

Alice, a young translator, finds the real world slowly merging with her recurring nightmares as she tries to solve the puzzle of her recent memory loss. A postcard leads her to the island of Garma where the locals seems to know her. Is she who she thinks she is? And what significance does her dream of an astronaut abandoned on the moon have?

1964 birželio 17

A young student is haunted by recurring dreams of her mother murdering her father, but her nightmare is just beginning as she tries to prove to her loved ones that she is not insane.

2017 rugpjūčio 4

After his wife Amelia suffers an aneurysm that leaves her bedridden and slowly dying, police officer Carter Summerland searches for a way to revive her. He's approached by Wesley Enterprises pioneering a new program to extend life through robotics, they get caught in a public debate over human’s relationship with technology and her right to exist.

2023 rugsėjo 30

Through her child’s eyes, Patpro will go through three periods of the history of her indigenous people, in the heart of the Brazilian forest. Tirelessly persecuted, but guided by their ancestral rites, their love of nature and their fight to preserve their freedom, the Krahô never stop inventing new forms of resistance.

2020 gruodžio 2

In a near future where social classes are split into parallel layers of reality, a promising young government worker must decide if she’s willing to risk her status and way of life to pursue the love of someone she can only remember in her dreams.

2023 rugsėjo 14

Deep in the heart of the Auvergne volcanoes, two deities, Mélie and Zephyr, live a serene existence until the arrival of Anthéa, a mysterious young woman. Enchanted by Anthéa's magnetic aura, Mélie embarks with her on a journey of liberation and passion through wild landscapes.

Margaret Wise Brown and Clement Hurd's bestselling children's book headlines this winning 25-minute collection of sleepytime tales from HBO. Susan Sarandon narrates the simple story of a bunny readying for bed. Other top entertainers lend their voices to the tape: Tony Bennett sings the story of "Hit the Road to Dreamland"; Lauryn Hill brings rhythm to "Hush, Little Baby"; Billy Crystal lends many voices to Mercer Mayer's "There's a Nightmare in My Closet"; and singers Natalie Cole, Aaron Neville, and Patti LeBelle sing other tales. A dandy video for the youngster, punctuated with "interviews" of real kids answering a host of bedtime questions.

Imran Khalil made it: he finally got his big break as an actor. However, after an incident at a press event goes viral and gets him fired, he is forced to return to Luton and figure out his next move.

1940 lapkričio 10

This entry in MGM's Passing Parade series looks at the meaning of dreams, including one by Abraham Lincoln that foretold his death.

The film is a window into the world of fifteen-year-old Tim, sharing his joys and sorrows and his first encounter with love, during the German occupation of Denmark in World War II.

1917 spalio 13

A baron has recurring nightmares of being a dock worker on the run.

1947 rugsėjo 1

An attempt to bring the work of surrealist artists to a wider public. The plot is that of an average Joe who can conjure up dreams that will improve his customer's lives. This frame story serves as a link between several avant-garde sequences created by leading visual artists of their day, most of whom were emigres to the US during WWII.

1952 sausio 1

An animated film drawn entirely in pastels. Various fantastical plant-like things "grow" from the ground, eventually launching five spheres. The spheres drift in space while changing shapes and come back down to another setting, which eventually becomes more fantastical and symbolic than the opening one. The soundtrack has a jazz slant, with an ensemble of four saxophones and synthetic sound (i.e. sound created by drawing directly on the soundtrack).

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