38 本の映画

A thriller based on Caro Claire Burke's novel, described as 'evocative of The Stepford Wives mixed with Leave the World Behind, with a bit of Black Mirror in there and the kind of biting social commentary Margaret Atwood was known for.'


The film tells the tragic life story of an actor named Farhad, who remains faithful to national values and deeply feels the pain of their loss. Fearing the negative impact of social media, Farhad leaves the theater because of a colleague's dismissal. The story explores his inner world, the traumas he experiences, and the void created by the loss of national values, presenting it all to the audience.


When an aspiring author and his free-spirited sister both fall for the enigmatic paying guest at their home, ensuing events rock their traditional family.


Clay Spencer and his wife, Olivia, live in a small town deep in the mountains. When Clay isn't busy drinking with his buddies or railing against the town minister, he's building the house he's always promised Olivia. He is overjoyed when he learns his eldest son will be the first Spencer to attend college, if he can resist the charms of a pretty local girl and rustle up the money for tuition.

When his boyfriend shows up unannounced, Elias' religious family learns their son's darkest secret.


14 歳で⺟を失い、⽥舎町でゲイである⾃分を隠して鬱屈とした思春期を過ごした浩輔。今は東京の出版社でファッション誌の編集者として働き、仕事が終われば気の置けない友人たちと気ままな時間を過ごしている。そんな彼が出会ったのは、シングルマザーである⺟を⽀えながら暮らす、パーソナルトレーナーの龍太。 自分を守る鎧のようにハイブランドの服に身を包み、気ままながらもどこか虚勢を張って生きている浩輔と、最初は戸惑いながらも浩輔から差し伸べられた救いの手をとった、自分の美しさに無頓着で健気な龍太。惹かれ合った2人は、時に龍太の⺟も交えながら満ち⾜りた時間を重ねていく。亡き⺟への想いを抱えた浩輔にとって、⺟に寄り添う龍太をサポートし、愛し合う時間は幸せなものだった。しかし彼らの前に突然、思いもよらない運命が押し寄せる――。

Overcoming bullies and his own loser mentality, 10-year-old Bernie Dingledorf must destroy Dr. Chuckles’s diabolical Laugh Generator before it sends the world into uncontrollable fits of laughter.



In a land where the birth of twins is taboo, a king and queen come into conflict with the gods and each other when they have twins of their own.

Buddhist monk and photographer Matthieu Picard as he returns to the Asian country in the Himalayas where he spent a decade after seven years away, revisiting breathtaking landscapes and experiencing local traditions.


In the kingdom of the lagoons where the custom wants that only the men can become kings. The young Aïmata Pomaré will break this law. Faced with the hostility of her fellow men, threatened by the covetousness of England and France, Aïmata, a young Tahitian princess, will try to save her traditions and her people in order to offer them a destiny. This is how she will become the last queen of Tahiti and make peace with France.

The country is occupied by the Japanese imperialists. Koppun is selling flowers at the market to get some money to buy medicine for her sick mother. Her brother is imprisoned, her father dead and her sister blind.


On a hot summer day, Paloma decides to fulfill her most cherished dream: a traditional wedding in a church with her boyfriend Zé. She is a devoted mother, a hard-working farmhand in a papaya plantation and has been saving to afford the celebration. The priest’s refusal to marry her and Zé will force Paloma to confront the rural society. She suffers violence, betrayal, prejudice and injustice but nothing shakes the faith and determination of this transgender woman.


The Ceddo people try to preserve their traditional African culture against the onslaught of Islam, Christianity, and the slave trade. When King Demba War sides with the Muslims, the Ceddo kidnap his daughter, Princess Dior Yacine, to protest their forcible conversion to Islam.


Manol — a retired general and a loving grandfather — is a patriarch of firm morals and fixed beliefs, which he has upheld in his household. But on this day, he learns that the boy he raised is gay. The life choices of his loved ones challenge his values in a battle he has lost by default.


A long term couple sit down for a romantic meal, she is unaware it could be their very last.


Unicorn Human Disease is an extremely rare phenomenon in certain traditional societies. Research indicates that this disease is typically caused by feelings of isolation and the repression of personal sexual instincts, with the most prominent symptom being the growth of a horn on the patient's forehead.



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