26 elokuvaa

8 maaliskuu 2024

In 1815, an American Legend, whose wife has fallen deathly ill, leaving his young children to survive on their own, must fight his way back to them across the many perils found in the Savage Lands of the wild frontier.

In a retro-futuristic past, orphaned teenager Michelle traverses the American West with an eccentric drifter and a sweet but mysterious robot in search of her younger brother.

The Sharkpack gets ready for Halloween with the spooky legend of the "Fearsome Fog" — and Sharkdog must save trick-or-treating from a slimy sea monster!

Sakamoto Masami is a first year student who likes basket but he has an explosive personality, his bad behaviour makes his sempais to ask the teacher to kick his ass from the club for two weeks.

His expulsation of two weeks has a condition, he needs to join the cheerleaders club in order to learn how to respect people. But that club has a strange tradition...

5 heinäkuu 2024

In the film "Goudvink," we meet Yaël and Idris, two non-binary people of color in their twenties, who in their turbulent and social lives surprise and overwhelm each other with the words "I love you".

3 helmikuu 2024

Two friends start a new venture to become young millionaires

28 syyskuu 2021

A young Colombian man receives a voice message from home while grappling with cultural differences at a London dinner party with his new English girlfriend.

7 lokakuu 2023

Ina, an introverted 11-year-old immigrant, finds herself captivated by Petra, a new classmate coming from the same country as her. Faced with the newcomer’s indifference towards her, Ina embarks on a desperate quest for connection in a world oscillating between dream and reality.

A young man arranges to visit his friend in his new apartment.

16 joulukuu 2023
17 marraskuu 2023

A year in the life of Bernardo, a young call boy who has recently been through a major trauma. Through clients and acquaintances, his past and his demons are revealed.

Three young men go on an excursion after making a bet with a manipulative girl, but after some events they change course, leading them to experience many funny and tragic follies.

Azul has to rid off her roomie´s boyfriend Marco, before he discovers her secret.

A young insecure man goes partying with his abusive friends. Often the butt of a joke in his friend group the man finds compassion from a girl he meets at the party.

15 heinäkuu 2024
23 maaliskuu 2023

For 18-year-old Finnish–Kosovan Fatu, a simple visit to the grocery store feels as nerve-racking as a lunar expedition: for the first time in his life, he’s wearing makeup in public. Luckily his best friend Rai, a young woman on the spectrum of autism, is there to ferociously support him through the voyage.

22 helmikuu 2022

A promising young executive unintentionally falls in love with a young gambler who ultimately ruins her career, and finds himself looking for redemption.

3 syyskuu 2021

A young woman moves to another city after receiving a job promotion, but begins to be pursued by someone willing to end her life.

3 syyskuu 2022

A story about the reality of the dreams of freedom, youth, and the trips that mark us.

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