197 filmų

2023 rugpjūčio 18

Over the course of a single hectic day in New York City, three people from Feña's past are thrust back into his life: his foreign father, his straight ex-boyfriend, and his 13-year old half-sister. Having lost touch since transitioning from female to male, Feña must navigate the new dynamics of these old relationships while tackling the day-to-day challenges that come with living a life in-between.

Oto – ant viso pasaulio niurzgantis 60-metis. Priežasčių niurzgėti jis, žinoma, turi daugybę: neseniai mirė visą gyvenimą mylėta žmona, po 40-ies metų tame pačiame darbe jį garbingai palydėjo į pensiją, o svarbiausia – aplink vyrą vieni idiotai, trikdantys nusistovėjusią tvarką. Ar bent jau taip atrodo Otui. Žodžiu, Oto sunku. Nė kiek jam nepalengvėja, ir kai į kaimynystėje esantį namą įsikrausto energinga šeimyna su dviem jaunom dukrom. Diena po dienos, pabendravimas po pabendravimo ir Oto pamažu prisimena svarbiausią dalyką gyvenime – gyventi.

Jauna moteris, sutraumuota tragiško praeities įvykio, siekia atkeršyti tiems, kas prisidėjo prie jo.

1980 kovo 15

A mysterious door in the basement of the Hercules house leads to the Sixth Dimension by way of a gigantic set of intestine. When Frenchy slips through the door, King Fausto falls in love with her. The jealous Queen Doris takes Frenchy prisoner, and it is up to the Hercules family and friend Squeezit Henderson to rescue her.

Two drag queens and a transgender woman contract to perform a drag show at a resort in Alice Springs, a town in the remote Australian desert. As they head west from Sydney aboard their lavender bus, Priscilla, the three friends come to the forefront of a comedy of errors, encountering a number of strange characters, as well as incidents of homophobia, whilst widening comfort zones and exploring new horizons.

Įkvėpta tikros istorijos (kuri iš tikrųjų įvyko). „Oskaro“ laureato režisieriaus Taika Waititi naujoji komedija pasakoja apie Amerikos Samoa futbolo rinktinę, liūdnai pagarsėjusią rekordiniu FIFA pralaimėjimu, rezultatu 31:0. Artėjant Pasaulio futbolo čempionato atrankos varžyboms, organizacija nusprendžia pasamdyti trenerį iš Olandijos Thomasą Rongeną (akt. Michael Fassbender), tikėdamasi, kad jis pakeis blogiausią pasaulio futbolo komandą. Paskutinę, 204-ą, FIFA reitingo vietą, su kitomis keturiomis šalimis besidalinančios Amerikos Samoa rinktinės tikslas – bent viena pergalė.

1992 lapkričio 27

Irish Republican Army member Fergus forms an unexpected bond with Jody, a kidnapped British soldier in his custody, despite the warnings of fellow IRA members Jude and Maguire. Jody makes Fergus promise he'll visit his girlfriend, Dil, in London, and when Fergus flees to the city, he seeks her out. Hounded by his former IRA colleagues, he finds himself increasingly drawn to the enigmatic, and surprising, Dil.

A retired contract killer goes on a bloody rampage when a young girl finds herself at the mercy of gangland human traffickers and only one man can come to her rescue, with an arsenal of weapons and years of experience in the art of killing.

2024 liepos 6

Amanda's stoner slumber party is put to a halt when one of her guests is nowhere to be found.

2003 gegužės 10

This true story, which takes place in Fort Campbell, KY, tells the heart-wrenching story of the life and tragic death of soldier Barry Winchell. His love for Calpernia Addams, a transgender nightclub performer, was misunderstood by his fellow soldiers and eventually led to his murder.

2024 balandžio 19

Terry Goon is keeping strict quarantine in his ex-husband’s Brooklyn brownstone while caring for his nephew — a 19-year-old model from Morocco named Bahlul — bedridden in a full leg cast after an electric scooter accident. Unfortunately for Terry, everyone in his life wants to meet the model.

Amerikos konservatyvus politikos apžvalgininkas ir rašytojas Mattas Walshas, auginantis keturis vaikus, kelia klausimą: „Kas yra moteris?“ Sparčiai besikeičiančių lyties koncepcijų epochoje, atsiradus translyčių ir nebinarinių žmonių, jis baiminasi, kad nebesuvokia, kuo užaugs jo sūnūs ir dukterys. Vyras keliauja po Amerikos miestus ir net apsilanko vienoj Afrikos gentyje, bendraudamas su įvairiausiais žmonėmis iš gatvės ir imdamas interviu iš specialistų, jis ieško tikslaus apibrėžimo moterų lyčiai.

2022 rugsėjo 28

The ghost of a young soldier, who bids farewell to his mother and travels the world to see his transgender sister. By possessing living bodies, he meddles with the romances of unfaithful lovers along the way in Taiwan, Japan, Spain and Thailand. He meets a soul mate amid the massive protests of Hong Kong and they take shelter in a disguised garage, where human bodies are treated in a way beyond moral limits.

2023 balandžio 7

As a patriarchal family yearns for the birth of a son to continue their family line, their youngest son secretly joins an erotic dance theatre and falls for its transgender starlet.

2024 liepos 19

A young transgender woman takes a hike through the English countryside in an attempt to resolve her spiritual crisis - but an ancient evil strives to ensure that she never completes her journey.

Ludovic is waiting for a miracle. With six-year-old certainty, she believes she was meant to be a little girl -- and that the mistake will soon be corrected. But where she expects the miraculous, Ludo finds only rejection, isolation and guilt -- as the intense reactions of family, friends, and neighbors strip away every innocent lace and bauble. As suburban prejudices close around them, family loves and loyalties are tested in the ever-escalating dramatic turns of Alain Berliner's critically acclaimed first feature. Winner of the Golden Globe for Best Foreign Language Film and a favorite at festivals around the world, this unique film experience delivers magic of the rarest sort through a story of difference, rejection, and childlike faith in miracles.

2023 gegužės 17

Two high school students form an intense connection as they navigate the challenges of discovering and expressing their truest selves.

2005 balandžio 24

A transgender woman takes an unexpected journey when she learns that she had a son, now a teenage runaway hustling on the streets of New York.

An aspiring twentysomething writer hesitantly accompanies her equally reluctant younger sister on vacation with their deliriously happy parents, in Luis De Filippis’ resonant, cliché-free debut feature.

2024 birželio 1

Sam has a chance encounter with an old friend on his way home to a dreaded family reunion that forces him to confront long-buried memories.

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