49 部电影

2023 年 05 月 12 日


2004 年 11 月 19 日

傳說三千多年前古埃及時代流傳下來一筆巨額寶藏,直到美國開國之初,這筆寶藏成了當時的「國安基金」,經過兩百多年的時空演變,目前這份寶藏下落不明。但是蓋茲一家傳美國開國之初就被授與保護這筆國家寶藏的任務,班傑明富蘭克林‧蓋茲﹝尼可拉斯凱吉飾演﹞從小在爺爺﹝克里斯多夫普拉默飾演﹞的灌輸之下,堅信國家寶藏的存在。 班傑明找到英國人伊恩‧郝﹝西恩賓飾演﹞金援之下,經過多年的追查,班傑明發現最終的線索就藏在美國開國的獨立宣言的背面,他找上展出獨立宣言的單位「建國檔案資料館」裡的專家:艾碧嘉‧茄斯博士幫忙﹝黛安克魯格飾演﹞,但是卻遭到茄斯博士的婉拒,因此班傑明決定要盜取「獨立宣言」。 艾碧嘉為了阻止班傑明盜取「獨立宣言」卻因此被捲入被追殺的行列。兩人在小跟班萊理﹝賈斯汀巴薩飾演﹞的陪同下四處奔波一步步解開「國家寶藏」的機密,找到國家寶藏的藏身之處。

《國家寶藏》續集,班傑明一生都試圖在歷史遺失的片段中尋找寶藏,但是這次他發現的秘密,卻可能給他的家族光榮歷史帶來最大的災難。 為了要洗刷這一切的誤會,班傑明必須要解開林肯總統刺殺懸案背後的重重疑雲!而解開疑雲的唯一線索,就藏在歷代總統所代代交接的”總統機密文件”中,一本紀錄了歷代總統與美國政府最高機密的文件。 班傑明這次的任務,超越了一切的可能性: 他必須要先綁架美國總統、闖入英國白金漢宮、還要在分秒必爭的壓力下,一步步追朔祖先們的遺跡。而每一個他所解開的秘密,都將帶給這世界更大的衝擊!


2008 年 02 月 08 日

本傑明·芬恩·費尼根(馬修·麥康納 Matthew McConaughey 飾)是一名瘋狂的淘金獵人,淘金的熱情使他無法如常人一般找份像樣的工作養家餬口,他的妻子苔絲(凱特·哈德森 Kate Hudson 飾)也向他提出離婚,並在千萬富翁奈傑爾(唐納德·薩瑟蘭 Donald Sutherland 飾)的巨輪上找了份不錯的工作。一次意外的沉船事故中,芬恩無意中發現一枚碟子碎片,並推斷這來源於一批失落了300多年的皇家財產,而這批財產同時也是他與妻子苦尋了8年的共同理想,芬恩決定這次決不放棄,然而周圍卻沒有一個人相信他的推測。芬恩唯有想出了一個無厘頭卻不失精妙的方法登上了奈傑爾的船,並能言善辯地說服了傑奈爾與其女兒,甚至是苔絲也加入尋寶計劃。然而與此同時,淘金團伙Bigg Bunny和芬恩的前導師已經盯上了他們,一場螳螂捕蟬黃雀在後的淘金好戲,即將上演


Deep Throat, a pornographic film directed by Gerard Damiano, a film-loving hairdresser, and starring Linda Lovelace, a shy girl manipulated by a controlling husband, was released in 1972 and divided audiences, who began to talk openly about sex, desire and female pleasure; but also about violence and abuse; and about pornography, until then an almost clandestine industry, as a revolutionary cultural phenomenon.

Thanks to new excavations in Mauritius and Madagascar, as well as archival and museum research in France, Spain, England and Canada, a group of international scholars paint a new portrait of the world of piracy in the Indian Ocean.

1985 年 11 月 01 日

本片探討二戰期間歐洲的猶太人大滅絕,這部主題、形式、範圍均博大寬廣的電影巨著,是我們每個人應當看的作品。   從記憶和歷史的角度看本片與其它反映猶太人大滅絕的作品相比,在證詞的強烈程度和歷史的嚴謹上高出一籌......

2020 年 11 月 20 日

The story of America's first astronauts, known as the Mercury 7, told through archival news & radio reports, newly transferred & previously unheard NASA mission audio recordings, and more rare & unseen material.

In 2001, Jimmy Wales published the first article on Wikipedia, a collaborative effort that began with a promise: to democratize the spreading of knowledge, monopolized by the elites for centuries. But is Wikipedia really a utopia come true?

2023 年 04 月 28 日

A documentary special that provides a rare view into the real Charles behind the headlines… told in his own words.

A renewed and truthful vision of how Spanish America was born and prospered, an epic story developed over more than three hundred years, that of those who bequeathed to humanity an immense architectural, sculptural, pictorial, literary and musical heritage.

2024 年 05 月 21 日

The thousand-year-old tradition of pottery in the Indian subcontinent is now under threat. With the market being flooded with plastic in the evolution of civilization, today this Pal community is becoming displaced.

The whole world knows him. Burlesque comedy genius, popular actor, author, director, producer, composer, choreographer, Charlie Chaplin (1899-1977) used his talent to serve an ideal of justice and freedom. But his best scenario was his own destiny, a story written into the political and artistic history of the 20th century.

2014 年 11 月 21 日

Jacob Kaplan lives an ordinary life in Uruguay. Like many of his other Jewish friends, Jacob fled Europe for South America because of World War II. But now turning 76, he is grumpy and in need of adventure. An unexpected opportunity to achieve greatness comes in the form of a quiet, elderly German, who Mr Kaplan believes to be a runaway Nazi. Determined to capture this Nazi, as Eichmann was captured before him, Mr Kaplan surprises everyone when he takes up this challenge.

2017 年 10 月 23 日

The fascinating story of the cultural, social, spiritual, and musical revolution ignited by the coming of the Beatles. Tracing the impact that these four band members had, first in their native Britain and soon after worldwide, it reappraises the band and follows their path from young subversives to countercultural heroes. Featuring fresh, revealing interviews with key collaborators as well as a wealth of rarely-seen archival footage, this is a bold new take on the most significant band in the history of music and their enduring impact on popular culture.

A celebration of art by legendary animator Max Fleischer. Features: KoKo's Kozy Korner (1928), Somewhere in Dreamland (1936), Any Rags? (1932), Small Fry (1939), Dinah (1933), The Old Man of the Mountain (1933), and Popeye the Sailor Meets Sindbad the Sailor (1936).

Documentary about Marilyn Monroe: 1962: America loses its blonde icon. Marilyn Monroe dies under mysterious circumstances. How did she die? The police report states: probable suicide. But there are many things that point to murder: a corpse draped too beautifully, an investigation that was cut short, evidence that disappeared. Plus Marilyn's affairs with the then US President John F. Kennedy and his brother Bobby. What really happened on that fateful summer night? After her housekeeper discovers the body, six hours pass before the police are called. She finds a beautifully draped corpse, sleeping pills in the blood but no pill residue in the stomach, witnesses who seem uncertain. The first investigator thinks about murder - and is taken off the case. Today no police files can be found.



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