
17. február, 2021

Chinese secret agent Da-hee receives intel that a large number of illegal firearms are being smuggled into Korea and is sent to investigate the case. She meets Su-han, who is supposed to help her with the case, but due to his lackluster skills they fight over trivial things. But as their witnesses are suddenly murdered, the two of them quickly become the prime suspects.

2. december, 2022

一名北韓高級官員申請庇護後,南韓中央情報局(KCIA)的海外組組長朴平浩(李政宰 飾)和國內組組長金正道(鄭雨盛 飾)同時收到命令,必須找出深藏於局內、一名叫東林的北韓間諜。而當東林開始洩露可能危及國家安全的最高機密時,兩名組長更分別被指派互相調查對方,頃刻變成敵對關係,更甚是若未能順利揭發內奸,自己即可能遭懷疑的緊張局勢下,兩人開始逐漸步向真相⋯⋯原來他們將要應付的,是一個難以想像的驚天大陰謀 — 暗殺南韓總統! 一場關於信念的考驗,在猜度與警惕之間,究竟誰是獵物?誰是獵人?雙雄對決,《獵戰》一觸即發!

8. jún, 2017

淑熙(金玉彬 飾)自小被李鐘尚(申河均 飾)栽培成冷血殺手。韓國情報局指揮官(金瑞亨 飾)認為她是可造之材,威迫利誘她當十年刺殺特務,以換取自由。雙手染滿鮮血的淑熙每天執行不可告人的任務,直至溫柔的賢垂(盛駿 飾演)走進她的生命,沒想到就在婚禮當天,淑熙接到最凶險的殺人指令…

22. január, 2020

A failing webtoon artist finds he's drawn a target on his own back after publishing a story containing real secrets from his former life as a superspy.

23. september, 2017

描述來自朝鮮的VIP(李鍾碩 飾演)成為了連環殺人案的嫌疑人,因此韓國特別調查組員警(金明民 飾演)、朝鮮來的秘密特工(朴喜洵 飾演),以及美國CIA還有韓國國情局幹員(張東健 飾演),紛紛開始對他展開追緝。首度挑戰反派的李鍾碩,與張東健、金明民、朴喜洵等前輩對決,到底…

17. august, 2018

南北韓領袖於三八線世紀握手的背後,兩地特務早在90年代已各自為自己的國家「工作」。改編自南韓策劃的真實間諜任務,代號「黑金星」的南韓情報員(黃晸玟 飾)企圖潛入朝鮮探聽核武情報,先被派往北京假扮成商人跟北韓進行交易,當他成功贏得北韓領袖金正日的信任之際,卻不知已成為兩韓的磨心,捲入領袖的權力鬥爭風暴…

秀智(金荷娜 飾)是資深的國家情報員,不能曝光的身分讓她行蹤成謎,對男友才俊(姜至奐 飾)經常謊話連篇,導致才俊沒說聲再見就離開了秀智。三年後,偽裝成清潔員的秀智與成為國際會計師的才俊重逢,秀智再一次為才俊傾心,卻忘不了他不告而別的情恨。總是被秀智謊言耍得團團轉的才俊,獨自前往俄羅斯留學。回到韓國後,身分是國際會計師,暗地卻是情報局海外分部的菜鳥,憑著無限熱情接手了第一個現場任務,跟蹤俄羅斯黑幫,竟在任務中巧遇秀智。他們各自追蹤的目標其實為同一個國際犯罪集團,而執行任務時總是碰在一起,不由得逐漸懷疑起彼此的身分...

18. január, 2023

國民男神《愛的迫降》玄彬聯手青龍影帝《軍艦島》黃晸玟,引爆最驚心動魄動作鉅獻,真實改編2007年轟動全球特工救參諜戰!23名韓國國民於阿富汗遭塔利班恐怖組織挾持,擅長談判的韓國外交官在昊(黃晸玟 飾)前往阿富汗營救,並於當地遇上國家情報院特工戴直(玄彬 飾)。恐怖組織發出24小時死亡通牒,人質被逐一殘殺,談判對象和條件每刻在變,到底要如何智取力敵每一秒?精通局勢的外交官與善於攻堅的特工,二人立場和手段迥異,但目標堅定一致要救出人質,完成最不可能的救參任務!

14. február, 2013

南韓特務鄭志信(韓石圭 飾)被派往柏林,奉命監察北韓軍火買賣,卻在一次行動中,遇上這位在情報近乎零的,沒有生存在痕跡,近乎以「幽靈」姿態活著的北韓秘密特工— 鮑仲成(河正宇 飾)。 鄭志信悄悄地跟蹤他,打探關於他及敵對國家的一切,卻不經不覺捲入早已策劃的陰謀之中…

今次北韓刑警任鐵令(玄彬 飾)再度被派遣到南韓,與為了重返廣域搜查隊、主動要求跟任鐵令拍檔的南韓刑警姜鎮泰(柳海真 飾),再加上FBI的Jack(Daniel Henney 飾),各自懷著不同的目的聚在一起,展開《秘密任務2:International》。

Ji-woo, an outcast at a prestigious private school, meets Hak-sung, the school janitor who is actually a mathematical genius who defected from North Korea.

Journalist Sang-jin uncovers the existence of the so-called 'Troll Factory' while investigating an online public sentiment manipulation story, and is confronted with an unbelievable truth.

Chul-soo is one of Korea’s best intelligence agents: he can accomplish any given mission. One day, a mysterious explosion takes place in Seoul. Chul-soo flies to Thailand on a mission to rescue a person who holds clues to the incident. Meanwhile, Young-hee goes on a business trip to Thailand and gets entangled with Chul-soo’s mission. Will he accomplish his mission and save his wife at the same time?

19. november, 2020

Eliminate the North Korean hidden VIPs! Won-cheol of the National Intelligence Service of the Republic of Korea is offered a mission. Eliminating VIPs who participated in the operation to develop weapons of mass destruction in North Korea. Won-cheol is forced to accept the mission while thinking of her daughter 'Ah-reum' who is in danger… The secret operation of South and North Korean special agents begin!

Sequel to 'Hitman: Agent Jun' (2020)

13. október, 2016

YU Wooseong who had been working as a civil servant is on trial for espionage following his sibling’s confession. A reporter who has been laid off begins following the traces of a spy story manipulated by a government agency. The clues lead to a confession and false evidence that society and the press have turned their back on.

13. september, 2018

The National Intelligence Service (NIS) intervened with the 2012 presidential election, and the court has acquitted NIS. This documentary tracks the long process where a special team of prosecutors formed after the inauguration of PARK Geunhye administration discovering the truth under all kinds of external pressures and obstructions. This documentary also tracks the footsteps of the late LEE Namjong, who reminded us the NIS Intervention incident.

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