31 部电影


2018 年 10 月 05 日

四个重金摇滚边缘人,主唱是疗养院清洁员,吉他手是驯鹿屠夫,贝斯手是图书馆管理员,听歌过耳不忘,曾死过两次的鼓手最有冲劲,一心想出国演出;他们在地下室练团12年,从没上台表演,镇上几乎每个人都鄙视他们,披头散发被人讥笑是「娘炮」,骑脚踏车还会莫名被临检,他们只好把所有怒 气都发泄在音乐上。 有天,城里来了一位国际出名的重金属音乐祭主办人,意外获得演出消息的他们,不管三七二十一,决定以团名「插爆直肠」出征上路,一路横冲直撞,偷车、盗墓、渡海、挟持精神病患样样来,甚至闯越两国边境与武装军人对抗,费尽千辛万苦,只为了一战成名的演出机会…...

故事发生在1944年的秋天,芬兰士兵维伊克(威勒·哈派塞罗 Ville Haapasalo 饰)和苏军少尉伊万(克多·贝彻科夫 Viktor Bychkov 饰)都走到了各自人生的尽头。维伊克因为违反了军令而被锁在了一块巨大的岩石上,而伊万则因遭到诬陷而坐上了前往审判场的汽车。神秘女人安娜(安妮·克里斯汀娜·朱索 Anni-Kristiina Juuso 饰)的出现成为了两人最后的希望,她不仅将垂危的两人从死亡线上挽救了回来,还将他们带到了自己所居住的,犹如世外桃源般的仙境之中。

2013 年 11 月 28 日

A group of Russian tourists go on a shopping spree to the neighboring Finland - only to be attacked by Finnish cannibals. We focus on a middle-aged woman and her teenage son who is shooting the film, as we watch it, on his cell-phone.

2019 年 09 月 13 日

The story of Kari Tapio, who sang his way into the hearts of the Finns in the 70's and whose popularity lasted until his death in 2010.

2024 年 03 月 14 日

A middle-aged man and a teenager with everything to lose. These two strangers in very different situations meet unexpectedly and end up saving each other. Or do they?


Mikko Virtanen feels like a Swedish soul trapped in a Finnish body. Full of disgust for everything Finnish, he sees Sweden as heaven. Upon meeting a suicidal Swedish psychologist Mikael Anderson, he seizes an opportunity for an identity switch. Raspberry Boat Refugee is a comedy about cultural differences in the Nordic countries, their nationalism and, not least, prejudices about our neighbours. It also proves how futile it is to try to escape oneself.

When the immigrants came to America, their cultures entered the "great melting pot." In Michigan's Upper Peninsula Finnish immigrants mixed their musical traditions with many other cultures, creating a sound that was unique to the "Copper Country."

In rural Sweden of the early 1950s, little Elina goes to school again after recovering from tuberculosis, the same illness that has killed her father a few years earlier. Elina's family belongs to Finnish-speaking Finns frowned upon by a staunch schoolmistress who starts hounding Elina for questioning her authority. Elina's mother, sister, and a liberal young male teacher all try to mediate the ensuing battle of wills between Elina and Miss Holm. Elina finds consolation in wandering out on the dangerous marshlands to have imaginary conversations with her dead father. Written by Markku Kuoppamäki

Rebekka and Aatos, stuck in the past, meet for the first time since their painful breakup at their treasured poetry slam. It’s easier to sing about longing than to talk about it.

2018 年 04 月 18 日

Recorded on the 4th. of August 2018 in Wacken, Germany. Setlist: 1. End of All Hope / 2. Wish I Had an Angel / 3. Come Cover Me / 4. Gethsemane / 5. Élan / 6. Amaranth / 7. I Want My Tears Back / 8. Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean / 9. Nemo / 10. Slaying the Dreamer / 11. The Greatest Show on Earth (Chapter II: Life; Chapter III: The Toolmaker) / 12. Ghost Love Score.

2001 年 12 月 31 日

Middle-aged Late is building a fence in his family home for a summer break, but he falls in love with his daughter's new friend, 16-year old flirtatious Saija.

A comedy about a chaotic morning in a family with kids, and a mother who is determined that it's best to take care of everything herself.

2020 年 01 月 26 日

Midsummer in Sweden; somewhere above the Arctic Circle. Many curious stories unfold in a small Finnish-speaking village, while the sun never sets.

A documentary film about the Karelo-Finnish SSR.

2023 年 03 月 23 日

For 18-year-old Finnish–Kosovan Fatu, a simple visit to the grocery store feels as nerve-racking as a lunar expedition: for the first time in his life, he’s wearing makeup in public. Luckily his best friend Rai, a young woman on the spectrum of autism, is there to ferociously support him through the voyage.

Recorded during Nightwish's "Decades World Tour" on September 30th., 2018 at the Microestadio Malvinas Argentinas venue in Argentina. Track List: 1. Swanheart / 2. End of All Hope / 3. Wish I Had an Angel / 4. 10th Man Down / 5. Come Cover Me / 6. Gethsemane / 7. Élan / 8. Sacrament of Wilderness / 9. Deep Silent Complete / 10. Dead Boy's Poem / 11. Elvenjig / 12. Elvenpath / 13. I Want My Tears Back / 14. Amaranth / 15. The Carpenter / 16. The Kinslayer / 17. Devil and the Deep Dark Ocean / 18. Nemo / 19. Slaying the Dreamer / 20. The Greatest Show on Earth / 21. Ghost Love Score.

1988 年 02 月 26 日

Based on a novel of the same name by the Finnish author, Antti Tuuri, this delicious late-80's comedy builds its dark humour on the stereotypical mentality of the northern part of Finland. While perhaps not as entertaining to a person unfamiliar with Finnish traditions, the brilliant acting, directing, plus the warm, beautiful Finnish summer more than make up for the cultural gap.The story begins with a group of brothers with their families coming up to honour the memory of their recently deceased father. Spending time together, opening old wounds and creating new ones... it all boils down to brotherhood. No matter what happens, brothers take care of their own.

2012 年 01 月 02 日

A short film about Jami, who have traveled to Pattaya 17 times. This time he takes his son to trip with him.



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