9 films

Els rebels es preparen per lluitar contra les implacables forces de Món Mare mentre es forgen vincles infrangibles, sorgeixen nous herois i neixen les llegendes.

Una colònia pacífica a l'extrem de la galàxia està amenaçada pels exèrcits d'un regent tirànic anomenat Balisarius. Els civils desesperats envien Kora, una jove que té un passat misteriós per buscar guerrers de planetes propers per ajudar-los a desafiar el regent.

20 november 2020

The story of America's first astronauts, known as the Mercury 7, told through archival news & radio reports, newly transferred & previously unheard NASA mission audio recordings, and more rare & unseen material.

1 november 1979

One of several 1970s documentaries on the subject of unidentified flying objects (UFO), supporting the view that Earth is visited regularly by extra-terrestrial engines and aliens.

1 april 2021

High in the sky of a sci-fi metropolis a lone spaceship is confronted by a much larger and more intimidating vessel.

Titan, Saturn's largest moon, is a planetary body capable of human habitation. Cassini-Huygens probe journeyed to Titan. Discover what lies on its surface and find out if it may one day become a habitable zone.

The Hubble Space Telescope has spent more than 30 years scrutinizing the cosmos in an attempt to unravel the secrets of the Universe and go as close as possible to its origin. But Hubble has also become the superstar of space, offering us magnificent paintings of the Universe.

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