9 Filme

An unexpected love triangle, a seduction trap, and a random encounter are the three episodes, told in three movements to depict three female characters and trace the trajectories between their choices and regrets.

19. Januar 2021

Lucas viaja a visitar a su hermana, a un pueblo remoto al sur de Chile. Frente al océano y la niebla, conoce a Antonio, contramaestre de un barco de pesca local. Cuando un intenso romance surge entre ambos, su fuerza, su independencia y su adultez se vuelven inamovibles ante la marea.

5. August 2022

Seis peculiares personajes sin aparente vínculo común cruzarán sus caminos y sobre todo, sus secretos, durante el transcurso de una tarde en un restaurante de Los Ángeles.

20. Mai 2008

A story about the music in us.

22. September 2022

Neighbors quarrel over land.

A mother and daughter's bizarre relationship.

A bizarre encounter between a desolate young man and a monster.

The struggle of a father who intuited the grim future of his son's generation. An unstable society, a fantastic thriller that summons anxious people.

10. August 2024

Two figures encounter one another in an alleyway.

10. Mai 2014

Encounter is the story of a missing cat, an unhappy teenager, a lonely little girl, a single mum and a tramp. The tramp, invited by the little girl, comes into the family home at Christmas time and has an effect on each one of them. He has a surprising gentleness and wisdom that works to soften relationships between mother and daughters. And of course he has his own stories to tell, which unfold as the story develops.

Antoine - a grieving loner - spends his days in a cafe on Place Clichy watching people. Every day, he sees a woman he calls Albertine get out of the subway and go to the movies. Today, he takes it upon himself to talk to her. Thus began Antoine's down-going.

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